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Last active March 2, 2022 19:27
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  • Save bradyclifford/bb9b6a0d87df79c906d9041649d288f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bradyclifford/bb9b6a0d87df79c906d9041649d288f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Terraform Show to Terraform Import
// Run using node
// Output first before running this command terraform show -json > file.json
const tfShowOutput = require(process.argv.slice(2)[0]);
function parseChildModules(modules) {
for (const {address: parentAddress, child_modules : childModules, resources} of modules) {
if (childModules) parseChildModules(childModules);
if (!resources?.length) continue;
const managed = resources
.filter(({ mode }) => mode === 'managed');
if (!managed.length) continue;
console.log(`# ${parentAddress} ----`)
.map(({ address, values, type }) => {
const {id} = values;
return {address, id, type}
.forEach(({address, id, type}) => {
let fixedId = id;
if (['azurerm_key_vault_secret'].includes(type)) {
fixedId = `${id.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')}/{{add-version-id}}`;
const mustManuallyModify = address.includes('|') || ['azurerm_key_vault_secret', 'azurerm_role_assignment'].includes(type);
if (mustManuallyModify) {
console.log(`# ${parentAddress} - ${type}`);
console.log(`${mustManuallyModify ? '# ' : ''}terraform import -var="pagerduty_token=xyz" '${address}' "${fixedId}"`);
if (mustManuallyModify) console.log();
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