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Brady Love bradylove

  • Pivotal
  • Highlands Ranch, CO
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bradylove / cloudSettings
Last active April 9, 2020 23:46
Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist
- op: add
path: /spec/containers/name=kube-controller-manager/command/1
value: "--flex-volume-plugin-dir=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume"
- op: add
path: /spec/containers/name=kube-controller-manager/volumeMounts/1
mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume
name: flexvolume-mount
bradylove / main.go
Created January 29, 2018 02:20
Stellar Key Pair Generator
package main
import (
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
deployments » kubicorn apply kobol
2017-12-07T08:28:54-07:00 [ℹ] Selected [fs] state store
2017-12-07T08:28:54-07:00 [ℹ] Loaded cluster: kobol
2017-12-07T08:28:54-07:00 [ℹ] Init Cluster
2017-12-07T08:28:54-07:00 [ℹ] Query existing resources
Read at 0x00c42000c478 by main goroutine:*Handler).Reset()
/home/brady/gocode/src/ +0x58
deployments » kubicorn apply kobol
2017-12-07T08:22:01-07:00 [ℹ] Selected [fs] state store
2017-12-07T08:22:01-07:00 [ℹ] Loaded cluster: kobol
2017-12-07T08:22:01-07:00 [ℹ] Init Cluster
2017-12-07T08:22:01-07:00 [ℹ] Query existing resources
Read at 0x00c420273198 by main goroutine:*Handler).Reset()
/home/brady/gocode/src/ +0x3c
    + Protocol Version
    |  + Timestamp                   + org_name.space_name.app_name                                       + ProcessID (Source)
    |  |                             |                                                                    |
    v  v                             v                                                                    v
<14>1 2017-10-05T15:00:55.432180389Z cf-lamb.development.dripspinner 3e0b1150-14b8-4a20-a1c5-d9e296f198ae [APP/PROC/WEB] - - msg 1 LogSpinner Log Message
 ^                                                                   ^                                                       ^
 |                                                                   |                                                       |
 + Priority + AppID + Log Message
bradylove / tmux.conf
Created August 2, 2017 14:56
tmux 2.4 selection settings
# selection key bindings
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'v' send -X begin-selection
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'V' send -X select-line
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'r' send -X rectangle-toggle
# Linux copy to system clipboard
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'y' send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xclip -in -selection clipboard"
# OSX copy to system clipboard
# bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'y' send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"
package main
import (