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Created March 21, 2018 06:19
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  • Save brainysmurf/373c1924efe8ef51043acdfb68f1a94a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brainysmurf/373c1924efe8ef51043acdfb68f1a94a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function(global,name,Package,helpers){var ref=function wrapper(args){var wrapped=function(){return Package.apply(global.Import&&Import.module?Import._import(name):global[name],[global].concat(};for(i in args){wrapped[i]=args[i]}return wrapped}(helpers);if(global.Import&&Import.module){Import.register(name,ref)}else{Object.defineProperty(global,name,{value:ref});global.Import=global.Import||function(lib){return global[lib]};Import.module=false}})(this,
function AppsScriptsRequests_ (_, _config) {
_config = _config || {};
_config.scriptId = _config.scriptId || null;
if (_config.scriptId === 'me') _config.scriptId = ScriptApp.getScriptId();
var self, requests, keepAppsscriptsFile, requiresScriptId;
self = this;
requests = function (met) {
/* TODO: cache these */
return Import("Requests")({
oauth: 'me',
discovery: {
name: 'script',
version: 'v1',
category: 'projects',
method: met,
Files with the same names as current content keep their createTime date
appsscripts.json file is kept
keepResourcesBasedOnExisting = function (resources, commands) {
resources = resources || {};
resources.files = resources.files || [];
commands = commands || {};
commands.keepAppscript = commands.keepAppscript || true;
commands.keepMissing = commands.keepMissing || false;
commands.rememberCreateTime = commands.rememberCreateTime || false;
var hash;
hash = self.utils.filesListToHash(resources.files);
var data = content().json();
var existingHash = self.utils.filesListToHash(data.files);
if (!commands.keepAppscript && !hash.appscript) {
throw Error("No appscript file and setting to not include it");
if (commands.keepAppscript && !hash.appsscript) {
hash['appsscript'] = existingHash.appsscript; // assuming guaranteed to be present
if (commands.rememberCreatedAt) {
Object.keys(hash).reduce(function (acc, key) {
if (existingHash[key]) {
hash[key].createTime = existingHash[key].createTime;
if (commands.keepMissing) {
Object.keys(existingHash).reduce(function (acc, key) {
if (!hash[key]) acc.push(key);
return acc;
}, []).forEach(function (missingKey) {
hash[missingKey] = existingHash[missingKey];
resources.files = self.utils.hashToFilesList(hash);
return resources;
requiresScriptId = function () {
if (!_config.scriptId) throw Error("scriptId is not defined");
var create = function (title, options) {
options = options || {};
options.body = options.body || {};
options.body.title = title || "New Unnamed Project";
return requests('create').post({/*empty*/}, options);
var new_ = function (title, options, commands) {
var resp, json;
options = options || {};
options.body = options.body || {};
options.body.files = options.body.files || [];
resp = create(title /* don't pass options here */);
json = resp.json();
if (json.error) {
throw Error("An error occurred: " + json.error.message);
_config.scriptId = json.scriptId;
if (!options.body.files || options.body.files.length == 0) return resp;
return update(options, commands);
var update = function (options, commands) {
options = options || {};
commands = commands || {};
if (!options.body || !options.body.files) throw Error("No body.files key in update call");
if (!Array.isArray(options.body.files)) throw Error("files needs to be an array");
options.body.files.forEach(function (file) {
var split, ext;
if (!file.type && {
split ='.');
ext = split[split.length-1].toLowerCase();
file.type = {'gs': 'SERVER_JS', 'js': 'SERVER_JS', 'json': 'JSON', 'html': 'HTML'}[ext] || 'ENUM_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED';
if (commands) {
options.body = keepResourcesBasedOnExisting(options.body, commands);
return requests('updateContent').put({scriptId: _config.scriptId}, options);
var content = function (options) {
return requests('getContent').get({scriptId: _config.scriptId}, options);
var metadata = function (options) {
return requests('get').get({scriptId: _config.scriptId}, options);
return {
create: create,
new_: new_,
update: update,
content: content,
metadata: metadata
{ /* helpers */
utils: {
filesListToHash: function (files) {
return files.reduce(function (acc, item) {
acc[] = item;
return acc;
}, {});
hashToFilesList: function (hash) {
return Object.keys(hash).reduce(function (acc, key) {
return acc;
}, []);
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