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Last active September 7, 2018 15:50
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CoffeeScript for Google Analytics
class GoogleAnalytics
@init: (webPropertyId) ->
@_initQueue webPropertyId
scriptTag = @_createScriptTag()
@_injectScriptTag scriptTag
@_initQueue: (webPropertyId) ->
window._gaq ?= []
window._gaq.push ['_setAccount', webPropertyId]
window._gaq.push ['_trackPageview']
@_createScriptTag: ->
scriptTag = document.createElement 'script'
scriptTag.type = 'text/javascript'
scriptTag.async = true
protocol = location.protocol
scriptTag.src = "#{ protocol }//"
@_injectScriptTag: (scriptTag) ->
firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore scriptTag, firstScriptTag
@trackPageView: (url) ->
window._gaq.push ['_trackPageview', url]
@trackEvent: (category, action, label = null, value = null, nonInteraction = null) ->
trackedEvent = ['_trackEvent', category, action]
for argument in [label, value, nonInteraction]
if argument? then trackedEvent.push argument else break
window._gaq.push trackedEvent
# Assuming you're using jQuery to get up and going...
$ ->
# Replace the parameter to GoogleAnalytics.init with your Google Analytics
# web property ID. This tracks the initial page view.
GoogleAnalytics.init 'UA-1234567-8'
# Then later, if your user initiates another action that doesn't trigger a
# full page load, but that you wish to track as a page view (such as an AJAX
# request):
GoogleAnalytics.trackPageView '/myAjaxHandler'
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