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Created February 24, 2015 18:37
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Uploading to a CDN with Demeteorizer
npm install -g modulus
# Redirect to CDN.
echo "WebAppInternals.setBundledJsCssPrefix('${GITSHA}');" > server/cdn.js
# This script is a hack to upload static assets generated by the "modulus deploy" command to our
# CDN, Amazon Cloudfront. This script should be run in the background prior to "modulus deploy"
# being called. It watches for a file named ./demeteorized/programs/web.browser/program.json to be
# created, then it uses gulp to upload assets to S3.
# Seatbelts so it doesn't run forever.
while ((${SECONDS} < ${end_time}))
if [[ -f .demeteorized/programs/web.browser/program.json ]]
echo "Found build folder. Saving a copy to ./${GITSHA}."
cp -R .demeteorized/programs/web.browser private/build/${GITSHA}
# Upload static assets.
cd private/build/
npm install
npm install -g gulp
gulp upload --directory=${GITSHA}
rm -rf ${GITSHA}
echo "DONE uploading static assets."
exit 0
sleep 1 # Run every second.
echo "Didn't find build folder after a minute. Did something fail?"
modulus deploy ...
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