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Created August 2, 2010 06:57
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import re
from jinja2 import Markup
from SOMEOTHERLIBRARYFOROTHERSTUFF import format_user_input
def strip_auth_tokens(value):
from classlet.models import auth_token_re
return auth_token_re.sub(u'', value)
quote_re = re.compile(ur'\s{0,4}[>|\}]')
quote_block_re = re.compile(ur'\s*----+\s*original message\s*----+$',
quote_start_re = re.compile(ur'\s*\w.*:$')
def _get_quotes(lines):
quote_start = -1
quotes = []
lines = lines + ['']
line = lines[0]
for i, next_line in zip(range(len(lines)), lines[1:] + ['']):
if quote_block_re.match(line):
quotes.append((i, len(lines)))
if quote_re.match(line) or (quote_start_re.match(line) and
if quote_start == -1:
quote_start = i
elif quote_start != -1:
if i - quote_start >= MIN_QUOTE_LINES:
quotes.append((quote_start, i))
quote_start = -1
line = next_line
return quotes
def _enumerate_lines(value):
value = strip_auth_tokens(value)
lines = list(line.rstrip() for line in value.split('\n'))
quotes = _get_quotes(lines)
quote_state = 'outside'
for line, i in zip(lines, range(len(lines))):
if quotes:
begin_quote, end_quote = quotes[0]
begin_quote, end_quote = -1, -1
if i == begin_quote:
quote_state = 'begin'
elif i == end_quote:
quote_state = 'end'
elif quote_state == 'begin':
quote_state = 'inside'
elif quote_state == 'end':
quote_state = 'outside'
yield line, quote_state
def format_mail_web(value):
formatted = Markup('')
for line, quote_state in _enumerate_lines(value):
if quote_state == 'begin':
formatted += Markup('<div class="quote">'
'<a class="toggle_quote" '
'- show quoted text -'
'<div class="quote_body">\n')
elif quote_state == 'end':
formatted += Markup('</div></div>\n')
formatted += line + Markup('<br/>\n')
return format_user_input(formatted)
def _unquoted_lines(value):
return (line for line, quote_state in _enumerate_lines(value)
if quote_state == 'outside' or quote_state == 'end')
def format_mail_plain(value):
lines = (' ' + line for line in _unquoted_lines(value))
return '\n'.join(lines)
def format_mail_html(value):
return Markup('<br/>').join(_unquoted_lines(value))
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