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Brady Swenson bradyswenson

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ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCu9BG0vRUv/tVKuvuKPgrdyldkAcr8QW1ABObnYssy+n3ZLQTDN8tUx5zvR+eTt5P5AnNcyFi/u1feh47xgxE82SPHvdi9HyLKtGyC/Kp2Y+VeMifti3GyjcbsqkLInBNwI3ZYduTeZ8xSY2FPshZ3l6FVGKhx8p+YiNdUZfkTZK8duLsQqcxuJ2GFmoQVaW6LoMocsa0Fo5MzgLN/NJe9K7URmwTwJ5i00ZgrRS/Bs8c9YtnDv5rWVRsD6u6PiHapY7iahLuWWvmlNsxVtjvNYr3MxBwpe/khzN1Tn6sKZxfI7NBN/kvXUxX5G0oTaYSoYC2as7NIc/pNfHs2RUez brady@Bradys-iMac.local
bradyswenson / gist:9a61012e73b7edf4da9a
Created December 16, 2014 14:16
var scope question
From: /Users/bradyswenson/tealeaf/tealeaf-1-lesson-2/blackjack.rb @ line 267 Blackjack#play:
263: if == 0
264: puts "You've lost everything."
265: break
266: elsif deck.size < 15
=> 267: binding.pry
268: deck =
269: binding.pry
[Wed Feb 18 20:19:26 2015] [error] [client] [WPE Monitoring] Slow mysql_query() call was running query:\nSELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id) LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ON ( wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id ) WHERE 1=1 AND ((wp_posts.post_author = 803 OR (wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'author' AND wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = '15608'))) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post' AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish') GROUP BY wp_posts.ID HAVING MAX( IF( wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'author', IF( wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = '15608',2,1 ),0 ) ) <> 1 ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 10 /* From [] in [/nas/wp/www/cluster-1516/rhrealitycheck/index.php:17] */
[Wed Feb 18 20:19:32 2015] [error] [client] [WPE Monitoring] Stopwatch php.pod-1516.function.mysql_query.duration exceeded 1000ms. Was: 7220ms.\n#0 wpe\\measure\\Lo
bradyswenson / gist:3842a3ae5bd11e5ab7d8
Created March 16, 2015 19:21
@posts = Category.where(id: 1).posts
irb(main):044:0> @posts = Category.where(id: 1).posts
NoMethodError: Category Load (0.1ms) SELECT "categories".* FROM "categories" WHERE "categories"."id" = 1
undefined method `posts' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation::ActiveRecord_Relation_Category:0x000001046fe4d8>
#### AUTHOR GLOBAL #####
if ( class_exists( 'coauthors_plus' ) ) {
$co_authors = get_coauthors();
$author_bylines = '';
$author_twitters = '';
$authors_chartbeat = '';
$twitter = '';
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:55.584 [DBG] BTCN: Fetching filter for height=1384036, hash=000000000000004f26360daffd933d7fccebaa8b0bd9414bbaef46a40e99934c +0ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:55.584 [DBG] BTCN: Sending getcfilters to (outbound) +1ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:55.772 [DBG] BTCN: Received cfilter from (outbound) +187ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:55.772 [DBG] BTCN: Fetching filter for height=1384037, hash=000000000000000dafe0520f9f78efe988621ecfe6be24f13a20695e4f7bc65b +1ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:55.772 [DBG] BTCN: Sending getcfilters to (outbound) +0ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:56.031 [DBG] BTCN: Received cfilter from (outbound) +258ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:56.031 [DBG] BTCN: Fetching filter for height=1384038, hash=00000000000000451d889f1f233adf9d381d1fc0817d45d189f5517a18ba1ee1 +2ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:56.032 [DBG] BTCN: Sending getcfilters to
28 11:01:52.624 [DBG] BTCN: Sending getcfilters to (outbound) +0ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:52.818 [DBG] BTCN: Received cfilter from (outbound) +194ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:52.818 [DBG] BTCN: Fetching filter for height=1384024, hash=00000000993fa936399cc0d83a33c22b3bd87e5141e4d687a3328ca91b2e9dc7 +1ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:52.818 [DBG] BTCN: Sending getcfilters to (outbound) +0ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:53.027 [DBG] BTCN: Received cfilter from (outbound) +208ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:53.027 [DBG] BTCN: Fetching filter for height=1384025, hash=0000000000000048c57f2072b712b0b4057c1d0df18e95d6e66fa1786efbc4fc +1ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:53.027 [DBG] BTCN: Sending getcfilters to (outbound) +0ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:53.227 [DBG] BTCN: Received cfilter from (outbound) +200ms
zap:lnd [DBG] 2018-08-28 11:01:53.2
bradyswenson /
Last active February 13, 2019 14:55
Hodlonaut interview notes

Let’s start by diving right into the LN Trust Chain story, then we’ll go back and talk about the beginning of your bitcoin journey.

(I’ll summarize the LNTC from my perspective for a min or two as an intro to this section.)

Can you describe the genesis of the torch? Describe the scene and some context - what were you thinking about that day?

Why did you give it to JDG (@fartface2000) first?

Welcome, Hunter.
This message should reach you at the middle of the fourth month of your calendar year, in the year 2019. If you are reading this, something has led you to search for things which bring excitemen
t to an otherwise predictable world.
What you are reading is the first clue in a grand Hunt. It is not the first Hunt, nor of course will it be the last one, but this hunt is MINE, and so it is to me that you must prove yourself.
The treasure which will bel