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brandon3055 /
Created May 30, 2022 11:13 — forked from patriciogonzalezvivo/
GLSL Noise Algorithms

Generic 1,2,3 Noise

float rand(float n){return fract(sin(n) * 43758.5453123);}

float noise(float p){
	float fl = floor(p);
  float fc = fract(p);
	return mix(rand(fl), rand(fl + 1.0), fc);
# In order to use this you need to increase max_extrude_cross_section in your extruder config or klipper will complain. I set mine to 30
[gcode_macro PURGE_BLOB]
# This is for a 300mm bed. If you have a diferent bed size you may want to adjust the line below
{% set rand_pos = (105 + ( printer.system_stats.cputime * 1000 ) % 60) %} ; Generate pseudo random start pos so we dont wear out that one spot on the bed.
M117 Purging at X{ rand_pos }
# The start pos will be within the "handle" of the flex plate where there is some extra Y space available so we can go all the way to Y0
# If your setup does not have this extra space then just increase the y valie in the line "G1 X{ rand_pos } Y0 Z1 F18000"
G92 E0 ; zero the extruder
brandon3055 / Stoneblock Client side event dump
Last active October 24, 2018 01:55
This is a dump of most client side event handlers. Statically registered events are not listed. A lot of these events are registered both client and server side.
Dumping listeners for bus: EVENT_BUS
Handlers for event: class
NORMAL appeng.core.features.registries.LocatableRegistry updateLocatable(
Handlers for event: class$Update
NORMAL betterquesting.handlers.EventHandler onDataUpdated($Update)
Handlers for event: class betterwithmods.api.FeatureEnabledEvent
NORMAL squeek.appleskin.helpers.BetterWithModsHelper bwmFeatureEnabled(betterwithmods.api.FeatureEnabledEvent)
brandon3055 / Stoneblock Server side event dump
Last active October 24, 2018 01:55
This is a dump of most server side event handlers. Statically registered events are not listed.
Dumping listeners for bus: EVENT_BUS
Handlers for event: class
NORMAL appeng.core.features.registries.LocatableRegistry updateLocatable(
Handlers for event: class betterwithmods.api.FeatureEnabledEvent
NORMAL squeek.appleskin.helpers.BetterWithModsHelper bwmFeatureEnabled(betterwithmods.api.FeatureEnabledEvent)
Handlers for event: class com.enderio.core.common.event.ConfigFileChangedEvent
NORMAL com.enderio.core.common.config.AbstractConfigHandler onConfigFileChanged(com.enderio.core.common.event.ConfigFileChangedEvent)
NORMAL com.enderio.core.common.config.ConfigProcessor onConfigFileChanged(com.enderio.core.common.event.ConfigFileChangedEvent)
[22:25:16] [Netty Epoll Client IO #2/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: solarflux:neutronium
[22:25:16] [AWT-EventQueue-1/WARN] [Opis]: Unhandled msg : COMMAND_TELEPORT_CHUNK
[22:25:16] [AWT-EventQueue-1/WARN] [Opis]: Unhandled msg : COMMAND_TELEPORT_CHUNK
[22:25:16] [Thread-54/INFO] [minecraft/GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] WARNING: BuildCraft 7.99.18 is in ALPHA!
[22:25:16] [Thread-54/INFO] [minecraft/GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] Report BuildCraft bugs you find here
[22:25:16] [Thread-54/INFO] [minecraft/GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] and include the BuildCraft version 7.99.18 in the description
[22:25:16] [Thread-54/INFO] [minecraft/GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] If you have performance problems then try disabling
[22:25:16] [Thread-54/INFO] [minecraft/GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] everything in the BuildCraft perfomance config section.
[22:25:18] [JM-task-5/FATAL] [CodeChickenLib]: A CCL controlled model has been improperly handled by someone and will NOT be rendered. No more information available.
[22:25:18] [JM-task-
#include "window.h"
#include <QAction>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QCloseEvent>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QLabel>
Copying net/minecraftforge/fml/common/ModContainer.class
Copying net/minecraftforge/fml/common/network/handshake/FMLHandshakeClientState.class
Copying net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerWakeUpEvent.class
Copying net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapedOreRecipe.class
Copying net/minecraftforge/client/model/package-info.class
Copying net/minecraftforge/client/GuiIngameForge.class
Copying net/minecraftforge/common/config/ConfigElement.class
Copying net/minecraftforge/fml/client/config/GuiEditArrayEntries$DoubleEntry.class
Copying net/minecraftforge/common/config/ITypeAdapter.class
Copying net/minecraftforge/common/config/Config$RequiresMcRestart.class
void Tests::test() {
disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Window window = XDefaultRootWindow(disp);
// xdo_get_active_window(xdo1, &window); // Gets CLion Window
XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
attributes.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask |
StructureNotifyMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
KeyReleaseMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
PointerMotionMask | Button1MotionMask | VisibilityChangeMask |