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  • Save brainno722/63fa7a51e7879fe4da817f5728da8bd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brainno722/63fa7a51e7879fe4da817f5728da8bd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Greetings, weather, date, countdown, battery (Frankenstein) widget for iOS using Scriptable.
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: blue; icon-glyph: calendar-alt;
// Greetings code Autumn Vibes by u/ben5292001
// Battery code by u/_Bisho_
// Weather stack code by u/coderjones
// Countdown code and assemble by u/flasozzi
// You need to both edit the code and add parameters in order to personalise the widget.
// To add parameters, add the widget to your home, long press it and tap 'edit widget'
// Your parameter must have the following format: image.png|padding-top|text-color|
// The image should be placed in the iCloud Scriptable folder (case-sensitive).
// The padding-top spacing parameter moves the text down by a set amount.
// The text color parameter should be a hex value.
// For example, to use the image bkg_fall.PNG with a padding of 20 and a text color of red
// the parameter should be typed as: bkg_fall.png|20|#ff0000
// All parameters are required and separated with "|"
// Parameters allow different settings for multiple widget instances.
// You also need to edit the info below with your own info.
// You can grab your weather API and city ID from (free account needed).
var yourAPI = "32eb932e0efcb95dc46ad66fb8718083";
var cityID = "3448879";
var userName = "Flávia";
var countdownTo = "December 16 2020";
var countdownTitle = "summer holidays";
// Now this is where the fun begins and you don't really need to do anything else from this point on.
let widgetHello = new ListWidget();
var today = new Date();
var widgetInputRAW = args.widgetParameter;
try {
} catch(e) {
throw new Error("Please long press the widget and add a parameter.");
var widgetInput = widgetInputRAW.toString();
var inputArr = widgetInput.split("|");
var spacing = parseInt(inputArr[1]);
// iCloud file path
var scriptableFilePath = "/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~dk~simonbs~Scriptable/Documents/";
var removeSpaces1 = inputArr[0].split(" "); // Remove spaces from file name
var removeSpaces2 = removeSpaces1.join('');
var tempPath = removeSpaces2.split(".");
var backgroundImageURLRAW = scriptableFilePath + tempPath[0];
var fm = FileManager.iCloud();
var backgroundImageURL = scriptableFilePath + tempPath[0] + ".";
var backgroundImageURLInput = scriptableFilePath + removeSpaces2;
// For users having trouble with extensions
// Uses user-input file path is the file is found
// Checks for common file format extensions if the file is not found
if (fm.fileExists(backgroundImageURLInput) == false) {
var fileTypes = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'tiff', 'webp', 'gif'];
fileTypes.forEach(function(item) {
if (fm.fileExists((backgroundImageURL + item.toLowerCase())) == true) {
backgroundImageURL = backgroundImageURLRAW + "." + item.toLowerCase();
} else if (fm.fileExists((backgroundImageURL + item.toUpperCase())) == true) {
backgroundImageURL = backgroundImageURLRAW + "." + item.toUpperCase();
} else {
backgroundImageURL = scriptableFilePath + removeSpaces2;
var spacing = parseInt(inputArr[1]);
let API_WEATHER = yourAPI;
let CITY_WEATHER = cityID;
//Get storage
var base_path = "/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~dk~simonbs~Scriptable/Documents/weather/";
var fm = FileManager.iCloud();
// Fetch Image from Url
async function fetchimageurl(url) {
const request = new Request(url)
var res = await request.loadImage();
return res;
// Get formatted Date
function getformatteddate(){
var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];
return months[today.getMonth()] + " " + today.getDate()
// Long-form days and months
var days = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'];
var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];
// Load image from local drive
async function fetchimagelocal(path){
var finalPath = base_path + path + ".png";
console.log("file exists: " + finalPath);
return finalPath;
//throw new Error("Error file not found: " + path);
console.log("Directry not exist creating one.");
console.log("Downloading file: " + finalPath);
await downloadimg(path);
console.log("file exists after download: " + finalPath);
return finalPath;
throw new Error("Error file not found: " + path);
async function downloadimg(path){
const url = "";
const data = await fetchWeatherData(url);
var dataimg = null;
var name = null;
dataimg = data.background;
name = path.replace("_bg","");
dataimg = data.icon;
name = path.replace("_ico","");
var imgurl=null;
switch (name){
case "01d":
imgurl = dataimg._01d;
case "01n":
imgurl = dataimg._01n;
case "02d":
imgurl = dataimg._02d;
case "02n":
imgurl = dataimg._02n;
case "03d":
imgurl = dataimg._03d;
case "03n":
imgurl = dataimg._03n;
case "04d":
imgurl = dataimg._04d;
case "04n":
imgurl = dataimg._04n;
case "09d":
imgurl = dataimg._09d;
case "09n":
imgurl = dataimg._09n;
case "10d":
imgurl = dataimg._10d;
case "10n":
imgurl = dataimg._10n;
case "11d":
imgurl = dataimg._11d;
case "11n":
imgurl = dataimg._11n;
case "13d":
imgurl = dataimg._13d;
case "13n":
imgurl = dataimg._13n;
case "50d":
imgurl = dataimg._50d;
case "50n":
imgurl = dataimg._50n;
const image = await fetchimageurl(imgurl);
console.log("Downloaded Image");
//get Json weather
async function fetchWeatherData(url) {
const request = new Request(url);
const res = await request.loadJSON();
return res;
// Get Location
let curLocation = await Location.current();
let wetherurl = "" + CITY_WEATHER + "&APPID=" + API_WEATHER + "&units=metric";
//"" + curLocation.latitude + "&lon=" + curLocation.longitude + "&appid=" + API_WEATHER + "&units=metric";
//"" + CITY_WEATHER + "&APPID=" + API_WEATHER + "&units=metric"
const weatherJSON = await fetchWeatherData(wetherurl);
const cityName =;
const weatherarry =;
const iconData = weatherarry[0].icon;
const weathername = weatherarry[0].main;
const curTempObj = weatherJSON.main;
const curTemp = curTempObj.temp;
const highTemp = curTempObj.temp_max;
const lowTemp = curTempObj.temp_min;
const feel_like = curTempObj.feels_like;
//Completed loading weather data
// Greetings arrays per time period.
var greetingsMorning = [
'Good morning, ' + userName + '.'
var greetingsAfternoon = [
'Good afternoon, ' + userName + '.'
var greetingsEvening = [
'Good evening, ' + userName + '.'
var greetingsNight = [
'Good night, ' + userName + '.'
var greetingsLateNight = [
'Go to sleep, ' + userName + '.'
// Holiday customization
var holidaysByKey = {
// month,week,day: datetext
"11,4,4": "Happy Thanksgiving!"
var holidaysByDate = {
// month,date: greeting
"1,1": "Happy " + (today.getFullYear()).toString() + "!",
"10,31": "Happy Halloween!",
"12,25": "Merry Christmas!"
var holidayKey = (today.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "," + (Math.ceil(today.getDate() / 7)).toString() + "," + (today.getDay()).toString();
var holidayKeyDate = (today.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "," + (today.getDate()).toString();
// Date Calculations
var weekday = days[ today.getDay() ];
var month = months[ today.getMonth() ];
var date = today.getDate();
var hour = today.getHours();
// Append ordinal suffix to date
function ordinalSuffix(input) {
if (input % 10 == 1 && date != 11) {
return input.toString() + "st";
} else if (input % 10 == 2 && date != 12) {
return input.toString() + "nd";
} else if (input % 10 == 3 && date != 13) {
return input.toString() + "rd";
} else {
return input.toString() + "th";
// Generate date string
var datefull = weekday + ", " + month + " " + ordinalSuffix(date);
// Support for multiple greetings per time period
function randomGreeting(greetingArray) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * greetingArray.length);
var greeting = new String("Howdy.")
if (hour < 5 && hour >= 1) { // 1am - 5am
greeting = greetingsLateNight[randomGreeting(greetingsLateNight)];
} else if (hour >= 23 || hour < 1) { // 11pm - 1am
greeting = greetingsNight[randomGreeting(greetingsNight)];
} else if (hour < 12) { // Before noon (5am - 12pm)
greeting = greetingsMorning[randomGreeting(greetingsMorning)];
} else if (hour >= 12 && hour <= 17) { // 12pm - 5pm
greeting = greetingsAfternoon[randomGreeting(greetingsAfternoon)];
} else if (hour > 17 && hour < 23) { // 5pm - 11pm
greeting = greetingsEvening[randomGreeting(greetingsEvening)];
// Overwrite greeting if calculated holiday
if (holidaysByKey[holidayKey]) {
greeting = holidaysByKey[holidayKey];
// Overwrite all greetings if specific holiday
if (holidaysByDate[holidayKeyDate]) {
greeting = holidaysByDate[holidayKeyDate];
// Try/catch for color input parameter
try {
} catch(e) {
throw new Error("Please long press the widget and add a parameter.");
let themeColor = new Color(inputArr[2].toString());
/* --------------- */
/* Assemble Widget */
/* --------------- */
//Top spacing
let shadow = new Color('#A9A9A9')
// Greeting label
let hello = widgetHello.addText(greeting);
hello.font = Font.boldSystemFont(29);
hello.textColor = themeColor;
hello.shadowColor = shadow;
hello.shadowOffset = new Point(1,1);
hello.shadowRadius = 2;
hello.textOpacity = (1);
let hStack = widgetHello.addStack();
// Centers weather line
// Date label in stack
let datetext = hStack.addText(datefull + '\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0');
datetext.font = Font.boldSystemFont(18);
datetext.textColor = themeColor;
datetext.shadowColor = shadow;
datetext.shadowOffset = new Point(1,1);
datetext.shadowRadius = 1;
datetext.textOpacity = (0.9);
var tempImg = Image.fromFile(await fetchimagelocal(iconData + "_ico"));
//image in stack
let widgetimg = hStack.addImage(tempImg);
widgetimg.imageSize = new Size(20, 20);
widgetimg.shadowColor = shadow;
widgetimg.shadowOffset = new Point(1,1);
widgetimg.shadowRadius = 1;
widgetimg.imageOpacity = (0.9);
//tempeture label in stack
let temptext = hStack.addText('\xa0\xa0'+ Math.round(curTemp).toString()+"\u2103");
temptext.font = Font.boldSystemFont(18);
temptext.textColor = themeColor;
temptext.shadowColor = shadow;
temptext.shadowOffset = new Point(1,1);
temptext.shadowRadius = 1;
temptext.textOpacity = (0.9);
// Countdown
const endtime = countdownTo;
function getTimeRemaining(endtime){
const total = Date.parse(endtime) - Date.parse(new Date());
const seconds = Math.floor( (total/1000) % 60 );
const minutes = Math.floor( (total/1000/60) % 60 );
const hours = Math.floor( (total/(1000*60*60)) % 24 );
const days = Math.floor( total/(1000*60*60*24) );
return {
const total = Date.parse(endtime) - Date.parse(new Date());
let progressText = widgetHello.addText(String(getTimeRemaining(endtime).days + 1) + ' days until ' + countdownTitle)
progressText.font = Font.boldSystemFont(18);
progressText.textColor = themeColor;
progressText.shadowColor = shadow;
progressText.shadowOffset = new Point(1,1);
progressText.shadowRadius = 1;
progressText.textOpacity = (0.9);
const batteryLine = widgetHello.addText(renderBattery());
batteryLine.textColor = themeColor;
batteryLine.font = Font.boldSystemFont(18);
batteryLine.shadowColor = shadow;
batteryLine.shadowOffset = new Point(1,1);
batteryLine.shadowRadius = 1;
batteryLine.shadowOpacity = (0.7);
batteryLine.textOpacity = (0.9);
function renderBattery() {
const batteryLevel = Device.batteryLevel();
const batteryAscii = "⚡️" + Math.round(batteryLevel * 100) + "%";
return batteryAscii;
// Bottom Spacer
widgetHello.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Background image
widgetHello.backgroundImage = Image.fromFile(backgroundImageURL);
// Set widget
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