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Last active June 26, 2019 19:02
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Attempt at coding the Diebold-Mariano test for MSE between two forecasts.
from scipy.stats import t
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
def autocovariance(Xi, N, k, Xs):
autoCov = 0
T = float(N)
for i in np.arange(0, N-k):
autoCov += ((Xi[i+k])-Xs)*(Xi[i]-Xs)
return (1/(T))*autoCov
def dm_test(target, fct1, fct2, metric='rmse'):
"""Compute the Diebold-Mariano test for MSE between two forecasts.
target (xarray object):
Actual values that are trying to be forecasted.
fct1 (xarray object):
Forecasted values for forecast method 1.
fct2 (xarray object):
Forecasted values for forecast method 2.
metric (str):
Bias metric applied to forecasts.
* rmse
* mae
* mse
DM_stat (xarray object):
DM test statistic. If negative, fct1 is preferred. If positive, fct2 is
pval (xarray object):
P values associated with the DM test.
* Boiroju, Naveen Kumar, et al. "A bootstrap test for equality of mean absolute
errors." ARPN Journal of engineering and applied sciences 6.5 (2011): 9-11.
* Gneiting, Tilmann, and Matthias Katzfuss. "Probabilistic forecasting." Annual
Review of Statistics and Its Application 1 (2014): 125-151.
* Harvey, David, Stephen Leybourne, and Paul Newbold. "Testing the equality of
prediction mean squared errors." International Journal of forecasting 13.2
(1997): 281-291.
* Diebold, F. X. and Mariano, R. S. (1995), Comparing predictive accuracy,
Journal of business & economic statistics 13(3), 253-264.
# drop coordinates since they'll be out of sync
fct1 = fct1.drop('time')
fct2 = fct2.drop('time')
target = target.drop('time')
# length of forecast (does it make sense that T here
# is many forecasts? Or are they looking for each entry
# to be a lead time?)
T = float(len(target))
# MSE for now
if metric == 'mse':
e1 = (target - fct1)**2
e2 = (target - fct2)**2
elif metric == 'rmse':
e1 = np.sqrt((target - fct1)**2)
e2 = np.sqrt((target - fct2)**2)
elif metric == 'mae':
e1 = np.absolute(target - fct1)
e2 = np.absolute(target - fct2)
# difference in two different errors
d = e1 - e2
# Mean of individual errors
mean_d = d.mean()
# Covariance
gamma = autocovariance(d, len(d), 0, mean_d)
V_d = gamma/T
# Calculate DM-Statistic
DM_stat = V_d**(-0.5)*mean_d
p_value = 2*t.cdf(-abs(DM_stat), df=T-1)
return xr.DataArray(DM_stat), xr.DataArray(p_value)
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