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Last active October 27, 2024 16:50
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  • Save brainlid/9e02e95f7d9c65a23312a4df95094d2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Bash shell script that helps a locally running Elixir application cluster with another Elixir application running at Create it locally and make executable. See guide here:
# After opening a WireGuard connection to your network, copy this file
# into the directory for your Elixir application. Run the script to start the
# local Elixir project and cluster it to an application running on
# In order for this to work:
# - Your wireguard connection must be up.
# - When run from a directory with a `fly.toml` file, `flyctl` command is used
# to access information about the application.
# - Set the ENV `CLUSTER_APP_NAME` to specify a different hosted app name.
# - Set the ENV `RELEASE_COOKIE` to override the Erlang cookie used for
# clustering. It uses the the value from the deployed app if it is set there.
# - Run the script.
set -e
if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then
echo "jq is not installed. Please install it before running this script. It is a command-line JSON processor."
exit 1
# Check if CLUSTER_APP_NAME is set and use it if found
if [[ -n $CLUSTER_APP_NAME ]]; then
# Use the override app_name from the ENV
json_data=$(fly status --app ${CLUSTER_APP_NAME} --json)
# Use the app_name for the current app
json_data=$(fly status --json)
# Use an explicit RELEASE_COOKIE value if provided
if [ -n "$RELEASE_COOKIE" ]; then
# Extract the RELEASE_COOKIE value from the deployed app
release_cookie=$(echo "$json_data" | jq -r '.Machines[] | select(.state == "started") | .config | .env | .RELEASE_COOKIE' | head -n 1)
if [ $release_cookie == "null" ]; then
echo "The deployed application did not set RELEASE_COOKIE ENV. If the cookie is static on the server, provide it locally through RELEASE_COOKIE."
exit 1
# Extract the app_name
app_name=$(echo "$json_data" | jq -r '.Name')
# Extract private_ip for the first started machine
private_ip=$(echo "$json_data" | jq -r '.Machines[] | select(.state == "started") | .private_ip' | head -n 1)
# Extract image_ref tag hash for the first started machine
image_tags=$(echo "$json_data" | jq -r '.Machines[] | select(.state == "started") | .image_ref.tag | sub("deployment-"; "")' | head -n 1)
if [ -z "$private_ip" ]; then
echo "No instances appear to be running at this time."
exit 1
# Assemble the full node name
echo Attempting to connect to $full_node_name
# ==========
# uses an IPv6 network internally for private IPs. The BEAM needs IPv6
# support to be enabled explicitly.
# The issue is, if it's enabled globally like in a `.bashrc` file, then setting
# it here essentially flips it OFF. If not set globally, then it should be set
# here. Choose the version that fits your situation.
# It's the `--erl "-proto_dist inet6_tcp"` portion.
# export ERL_AFLAGS="-kernel shell_history enabled -proto_dist inet6_tcp"
# Toggles on IPv6 support for the local node being started.
# iex --erl "-proto_dist inet6_tcp" --sname local --cookie ${release_cookie} --hidden -e "IO.inspect(Node.connect(:'${full_node_name}'), label: \"Node Connected?\"); IO.inspect(Node.list(:hidden), label: \"Connected Nodes\")" -S mix phx.server
# Does NOT toggle on IPv6 support, assuming it is enabled some other way.
iex --sname local --cookie ${release_cookie} --hidden -e "IO.inspect(Node.connect(:'${full_node_name}'), label: \"Node Connected?\"); IO.inspect(Node.list(:hidden), label: \"Connected Nodes\")" -S mix phx.server
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