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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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# React Media
A controls-free video and audio playback React.js component.
Includes a Flash-based fallback.
## Status
Work in progress for our internal needs, but designed to be readily usable
in any React.js project.
## Prerequisites
- Install Adobe Flex SDK 4.6
- Set `$FLEX_HOME`
## Compilation
This (currently) only compiles the Flash code.
JavaScript is built on demand during development, but consumers of this
library must build the JavaScript themselves. See the Webpack config.
npm run build
## Development
npm run dev
open http://localhost:8081/webpack-dev-server/src/dev/
## Usage
var Media = require('react-media');
type: 'video',
format: 'video/webm',
url: '',
See `./dev/index.jsx` for an example media player.
### Component Props
An array of objects with keys `type`, `format`, and `url`.
Valid types are `audio` and `video`. Formats are mimetypes. Required.
To support seekable streams, if the string `[start]` appears in a url, it will
be substituted with a time in seconds.
Time in seconds to seek to and begin playback from. Defaults to 0.
Boolean indicating if the media should play when ready. Defaults to false.
Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. Defaults to 1.0.
`width` and `height`
Video display size. Measured in pixels. Defaults to native video size.
A callback given an object of changed media state keys (documented below).
### OnChange Keys
The current playback time in seconds.
`width` and `height`
Sizes measured in pixels parsed from the video stream.
Length of media in seconds parsed from the media stream.
Boolean indicating if the media is currently playing.
An ordered, non-overlapping array of {time, duration} objects representing
an approximation of the loaded portions of the media stream.
Number ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 indicating an approximate download progress
before playback can proceed.
Set to true to spew debugging log messages to the console.
### Mobile Support
On iPad and other tablet devices, media will only play after an initial
user-interaction. Due to the way the React.js render loop works, the props
set on the media player don't count as a user interaction. In order for this to
work, you'll need something like this:
onClick: function() {
The example media player does this in response to toggling play/pause.
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