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All metal, all the time!

Brad Wilson bradwilson

All metal, all the time!
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bradwilson / gist:7f0a34e130c9bc90fdf7
Last active November 11, 2020 14:50 — forked from marcind/gist:9512656
Disable "Always start when debugging" and disable launching browser for all projects in a solution
# Execute this in NuGet PowerShell console
$projects = get-project -all | ?{ $_.Properties | ?{ $_.Name -eq "WebApplication.StartWebServerOnDebug" } }
$projects | %{ $_.Properties | ?{ $_.Name -eq "WebApplication.StartWebServerOnDebug"} | %{ $_.Value = $False } }
$projects | %{ $_.Properties | ?{ $_.Name -eq "WebApplication.DebugStartAction"} | %{ $_.Value = 4 } }