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Last active July 18, 2022 02:48
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How to run WaveSurfer in NextJS (
// npm install wavesurfer.js
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
const formWaveSurferOptions = (ref) => ({
container: ref,
waveColor: "#eee",
progressColor: "#0178FF",
cursorColor: "OrangeRed",
barWidth: 3,
barRadius: 3,
responsive: true,
height: 150,
normalize: true,
partialRender: true,
plugins: [],
function WaveSurferNext({ children }) {
const waveformRef = useRef(null);
const wavesurfer = useRef(null);
const [playing, setPlaying] = useState(false);
const [progress, setProgress] = useState(0);
const url =
function unmute(context) { // for ios playing when users lock their screen
// Determine page visibility api
let pageVisibilityAPI;
if (document.hidden !== undefined)
pageVisibilityAPI = {
hidden: "hidden",
visibilitychange: "visibilitychange",
else if (document.webkitHidden !== undefined)
pageVisibilityAPI = {
hidden: "webkitHidden",
visibilitychange: "webkitvisibilitychange",
else if (document.mozHidden !== undefined)
pageVisibilityAPI = {
hidden: "mozHidden",
visibilitychange: "mozvisibilitychange",
else if (document.msHidden !== undefined)
pageVisibilityAPI = {
hidden: "msHidden",
visibilitychange: "msvisibilitychange",
// Determine if ios
let ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
let isIOS =
(ua.indexOf("iphone") >= 0 && ua.indexOf("like iphone") < 0) ||
(ua.indexOf("ipad") >= 0 && ua.indexOf("like ipad") < 0) ||
(ua.indexOf("ipod") >= 0 && ua.indexOf("like ipod") < 0);
// Track desired audio state
let suspendAudio = false;
let audioUnlockingEvents = [
// Track web audio state
let contextUnlockingEnabled = false;
// Track html audio state
let tag;
let tagUnlockingEnabled = false;
let tagPendingChange = false;
function contextStateCheck(tryResuming) {
if (context.state == "running") {
// No need to watch for unlocking events while running
// Check if our state matches
if (suspendAudio) {
// We want to be suspended, we can suspend at any time
.then(context_promiseHandler, context_promiseHandler);
} else if (context.state != "closed") {
// Interrupted or suspended, check if our state matches
if (!suspendAudio) {
// We want to be running
if (tryResuming)
.then(context_promiseHandler, context_promiseHandler);
} else {
// We don't want to be running, so no need to watch for unlocking events
function toggleContextUnlocking(enable) {
if (contextUnlockingEnabled === enable) return;
contextUnlockingEnabled = enable;
for (let evt of audioUnlockingEvents) {
if (enable)
window.addEventListener(evt, context_unlockingEvent, {
capture: true,
passive: true,
window.removeEventListener(evt, context_unlockingEvent, {
capture: true,
passive: true,
function context_statechange() {
function context_promiseHandler() {
function context_unlockingEvent() {
function tagStateCheck(tryChange) {
// We have a pending state change, let that resolve first
if (tagPendingChange) return;
if (!tag.paused) {
// No need to watch for unlocking events while running
// Check if our state matches
if (suspendAudio) {
// We want to be suspended, we can suspend at any time
tag.pause(); // instant action, so no need to set as pending
} else {
// Tag isn't playing, check if our state matches
if (!suspendAudio) {
// We want to be running
if (tryChange) {
// Try forcing a change, so stop watching for unlocking events while attempt is in progress
// Attempt to play
tagPendingChange = true;
let p;
try {
p =;
if (p) p.then(tag_promiseHandler, tag_promiseHandler);
else {
tag.addEventListener("playing", tag_promiseHandler);
tag.addEventListener("abort", tag_promiseHandler);
tag.addEventListener("error", tag_promiseHandler);
} catch (err) {
} else {
// We're not going to try resuming this time, but make sure unlocking events are enabled
} else {
// We don't want to be running, so no need to watch for unlocking events
function toggleTagUnlocking(enable) {
if (tagUnlockingEnabled === enable) return;
tagUnlockingEnabled = enable;
for (let evt of audioUnlockingEvents) {
if (enable)
window.addEventListener(evt, tag_unlockingEvent, {
capture: true,
passive: true,
window.removeEventListener(evt, tag_unlockingEvent, {
capture: true,
passive: true,
function tag_promiseHandler() {
tag.removeEventListener("playing", tag_promiseHandler);
tag.removeEventListener("abort", tag_promiseHandler);
tag.removeEventListener("error", tag_promiseHandler);
// Tag started playing, so we're not suspended
tagPendingChange = false;
function tag_unlockingEvent() {
* A utility function for decompressing the base64 silence string.
* @param c The number of times the string is repeated in the string segment.
* @param a The string to repeat.
function poorManHuffman(c, a) {
let e;
for (e = a; c > 1; c--) e += a;
return e;
// Watch for tag state changes and check initial state
if (isIOS) {
// Is ios, we need to play an html track in the background and disable the widget
// NOTE: media widget / airplay MUST be disabled with this super gross hack to create the audio tag, setting the attribute in js doesn't work
let tmp = document.createElement("div");
tmp.innerHTML = "<audio x-webkit-airplay='deny'></audio>";
tag = tmp.children.item(0);
tag.controls = false;
tag.disableRemotePlayback = true; // Airplay like controls on other devices, prevents casting of the tag
tag.preload = "auto";
// Set the src to a short bit of url encoded as a silent mp3
// NOTE The silence MP3 must be high quality, when web audio sounds are played in parallel the web audio sound is mixed to match the bitrate of the html sound
// 0.01 seconds of silence VBR220-260 Joint Stereo 859B
// The str below is a "compressed" version using poor mans huffman encoding, saves about 0.5kb
tag.src =
"data:audio/mpeg;base64,//uQx" +
poorManHuffman(23, "A") +
poorManHuffman(16, "gICA") +
poorManHuffman(66, "/") +
poorManHuffman(320, "A") +
poorManHuffman(15, "/") +
"7+n/9FTuQsQH//////2NG0jWUGlio5gLQTOtIoeR2WX////X4s9Atb/JRVCbBUpeRUq" +
poorManHuffman(18, "/") +
poorManHuffman(97, "V") +
tag.loop = true;
// Try to play right off the bat
// Watch for context state changes and check initial state
context.onstatechange = context_statechange; // NOTE: the onstatechange callback property is more widely supported than the statechange event context.addEventListener("statechange", context_statechange);
useEffect(() => {
const create = async () => {
const WaveSurfer = (await import("wavesurfer.js")).default;
const MarkersPlugin = (await import("wavesurfer.js/src/plugin/markers"))
const options = formWaveSurferOptions(waveformRef.current);
markers: [
time: 58,
label: "",
color: "#ff990a",
time: 5.5,
label: "",
color: "#ff990a",
time: 24,
label: "END",
color: "#00ffcc",
position: "top",
wavesurfer.current = WaveSurfer.create(options);
wavesurfer.current.on("marker-click", function (marker) {
console.log("marker drop", marker);
wavesurfer.current.on("audioprocess", function () {
const currentTime = wavesurfer.current.getCurrentTime();
return () => {
if (wavesurfer.current) {
}, []);
const handlePlayPause = () => {
const back30 = () => {
const forward30 = () => {
return (
<div id="waveform" ref={waveformRef} />
<div className="controls">
<div onClick={back30}>Back 30</div>
<div onClick={handlePlayPause}>{!playing ? "Play" : "Pause"}</div>
<div onClick={forward30}>Forward 30</div>
<div className="progress">{progress}</div>
export default WaveSurferNext;
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