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Last active April 24, 2024 18:07
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SSH & DevOps Crash Course Snippets

SSH Cheat Sheet

This sheet goes along with this SSH YouTube tutorial

Login via SSH with password (LOCAL SERVER)

$ ssh brad@

Create folder, file, install Apache (Just messing around)

$ mkdir test

$ cd test

$ touch hello.txt

$ sudo apt-get install apache2

Generate Keys (Local Machine)

$ ssh-keygen

Add Key to server in one command

> cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh brad@ "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Create & copy a file to the server using SCP

$ touch test.txt $ scp ~/test.txt brad@


Create account->create droplet

Create Keys For Droplet (id_rsa_do)

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Add Key When Creating Droplet

Try logging in

$ ssh root@doserver

If it doesn't work

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_do (or whatever name you used)

Login should now work

$ ssh root@doserver

Update packages

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt upgrade

Create new user with sudo

$ adduser brad

$ id brad

$ usermod -aG sudo brad

$ id brad

Login as brad

> ssh brad@doserver

We need to add the key to brads .ssh on the server, log back in as root

$ ssh root@doserver

$ cd /home/brad

$ mkdir .ssh

$ cd .ssh

$ touch authorized_keys

> sudo nano authorized_keys (paste in the key, exit and log in as brad)

Disable root password login

$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Set the following

PermitRootLogin no

PasswordAuthentication no

Reload sshd service

$ sudo systemctl reload sshd

Change owner of /home/brad/* to brad

$ sudo chown -R brad:brad /home/brad

May need to set permission

$ chmod 700 /home/brad/.ssh

Install Apache and visit ip

$ sudo apt install apache2 -y


Generate Github Key(On Server)

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa (id_rsa_github or whatever you want)

Add new key

$ ssh-add /home/brad/.ssh/id_rsa_github

If you get a message about auth agent, run this and try again

```$ eval `ssh-agent -s````

Clone repo

$ git clone

Install Node

$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Install Dependencies

$ npm install

Start Dev Server and visit ip:3000

$ npm start

Build Out React App

$ npm run build

Move static build to web server root

$ sudo mv -v /home/brad/react_otka_auth/build/* /var/www/html

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mz3r0 commented Dec 15, 2023

In the "Add key to server in one command" where is the double quote supposed to end?

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In the "Add key to server in one command" where is the double quote supposed to end?

at the end of the command

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Thanks for this Brad

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