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Last active November 23, 2020 18:28
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Exclude plugins with a composer.json or .git directory from update checks. Based on concept by @Rarst:
add_filter( 'http_request_args', function( $r, $url ) {
// If this isn't an update request, bail immediately.
// Regex source:
if ( false === strpos( $url, '' ) || ! preg_match( '#://api\.wordpress\.org/(?P<type>plugins|themes)/update-check/(?P<version>[0-9.]+)/#', $url, $matches ) ) {
return $r;
$api_type = $matches['type'];
$api_version = floatval( $matches['version'] );
$entities = $r['body'][ $api_type ];
$entities = ( 1.0 == $api_version ) ? unserialize( $entities ) : json_decode( $entities, true );
if ( 'plugins' == $api_type ) {
$entities = (array) $entities;
foreach ( $entities['plugins'] as $plugin_file => $plugin ) {
$path = trailingslashit( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . dirname( $plugin_file ) );
if ( ! ( file_exists( $path . 'composer.json' ) || is_dir( $path . '.git' ) ) ) {
unset( $entities['plugins'][ $plugin_file ] );
unset( $entities['plugins']['active'][ array_search( $plugin_file, $entities['active'] ) ] );
// Cast back to an object.
if ( 1.0 == $api_version ) {
$entities = (object) $entities;
} elseif ( 'themes' == $api_type ) {
foreach ( $entities['themes'] as $theme_slug => $theme_data ) {
$path = trailingslashit( wp_get_theme( $theme_slug )->get_stylesheet_directory() );
if ( ! ( file_exists( $path . 'composer.json' ) || is_dir( $path . '.git' ) ) ) {
unset( $entities['themes'][ $theme_slug ] );
$r['body'][ $api_type ] = ( 1.0 == $api_version ) ? serialize( $entities ) : json_encode( $entities );
return $r;
}, 10, 2 );
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