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Last active March 24, 2024 00:30
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-- PostgreSQL database dump
-- Dumped from database version 13.5 (Ubuntu 13.5-2.heroku1+1)
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 14.1
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SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
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-- Name: openalex; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: -
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_table_access_method = heap;
-- Name: authors; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.authors (
id text NOT NULL,
orcid text,
display_name text,
display_name_alternatives json,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
last_known_institution text,
works_api_url text,
updated_date timestamp without time zone
-- Name: authors_counts_by_year; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.authors_counts_by_year (
author_id text NOT NULL,
year integer NOT NULL,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
oa_works_count integer
-- Name: authors_ids; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.authors_ids (
author_id text NOT NULL,
openalex text,
orcid text,
scopus text,
twitter text,
wikipedia text,
mag bigint
CREATE TABLE openalex.topics (
id text NOT NULL,
display_name text,
subfield_id text,
subfield_display_name text,
field_id text,
field_display_name text,
domain_id text,
domain_display_name text,
description text,
keywords text,
works_api_url text,
wikipedia_id text,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
updated_date timestamp without time zone
-- Name: concepts; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.concepts (
id text NOT NULL,
wikidata text,
display_name text,
level integer,
description text,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
image_url text,
image_thumbnail_url text,
works_api_url text,
updated_date timestamp without time zone
-- Name: concepts_ancestors; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.concepts_ancestors (
concept_id text,
ancestor_id text
-- Name: concepts_counts_by_year; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.concepts_counts_by_year (
concept_id text NOT NULL,
year integer NOT NULL,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
oa_works_count integer
-- Name: concepts_ids; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.concepts_ids (
concept_id text NOT NULL,
openalex text,
wikidata text,
wikipedia text,
umls_aui json,
umls_cui json,
mag bigint
-- Name: concepts_related_concepts; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.concepts_related_concepts (
concept_id text,
related_concept_id text,
score real
-- Name: institutions; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.institutions (
id text NOT NULL,
ror text,
display_name text,
country_code text,
type text,
homepage_url text,
image_url text,
image_thumbnail_url text,
display_name_acronyms json,
display_name_alternatives json,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
works_api_url text,
updated_date timestamp without time zone
-- Name: institutions_associated_institutions; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.institutions_associated_institutions (
institution_id text,
associated_institution_id text,
relationship text
-- Name: institutions_counts_by_year; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.institutions_counts_by_year (
institution_id text NOT NULL,
year integer NOT NULL,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
oa_works_count integer
-- Name: institutions_geo; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.institutions_geo (
institution_id text NOT NULL,
city text,
geonames_city_id text,
region text,
country_code text,
country text,
latitude real,
longitude real
-- Name: institutions_ids; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.institutions_ids (
institution_id text NOT NULL,
openalex text,
ror text,
grid text,
wikipedia text,
wikidata text,
mag bigint
-- Name: publishers; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.publishers (
id text NOT NULL,
display_name text,
alternate_titles json,
country_codes json,
hierarchy_level integer,
parent_publisher text,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
sources_api_url text,
updated_date timestamp without time zone
-- Name: publishers_counts_by_year; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.publishers_counts_by_year (
publisher_id text NOT NULL,
year integer NOT NULL,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
oa_works_count integer
-- Name: publishers_ids; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.publishers_ids (
publisher_id text,
openalex text,
ror text,
wikidata text
-- Name: sources; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.sources (
id text NOT NULL,
issn_l text,
issn json,
display_name text,
publisher text,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
is_oa boolean,
is_in_doaj boolean,
homepage_url text,
works_api_url text,
updated_date timestamp without time zone
-- Name: sources_counts_by_year; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.sources_counts_by_year (
source_id text NOT NULL,
year integer NOT NULL,
works_count integer,
cited_by_count integer,
oa_works_count integer
-- Name: sources_ids; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.sources_ids (
source_id text,
openalex text,
issn_l text,
issn json,
mag bigint,
wikidata text,
fatcat text
-- Name: works; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
id text NOT NULL,
doi text,
title text,
display_name text,
publication_year integer,
publication_date text,
type text,
cited_by_count integer,
is_retracted boolean,
is_paratext boolean,
cited_by_api_url text,
abstract_inverted_index json,
language text
-- Name: works_primary_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_primary_locations (
work_id text,
source_id text,
landing_page_url text,
pdf_url text,
is_oa boolean,
version text,
license text
-- Name: works_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_locations (
work_id text,
source_id text,
landing_page_url text,
pdf_url text,
is_oa boolean,
version text,
license text
-- Name: works_best_oa_locations; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_best_oa_locations (
work_id text,
source_id text,
landing_page_url text,
pdf_url text,
is_oa boolean,
version text,
license text
-- Name: works_authorships; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_authorships (
work_id text,
author_position text,
author_id text,
institution_id text,
raw_affiliation_string text
-- Name: works_biblio; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_biblio (
work_id text NOT NULL,
volume text,
issue text,
first_page text,
last_page text
-- Name: works_topics; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_topics (
work_id text,
topic_id text,
score real
-- Name: works_concepts; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_concepts (
work_id text,
concept_id text,
score real
-- Name: works_ids; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_ids (
work_id text NOT NULL,
openalex text,
doi text,
mag bigint,
pmid text,
pmcid text
-- Name: works_mesh; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_mesh (
work_id text,
descriptor_ui text,
descriptor_name text,
qualifier_ui text,
qualifier_name text,
is_major_topic boolean
-- Name: works_open_access; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_open_access (
work_id text NOT NULL,
is_oa boolean,
oa_status text,
oa_url text,
any_repository_has_fulltext boolean
-- Name: works_referenced_works; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_referenced_works (
work_id text,
referenced_work_id text
-- Name: works_related_works; Type: TABLE; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE openalex.works_related_works (
work_id text,
related_work_id text
---- Name: authors_counts_by_year authors_counts_by_year_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.authors_counts_by_year
-- ADD CONSTRAINT authors_counts_by_year_pkey PRIMARY KEY (author_id, year);
---- Name: authors_ids authors_ids_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.authors_ids
-- ADD CONSTRAINT authors_ids_pkey PRIMARY KEY (author_id);
---- Name: authors authors_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.authors
-- ADD CONSTRAINT authors_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
---- Name: concepts_counts_by_year concepts_counts_by_year_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.concepts_counts_by_year
-- ADD CONSTRAINT concepts_counts_by_year_pkey PRIMARY KEY (concept_id, year);
---- Name: concepts_ids concepts_ids_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.concepts_ids
-- ADD CONSTRAINT concepts_ids_pkey PRIMARY KEY (concept_id);
---- Name: concepts concepts_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.concepts
-- ADD CONSTRAINT concepts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
---- Name: institutions_counts_by_year institutions_counts_by_year_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.institutions_counts_by_year
-- ADD CONSTRAINT institutions_counts_by_year_pkey PRIMARY KEY (institution_id, year);
---- Name: institutions_geo institutions_geo_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.institutions_geo
-- ADD CONSTRAINT institutions_geo_pkey PRIMARY KEY (institution_id);
---- Name: institutions_ids institutions_ids_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.institutions_ids
-- ADD CONSTRAINT institutions_ids_pkey PRIMARY KEY (institution_id);
---- Name: institutions institutions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.institutions
-- ADD CONSTRAINT institutions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
---- Name: sources source_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.sources
-- ADD CONSTRAINT source_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
---- Name: sources_counts_by_year sources_counts_by_year_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.sources_counts_by_year
-- ADD CONSTRAINT sources_counts_by_year_pkey PRIMARY KEY (source_id, year);
---- Name: works_biblio works_biblio_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.works_biblio
-- ADD CONSTRAINT works_biblio_pkey PRIMARY KEY (work_id);
---- Name: works_ids works_ids_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.works_ids
-- ADD CONSTRAINT works_ids_pkey PRIMARY KEY (work_id);
---- Name: works_open_access works_open_access_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
--ALTER TABLE ONLY openalex.works_open_access
-- ADD CONSTRAINT works_open_access_pkey PRIMARY KEY (work_id);
---- Name: works works_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: openalex; Owner: -
-- ADD CONSTRAINT works_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
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