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Created February 24, 2012 08:32
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Genetic Algorithm in CoffeeScript
# Add some useful features to array prototypes
Array::fold = (initial, fn) -> initial = fn initial, x for x in @; initial
Array::sum = -> @fold 0, (memo, i) -> memo + i
Array::mean = -> @sum() / @length
Array::max = -> Math.max.apply {}, @
Array::min = -> Math.min.apply {}, @
Array::median = -> if @length % 2 is 0 then (@[@length/2-1]+@[@length/2])/2 else @[Math.ceil @length/2]
Array::variance = -> avg = @mean(); @fold(0, (memo, i) -> memo + Math.pow i-avg, 2) / @length
Array::std_dev = -> Math.sqrt @variance()
# Give us an easy random integer
RANDOM_INT = (n = 100, m = 0) ->
[max, min] = if n > m then [n, m] else [m, n]
Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min)
# Constants
# Alphabet
BASES = ['C', 'A', 'G', 'T']
# Give us a random base from our alphabet
# Organism with perfect fitness
class Individual
# Create an individual with specified 'genes', or randomly generate genes if none are provided
constructor: (@genes = @random_gene GENE_LENGTH) ->
# Give us a random gene
random_gene: (length) -> (RANDOM_BASE() for i in [0...GENE_LENGTH]).join ''
# Use Levenschtein distance algorithm to calculate fitness
# Fitness ranges from 0-100
fitness: (solution = MODEL_SPECIMEN) ->
matrix = []
for i in [0..GENE_LENGTH]
matrix[i] ?= []
matrix[i][0] = i
for i in [0..GENE_LENGTH]
matrix[0][i] = i
for i in [1..GENE_LENGTH]
for j in [1..GENE_LENGTH]
matrix[i] ?= []
if @genes[i-1] is solution[j-1]
matrix[i][j] = matrix[i-1][j-1]
matrix[i][j] = Math.min matrix[i-1][j] + 1, matrix[i][j-1] + 1, matrix[i-1][j-1] + 1
100 - (matrix[GENE_LENGTH][GENE_LENGTH] / (GENE_LENGTH / 100))
# Mate an individual with another individual
# Sometimes mutates genes (according to MUTATION_RATE)
# Returns a child
# :: Individual -> Int -> Individual
mate: (other, uniform_rate = 0.5) ->
s = ''
for i in [0...GENE_LENGTH]
s += if Math.random() <= MUTATION_RATE
else if Math.random() <= uniform_rate
new Individual s
class Population
# Create a population of a certain size
constructor: (@target_size = 10) ->
@pop = (new Individual for i in [0...@target_size])
@is_dirty = yes
size: -> @pop.length
# Get a random individual from the population
random_individual: -> @pop[RANDOM_INT @pop.length-1]
# Get the fittest of the bunch
fittest: -> @pop.fold @pop[0], (memo, i) -> if > then i else memo
# Get all the fitnesses in an array. Caches them so I don't recalculate them
# whenever I calculate a statistic
fitnesses: ->
if @is_dirty
@_fitnesses = new Array
@_fitnesses.push for individual in @pop
@is_dirty = no
# Evolves the population in a 'natural' way.
# More fitness = increased chance of mating, less chance of dying and vice versa
# Doesn't work that great
evolve: ->
[@is_dirty, i] = [yes, i]
while i < @pop.length
fitness = @pop[i].fitness()
mate_chance = 0.9 * fitness + 5
death_chance = -0.9 * fitness + 5
overcrowding_bonus = 75
death_chance += overcrowding_bonus if @pop.length > @target_size
# Mating
if RANDOM_INT() <= mate_chance and @pop.length > 1
# Get a random individual's index until it isn't this individual's index
loop if (mate_idx = RANDOM_INT @pop.length-1) isnt i then break
# Mate them and add to population
@pop.push @pop[i].mate @pop[mate_idx]
# Kill the individual by removed it from the population
if RANDOM_INT() <= death_chance then @pop.splice i, 1
i += 1
# Evolves better. Kills everyone less than a Std Dev above mean fitness, refills population
# by mating the rest randomly.
super_evolve: ->
@is_dirty = yes
# Kill subpar individuals (create new array with only 'fit' individuals)
@pop = (p for p in @pop when > @fitnesses().mean() + @fitnesses().std_dev())
# Mate randomly until we fulfill our target size
@pop.push @random_individual().mate @random_individual() while @pop.length < @target_size
to_s: ->
Pop Size : #{@size()}
Max : #{@fitnesses().max()}
Min : #{@fitnesses().min()}
Mean : #{@fitnesses().mean()}
Median : #{@fitnesses().median()}
Variance : #{@fitnesses().variance()}
Std Dev : #{@fitnesses().std_dev()}
Fittest: : #{@fittest().genes}
pop1 = new Population 100
pop2 = new Population 100
print_pops = (gen_number) ->
console.log """
Generation #{gen_number}
Population 1
Population 2
evolve_pops = (n) -> (pop1.evolve(); pop2.super_evolve()) for i in [0...n]
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