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Created January 22, 2022 03:08
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review notes

Nate notes

general notes

  • nice use of HttpException I didn't know that would return a proper error
  • maybe add type hints if we have time
  • no defensive programming around function/method parameters/arguments

files and git

  • Add a to the root. Mine was a copy and paste of the requirements and a quick blurb of what I implemented.

  • Add gitignore

  • Remove venv and __pycache__/ from git history

    • git rm -rf —cached venv __pycache__/
  • try to rename content service again, it seems to work on my computer

  • review the requirements.txt and delete anything from your virtual env you dont need.

    • You can do this either by pip uninstall package or going into the interpreter in pycharm and deleting the package.
    • Then recreate your requirements.txt pip freeze > requirements.txt


I would suggest moving your routes into separate files using APIRouter

lines 8 and 9 why import as

import services.content_service as ContentService
import services.user_service as UserService

function defs should use snake case getcontent = get_content getwholerecord = get_whole_record updatetitlebyid = update_title_by_id

fix line space errors

  • remove () from AuthHandler not needed
  • pycharm says we should put a init in the class with pass
  • we should look into moving secret to an env variable

interview notes

  • they will probably ask why you used bcrypt, they did me
  • may ask you about jwt tokens, I did not use them

instantiate the user model on one line then get the data on the other

model = UserModel()
users = model.get_user_list()

login function

would it make more sense to make a get_user_by_name function on the model and query for the single user?

Create a PydanticSchema for your response. That way they are all formatted the same and they will be documented in the api documentation

content service

i am not sure what id the id variable is shadowing but maybe renaming it to content_id would clear that notice up.

create a pydantic model for the assemble whole record

line 43 contentdf should be content_df

  • make one method for updating where take in a dict of the content you query for the content and merge two dicts together
  • if you leave it like it is remove updated_content = as that isn't used


remove the s from the names user_model vs user_models there maybe a time where you need to query more than one model, having sqlmodel created in each model is bad, we should move that to a provider class and import it into the models

since these are classes you can remove the class name from the methods create_user -> create

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