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All metal, all the time!

Brad Wilson bradwilson

All metal, all the time!
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public struct Maybe<T>
public static readonly Maybe<T> NoValue;
public Maybe(T value, bool hasValue = true) : this()
HasValue = hasValue;
Value = value;
bradwilson / gist:9276064
Created February 28, 2014 17:53
Using Expression<T> with data theories for better output display in
public static IEnumerable<object[]> ExpirationMethods
return new TheoryDataSet<Expression<Action<Cache>>>
cache => cache.Clock.UtcNow.Returns(BaseTime + cache.Duration),
cache => cache.Expire()
bradwilson / gist:9457177
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Release notes for v2 Build 2595

There have been significant changes in the latest alpha build of Some of these changes will cause compilation errors for developers upgrading from previous alpha builds (as well as v1).

New Features for Test Authors

Support for tests in Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and PCLs

This release has added support for writing unit tests in several new class library formats: Windows 8 class libraries, Windows Phone 8 class libraries, and Portable Class Libraries that target either of those (plus Desktop .NET 4.5). The runners that we supply can run those tests, although they are currently run in the desktop CLR. Three assemblies have been converted to PCLs as a result: xunit.abstractions.dll, xunit.assert.dll, and xunit.core.dll. The rest of the DLLs remain in their current configuration of supporting either Desktop .NET 3.5 or 4.5.

Adding support for MaxParallelThreads

bradwilson / gist:11388191
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Release notes for v2 Beta 2
bradwilson /
Created August 4, 2015 01:27
Dependency selection logic issues in NuGet v3

Look at these lines in this NUSPEC file:

They were added because we observed some very unusal behavior. Specifically, note that the libraries are all platform specific (other than portable-win81+wpa81). Without the highlighted lines, this is the observable behavior when referencing this NuGet package:

  • It would link against the platform-specific library (e.g., lib\net45\xunit.execution.desktop.dll)
  • It would pull the dependency list from "dotnet", some of which are clearly not net45 compatible (e.g., System.Runtime 4.0.20)

We originally had a TF-less group, which we assumed would be used by anybody who wasn't "dotnet" or "dnx46":

bradwilson / Console.xml
Created May 1, 2012 23:15
console.xml for Console2
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<console change_refresh="10" refresh="100" rows="35" columns="160" buffer_rows="9999" buffer_columns="0" shell="" init_dir="" start_hidden="1" save_size="0">
<color id="0" r="48" g="48" b="48"/>
<color id="1" r="0" g="0" b="128"/>
<color id="2" r="0" g="150" b="0"/>
<color id="3" r="0" g="150" b="150"/>
<color id="4" r="174" g="87" b="0"/>
<color id="5" r="128" g="0" b="128"/>
co = checkout
st = status
br = branch
re = rebase
hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short
cat = cat-file -t
type = cat-file -t
dump = cat-file -p
[color "branch"]
bradwilson / net40.cs
Created August 21, 2012 03:15
Alternate implementation of WriteToStreamAsync
public override Task WriteToStreamAsync(Type type, object value,
Stream stream,
HttpContent content,
TransportContext transportContext)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonpCallbackFunction))
return base.WriteToStreamAsync(type, value, stream, content, transportContext);
StreamWriter writer = null;
[string]$server = "origin",
[string]$branch = "master"
$gitStatus = (Get-GitStatus)
if ($gitStatus -eq $null) {
write-error "Not in a Git repository."
} elseif ($gitStatus.HasUntracked -or $gitStatus.HasWorking -or $gitStatus.HasIndex) {