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Last active November 18, 2022 08:45
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This snippet for the wordpress facetwp plugin is used to group the two facets (start and end) generated by the date_range facet when "Fields to show" is set to "Start + End Dates".
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'facetwp_date_range_in_single_calendar',100);
function facetwp_date_range_in_single_calendar() {
(function($) {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof FWP ) {
FWP.hooks.addFilter('facetwp/set_options/date_range', function(flatpickr_opts, extras) {
var parent = $(extras.element).closest('.facetwp-type-date_range');
// We're in a "Start + End Dates" situation.
if ( parent.find('.facetwp-date').length > 1 ){
// Dates prior to today are disabled.
flatpickr_opts['minDate'] = "today";
flatpickr_opts['mode'] = "range";
flatpickr_opts['onChange'] = function(dateObj, dateStr, instance){
// When the start_date and end_date are filled in
if (dateObj.length>1) {
if ( $(instance.element).closest('.facetwp-type-date_range').length > 0 ){
parent.find('.facetwp-date-min').attr('value',flatpickr.formatDate(dateObj[0], 'Y-m-d'));
parent.find('.facetwp-date-max').attr('value',flatpickr.formatDate(dateObj[1], 'Y-m-d'));
// We launch the ajax search if we haven't disabled the auto refresh.
if( FWP.auto_refresh ){
flatpickr_opts['onReady'] = function(dateObj, dateStr, instance){
if ( $(instance.element).hasClass('facetwp-date-max') ){
// We modify the behavior of the end_date facet
var datefin = parent.find('.facetwp-date-max').attr('value');
if ( datefin != '' ){
datefin = flatpickr.parseDate(datefin, "Y-m-d");
// Normal behaviour
var clearBtn = '<div class="flatpickr-clear">' + FWP_JSON.datepicker.clearText + '</div>';
$(clearBtn).on('click', function() {
// Clear end_date field
if( FWP.auto_refresh ){
return flatpickr_opts;
// This part of the CSS can be used to complete the above code.
.facet .facetwp-type-date_range.date_range_min_and_max .flatpickr-alt{
.facet .facetwp-type-date_range.date_range_min_and_max::before{
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can you please tell me? how to show 2 more coming month calendars like the current month oct and the next two months Nov & Dec. Please help me I'm stuck.

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With flatpickr, you can use the « showMonths » option. You can add it on line 20 :
flatpickr_opts['showMonths'] = 3;

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i have tried but not working .my code is below please check,

<script> (function($) { FWP.hooks.addFilter('facetwp/set_options/date_range', function(flatpickr_opts, extras) { flatpickr_opts['showMonths'] = 3; return flatpickr_opts; }); })(jQuery); </script>

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Can you share the link of the site where I can see the facets? What is the version of the FacetWP plugin on your site?

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I am using facetwp Version 4.0.4

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Since version 3.8, FacetWP does not use the FlatPickr library anymore, but a custom library that does not allow the display of more than one month.

If you still want to use FlatPickr, you'll have to create a custom facet_type... (date_range_flatpickr for example)

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