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Created January 24, 2012 20:35
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class @SortableTable
constructor: (table, options) ->
@table = $(table).children('tbody')
@columnSelector = options.columnSelector || 'th'
@iconSelector = options.iconSelector
@rowMapper = options.rowMapper
@afterSort = options.afterSort
getColumn: (element) ->
new Column $(element), @iconSelector
activeColumn: ->
@getColumn @table.find(@columnSelector).filter(".#{Column.activeClass}")
enable: ->
@table.on 'click', @columnSelector, @handleClick
handleClick: (event) =>
column = @getColumn event.currentTarget
if column.isActive()
rateCell: (cell) ->
parseFloat $(cell).text().replace(/[$\u00a0]/g, '')
sort: (column) ->
columnCells = @table.find("td:nth-child(#{column.index()})")
direction = if column.isReversed() then -1 else 1
columnCells.sort (cell1, cell2) =>
direction * (@rateCell(cell2) - @rateCell(cell1))
rows = (index, cell) =>
row = $(cell).parent()
row = @rowMapper(row) if @rowMapper
@table.append rows
class Column
@activeClass: 'active'
@reverseClass: 'reverse'
constructor: (@element, iconSelector) ->
@icon = iconSelector && @element.find(iconSelector) || @element
isActive: ->
isReversed: ->
reverse: ->
deactivate: ->
activate: ->
index: ->
@element.parent().children().index(@element) + 1
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