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Created June 20, 2014 21:37
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(in-ns 'eclj.core)
(defprotocol Fn
:on-interface clojure.lang.Fn
"Marker interface indicating invokeables that are explictly functions")
(defprotocol IFn
:on-interface clojure.lang.IFn
(^{:on :invoke} -invoke
[this a]
[this a b]
[this a b c]
[this a b c d]
[this a b c d e]
[this a b c d e f]
[this a b c d e f g]
[this a b c d e f g h]
[this a b c d e f g h i]
[this a b c d e f g h i j]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l m]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l m n]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q s]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q s t]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q s t u]
[this a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q s t u rest]))
(defprotocol ICounted
:on-interface clojure.lang.Counted
(^{:on :count} -count [coll]))
(defprotocol IEmptyableCollection
:on-interface clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection
(^{:on :empty} -empty [coll]))
(defprotocol ICollection
:on-interface clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection
(^{:on :cons} -conj [coll o])
;XXX clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection#equiv
(defprotocol ASeq) ;XXX on-interface
(defprotocol ISeq
:on-interface clojure.lang.ISeq
(^{:on :first} -first [coll])
(^{:on :more} -rest [coll]))
(defprotocol INext
:on-interface clojure.lang.ISeq
(^{:on :next} -next [coll]))
(defprotocol ILookup
:on-interface clojure.lang.ILookup
(^{:on :valAt} -lookup [o k] [o k not-found]))
(defprotocol IAssociative
:on-interface clojure.lang.Associative
(^{:on :containsKey} -contains-key? [coll k])
(^{:on :entryAt} -entry-at [coll k])
(^{:on :assoc} -assoc [coll k v]))
(defprotocol IMap
:on-interface clojure.lang.IPersistentMap
;XXX (^{:on :assocEx} ...) unused variant that throws for duplicate keys
(^{:on :without} -dissoc [coll k]))
(defprotocol IMapEntry
:on-interface clojure.lang.IMapEntry
(^{:on :key} -key [coll])
(^{:on :val} -val [coll]))
(defprotocol ISet
:on-interface clojure.lang.IPersistentSet
(^{:on :disjoin} -disjoin [coll v])
;XXX clojure.lang.IPersistentSet#contains
;XXX clojure.lang.IPersistentSet#get
(defprotocol IStack
:on-interface clojure.lang.IPersistentStack
(^{:on :peek} -peek [coll])
(^{:on :pop} -pop [coll]))
(defprotocol IVector
:on-interface clojure.lang.IPersistentVector
(^{:on :assocN} -assoc-n [coll n val])
;XXX (^{:on :length} ...) unused count alias
(defprotocol IDeref
:on-interface clojure.lang.IDeref
(^{:on :deref} -deref [o]))
(defprotocol IDerefWithTimeout
:on-interface clojure.lang.IBlockingDeref
(^{:on :deref} -deref-with-timeout [o msec timeout-val]))
(defprotocol IMeta
:on-interface clojure.lang.IMeta
(^{:on :meta} -meta [o]))
(defprotocol IWithMeta
:on-interface clojure.lang.IObj
(^{:on :withMeta} -with-meta [o meta]))
;XXX clojure.lang.IReduce is unused
;XXX clojure.lang.protocols.InternalReduce is legacy
(defprotocol IReduce
:on-interface clojure.core.protocols.CollReduce
(^{:on :reduce} -reduce [coll f] [coll f start]))
(defprotocol IKVReduce
:on-interface clojure.core.protocols.IKVReduce
(^{:on :kv-reduce} -kv-reduce [coll f init]))
(defprotocol IEquiv
;XXX java.lang.Object#equals & clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection#equiv
(-equiv [o other]))
(defprotocol IHash
;XXX java.lang.Object#hashCode
:on-interface clojure.lang.IHashEq
(^{:on :hasheq} -hash [o]))
(defprotocol ISeqable
:on-interface clojure.lang.Seqable
(^{:on :seq} -seq [o]))
(defprotocol ISequential
:on-interface clojure.lang.Sequential
"Marker interface indicating a persistent collection of sequential items")
(defprotocol IList
:on-interface clojure.lang.IPersistentList
"Marker interface indicating a persistent list")
(defprotocol IRecord
:on-interface clojure.lang.IRecord
"Marker interface indicating a record object")
(defprotocol IReversible
:on-interface clojure.lang.Reversible
(^{:on :rseq} -rseq [coll]))
(defprotocol ISorted
:on-interface clojure.lang.Sorted
(^{:on :seq} -sorted-seq [coll ascending?])
(^{:on :seqFrom} -sorted-seq-from [coll k ascending?])
(^{:on :entryKey} -entry-key [coll entry])
(^{:on :comparator} -comparator [coll]))
;TODO: Integration with print-method and/or
;(defprotocol IWriter
; (-write [writer s])
; (-flush [writer]))
;(defprotocol IPrintWithWriter
; (-pr-writer [o writer opts]))
(defprotocol IPending
:on-interface clojure.lang.IPending
(^{:on :isRealized} -realized? [d]))
(defprotocol IWatchable
:on-interface clojure.lang.IRef
(-notify-watches [this oldval newval]) ;XXX getWatches
(^{:on :addWatch} -add-watch [this key f])
(^{:on :removeWatch} -remove-watch [this key]))
(defprotocol IEditableCollection
:on-interface clojure.lang.IEditableCollection
(^{:on :asTransient} -as-transient [coll]))
(defprotocol ITransientCollection
:on-interface clojure.lang.ITransientCollection
(^{:on :conj} -conj! [tcoll val])
(^{:on :persistent} -persistent! [tcoll]))
(defprotocol ITransientAssociative
:on-interface clojure.lang.ITransientAssociative
(^{:on :assoc} -assoc! [tcoll key val]))
(defprotocol ITransientMap
:on-interface clojure.lang.ITransientMap
(^{:on :without} -dissoc! [tcoll key]))
(defprotocol ITransientVector
:on-interface clojure.lang.ITransientVector
(^{:on :assocN} -assoc-n! [tcoll n val])
(^{:on :pop} -pop! [tcoll]))
(defprotocol ITransientSet
:on-interface clojure.lang.ITransientSet
(^{:on :disjoin} -disjoin! [tcoll v])
;XXX clojure.lang.ITransientSet#contains
;XXX clojure.lang.ITransientSet#get
(defprotocol IComparable
:on-interface java.lang.Comparable
(^{:on :compareTo} -compare [x y]))
(defprotocol IChunk
:on-interface clojure.lang.IChunk
(^{:on :dropFirst} -drop-first [coll]))
(defprotocol IChunkedSeq
:on-interface clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq
(^{:on :chunkedFirst} -chunked-first [coll])
(^{:on :chunkedMore} -chunked-rest [coll]))
(defprotocol IChunkedNext
:on-interface clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq
(^{:on :chunkedNext} -chunked-next [coll]))
(defprotocol INamed
:on-interface clojure.lang.Named
(^{:on :getName} -name [x])
(^{:on :getNamespace} -namespace [x]))
(defprotocol IAtom) ;XXX on-interface
(defprotocol IReset ;XXX on-interface
(-reset! [o new-value]))
(defprotocol ISwap ;XXX on-interface
(-swap! [o f] [o f a] [o f a b] [o f a b xs]))
(defprotocol IMultiFn ;XXX on-interface
(-reset [mf])
(-add-method [mf dispatch-val method])
(-remove-method [mf dispatch-val])
(-prefer-method [mf dispatch-val dispatch-val-y])
(-get-method [mf dispatch-val])
(-methods [mf])
(-prefers [mf]))
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