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Created March 29, 2012 21:47
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class Chart
@initAll: ->
@init: ->
for element in $(@selector)
do (element) =>
setImmediate =>
unless $(element).data('initialized')
chart = new @(element)
constructor: (element) ->
@target = $(element)
@values = 'values'
@labels = 'labels'
@width = @target.width()
@height = @target.height()
@ySpace = @height / 3
@paper = Raphael element, @width, @height'initialized', true)
stepWidth: ->
@width / @values.length
scaledY: ->
@scale(-value for value in @values, @height - @ySpace)
scale: (values, limit) ->
min = Math.min values...
max = Math.max values...
for value in values
if min == max
limit / 2
limit * (value - min) / (max - min)
class Bar extends Chart
@selector: '.bar.chart'
render: ->
@ySpace = @height / 20
step = @stepWidth()
bar_padding = step / 10
bar_width = step - 2 * bar_padding
for y, index in @scaledY()
do (y, index) =>
setImmediate =>
x = index * step + bar_padding
rect = @paper.rect x, y, bar_width, @height - y
$(rect.node).data @labels[index]
$(rect.node).attr class: 'bar'
label = @paper.rect x, 0, bar_width, y
$(label.node).data @labels[index]
$(label.node).attr class: 'space'
$(label.node).hover ->
$(rect.node).attr class: 'active bar'
, ->
$(rect.node).attr class: 'bar'
class Spark extends Chart
@selector: '.spark.chart'
render: ->
step = @stepWidth()
circlePadding = step * 2 / 5
circleRadius = step - 2 * circlePadding
for y, index in @scaledY()
x = index * step + circlePadding
y += 2*circleRadius
if index == 0
firstY = y
line = 'M'
line += 'L'
line += "#{x} #{y}"
circle = x, y, circleRadius
$(circle.node).data @labels[index]
do (circle) ->
increaseRadius = -> circle.animate r: circleRadius*2, 100
decreaseRadius = -> circle.animate r: circleRadius, 100
circle.hover increaseRadius, decreaseRadius
setImmediate =>
path = @paper.path line
path.attr 'stroke-width': circleRadius / 3
$(path.node).attr class: 'line'
lastY = y
minY = @height
minX = 0
maxX = (@values.length - 1) * step + 2*circlePadding
closePath = "L#{maxX} #{lastY} L#{maxX} #{minY}
L#{minX} #{minY} L#{minX} #{firstY}z"
polygon = @paper.path line + closePath
$(polygon.node).attr class: 'polygon'
$(document).on('updated.charts, ready', Chart.initAll)
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