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Created October 10, 2017 08:03
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Glacier tests dirty script from icepick:
#"IcePick", orginally "gardnert/aws-glacier-multipart-upload"
#./ [filename]
#byteSize=4294967296 # MAX Glacier, 4GB?
#byteSize=104857600 # 100MB otherwise timeouts? wrooong, not power of 2 so glacier will not accept it
byteSize=134217728 # 128MB, power of two, sweet spot to reduce uploading timeouts
# XXX: description does not support multiple words
#create the file parts
split --bytes=$byteSize --verbose $1 part
# count the number of files that begin with "part"
fileCount=$(ls -1 | grep "^part" | wc -l)
echo "Total parts to upload: " $fileCount
#get the list of part files to upload. Edit this if you chose a different prefix in the split command
files=$(ls | grep "^part")
# initiate multipart upload connection to glacier
uploadId=$(aws glacier initiate-multipart-upload --account-id $account --part-size $byteSize --vault-name $vaultName --archive-description $descript | jq -r .uploadId)
echo "---------------------------------------"
echo "Multipart init upload id is: " $uploadId
# create temp file to store commands
touch commands.txt
#get total size in bytes of the archive
archivesize=`ls -l $1 | cut -d ' ' -f 5`
# create upload commands to be run in parallel and store in commands.txt
for f in $files
filesize=`ls -l $f | cut -d ' ' -f 5`
echo 'filesize '$filesize
#if the filesize is less than the bytesize, set the bytesize to be the filesize
if [ $filesize -lt $byteSize ]; then
echo aws glacier upload-multipart-part --body $f --range "'"'bytes '"$byteStart"'-'"$byteEnd"'/*'"'" --account-id $account --vault-name $vaultName --upload-id $uploadId >> commands.txt
# run upload commands in parallel
# --load 100% option only gives new jobs out if the core is than 100% active
# -a commands.txt runs every line of that file in parallel, in potentially random order
parallel --load 100% -a commands.txt
echo "List Active Multipart Uploads:"
echo "Verify that a connection is open:"
aws glacier list-multipart-uploads --account-id $account --vault-name $vaultName
#compute the tree hash
checksum=`java TreeHashExample $1 | cut -d ' ' -f 5`
# end the multipart upload
result=`aws glacier complete-multipart-upload --account-id $account --vault-name $vaultName --upload-id $uploadId --archive-size $archivesize --checksum $checksum`
#store the json response from amazon for record keeping
touch result.json
echo $result >> result.json
# list open multipart connections
echo "------------------------------"
echo "List Active Multipart Uploads:"
echo "Verify that the connection is closed:"
aws glacier list-multipart-uploads --account-id $account --vault-name $vaultName
#echo "-------------"
#echo "Contents of commands.txt"
#cat commands.txt
echo "--------------"
echo "Deleting temporary commands.txt file"
rm commands.txt
#remove the part files
#echo "--------------"
#echo "Deleting parts files"
#for f in $files; do
# rm $f
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