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Created June 4, 2011 23:30
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email to mark
Hey mark,
We've got a huge pile of changes at this point, and some of them are actually applicable to MOULagain and small enough they could be merged in. Will you (or anyone else at cyan) have time to look over patches anytime soon? If so, should we send them to you directly still, or is there a new plan in place at this point?
We've got two simple fixes: one for the ptMatrix44 getter/setter, and another for saving JPEGs to the disk without the size embedded in them. Both are small fixes and should be easy for you to review and merge.
The big one that we'd really like to see merged is the asyncfixes patchset. Hoikas rewrote a bunch of the vault API to be asynchronous, fixing the several-second lags that occur when players do certain things (like sending an age invite, for example). It's nearly a 1000 lines changed across 13 commits, though.
On the python side, we have a number of small patches as well. The really big important one is a performance fix for xSimpleImager. This script refreshes every time it gets a node changed message. The problem is that the server likes to send updates on the city node every few seconds, which means that xSimpleImager refreshes far more often than needed. Our versions of the script has added a check to only process node updates if it's actually an image or text node that's changed.
We also have a fix that replaces all the print statements in xKI and xSimpleImager with PtDebugPrint. This avoids some random lag when the python debug buffer gets flushed and also keeps the logs cleaner for people who are debugging. This can be very annoying when an imager has lots of stuff on it, or in a busy 'hood where people keep triggering the KI icon on the imagers.
There are a few other fixes to the python, as well. Almost all of our python changes should be applicable to MOULagain. is our full commit log, if you want to take a look.
If you could let me know which (if any) of those you'd like to see, and how best to get the changesets to you that would be awesome.
(yeah, we fixed a bunch of bugs that cause lag. It's the single most annoying thing about Uru, and you'd be amazed how wonderful the game is to play with all of our fixes put together)
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