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Forked from halgari/gist:3213067
Created July 31, 2012 06:34
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Async example in clojure-py
(ns async-test
(:require time)
(:require urllib))
;; See
(defmacro time [expr]
`(let [start# (time/clock)
ret# ~expr]
(prn (str "Elapsed time: " (py/round (* (- (time/clock) start#) 1000) 3) " msecs"))
(defmacro await-async [& body]
`(py.bytecode/YIELD_VALUE ~@body))
(defn download
(with-open [x (urllib/urlopen url)]
(println "Start download of " url)
(.read x))))
(defmacro let-async
[[& bindings] & body]
(let [bindings* (mapcat (fn [[k v]] [k `(await-async ~v)])
(partition 2 bindings))]
`(let ~(vec bindings*)
(defn waterfall [x]
(dotimes [t x]
(let-async [g (download "")
y (download "")
b (download "")]
(println "-- Downloaded " (count g) " bytes of Google")
(println "-- Downloaded " (count y) " bytes of Yahoo")
(println "-- Downloaded " (count b) " bytes of Bing"))))
;; See
(def deref-hack deref)
(defn future-comp [& xs]
(isRealized [_]
(every? #(.isRealized %) xs))
(deref [this]
;; Hacky busy loop!
(loop [_ nil] ; clojure-py chokes on empty recurs. See
(if (.isRealized this)
(map deref-hack xs)
(recur nil))))))
(defmacro let-parallel
[[& bindings] & body]
(let [keys (take-nth 2 bindings)
vals (take-nth 2 (next bindings))]
`(let [xs# (await-async (future-comp ~@vals))
[~@keys] (do (prn (count xs#)) xs#)]
(defn parallel [x]
(dotimes [t x]
(let-parallel [g (download "")
y (download "")
b (download "")]
(println "-- Downloaded " (count g) " bytes of Google")
(println "-- Downloaded " (count y) " bytes of Yahoo")
(println "-- Downloaded " (count b) " bytes of Bing"))))
(defn run-test [f desc]
(println "Begin" desc)
(let [asyncfn (f 4)]
(loop [val (.next asyncfn)]
(let [async (.send asyncfn @val)]
(print "|") ; Here we're in the control loop
(recur async))))
(catch py/StopIteration e nil))
(println "End" desc)))
(run-test waterfall "Waterfall (one by one, in order)")
(run-test parallel "Parallel (all at the same time)")
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