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Last active December 16, 2015 14:19
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Save brandjon/5447871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Back-tracking solver of Toads and Frogs game.
% Program to find all winning plays of Toads and Frogs.
% See
% Author: Jon Brandvein
% Changes:
% 05/02/13 - eliminate list processing helper rules in favor of
% a simpler append-based definition of player moves
% (thanks to David Warren)
:- import select/3, append/3 from basics.
% Configurations are represented as lists. Moves are transitions
% from one configuration to another. All moves preserve the size
% of the list and cause only local changes.
writeconf([H|T]) :-
writeconf_nl(L) :-
% Valid moves. Each player can move their frog/toad ("anurum"?)
% forward to an empty space, or hop over one opponent piece
% immediately in front of them.
p1move(C1, C2) :-
append(Before, [t, '.' | After], C1),
append(Before, ['.', t | After], C2).
p1move(C1, C2) :-
append(Before, [t, f, '.' | After], C1),
append(Before, ['.', f, t | After], C2).
p2move(C1, C2) :-
append(Before, ['.', f | After], C1),
append(Before, [f, '.' | After], C2).
p2move(C1, C2) :-
append(Before, ['.', t, f | After], C1),
append(Before, [f, t, '.' | After], C2).
% Play continues until one player has no possible moves.
p1play(C1, CF, V) :-
p1move(C1, C2),
p2play(C2, CF, V).
p1play(C1, CF, 'toads win') :-
p1move(C1, CF),
not p2play(CF, _, _).
p2play(C1, CF, V) :-
p2move(C1, C2),
p1play(C2, CF, V).
p2play(C1, CF, 'frogs win') :-
p2move(C1, CF),
not p1play(CF, _, _).
showplays(C) :-
setof((CF, V), p1play(C, CF, V), L),
((select((EC, EV), L, _),
writeconf(EC), write(' '), write(EV), writeln(''),
% Example runs.
:- showplays([., t, t, ., f, f]).
:- showplays([t, t, ., ., f, f]).
:- showplays([t,t,.,.,.,f,f]).
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