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Created November 5, 2022 16:28
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Import Markdown pages (e.g Hugo) into Notion
import os
import re
import json
from pprint import pprint
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from notion_client import Client
DATABASE_ID = os.getenv('DATABASE_ID') #NOTE: ID of your notion database you want to import into
notion = Client(auth=NOTION_API_KEY)
def get_meta(name, content):
return'^' + name + r':(.*)$', content, re.MULTILINE).group(1).strip().strip('"').replace('\\', '')
# NOTE: You might want to extend this to more types (e.g `select` or `number`) in case you need to
class Notion:
def title(content):
return { "title": [{ "text": { "content": content } }] }
def rich_text(content):
return { "rich_text": [{ "text": { "content": content } }] }
def date(content):
return { "date": { "start": content } }
def multi_select(array):
return { "multi_select": list(map(lambda item: { "name": item }, array)) }
# NOTE: Make sure that your current working directory is close to your markdown articles
for article in os.listdir():
if not os.path.isdir(f'./{article}'):
# NOTE: My setup has article-name/, so edit this to whatever your setup is
file = open(f'./{article}/', 'r')
content = ''.join(file.readlines())
title = get_meta('title', content)
subtitle = get_meta('subtitle', content)
date = re.sub(r'T.*$', '', get_meta('date', content))
tags = [
str.strip(string) for string in get_meta('tags', content) \
.replace('[', '') \
.replace(']', '') \
.split(',') if string
# NOTE: I had a custom property for cover image, you might not need this
cover ='^.*image:(.*)$', content, re.MULTILINE).group(1).strip().strip('"').replace('\\', '')
if not 'http' in cover:
cover = ''
content = re.sub(r'^---(\n.+)+(?!---)', '', content, 1).strip()
# NOTE: We use an npm/node library to convert our markdown into the JSON format we need. I could've ported it, but didn't feel like it.
# NOTE: Update this to wherever your `node` binary lives and where you put the markdown-to-notion.js
p = Popen(['/usr/local/bin/node', './markdown-to-notion.js'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
data = p.communicate(input=content.encode())[0]
blocks = json.loads(data)
"parent": {
"type": "database_id",
"database_id": DATABASE_ID
"cover": {
"type": "external",
"external": {
"url": cover
} if cover != "" else None,
# NOTE: Make sure that these properties correspond in name and type with your database, edit otherwise
"properties": {
"Title": Notion.title(title),
"Subtitle": Notion.rich_text(subtitle),
"Slug": Notion.rich_text(article),
"Tags": Notion.multi_select(tags)
"children": blocks
const {markdownToBlocks, markdownToRichText} = require('@tryfabric/martian');
var string = require('fs').readFileSync(0, 'utf-8');
console.log(JSON.stringify(markdownToBlocks(string), null, 4))
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