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Created July 26, 2011 23:26
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%h2 Post Your Job
%li Listing Details
%li Company Details
%li Preview Your Listing
%li Finish
- form_for :job, :url => { :action => :create } do |f|
/ = f.error_messages
/ = render "jobs/shared/#{@job.current_step}", :f => f
%h2 Listing Details
= f.label :title
= f.text_field :title
= f.radio_button :type, 'full_time'
= f.label :type, "Full Time"
= f.radio_button :type, 'part_time'
= f.label :type, "Part Time"
= f.radio_button :type, 'contract'
= f.label :type, "Contract"
= f.radio_button :type, 'freelance'
= f.label :type, "Freelance"
= f.label :category
= f.text_field :category
= f.label :description
= f.text_area :description
= f.label :perks
= f.text_area :perks
= f.label :how_to_apply
= f.text_area :how_to_apply
%h2 Company Details
- fields_for @job.employer do |e|
= e.label :name, "Company Name"
= e.text_field :name
%p= f.submit "Continue"
%p= f.submit "Back", :name => "back_button" unless @job.first_step?
%p= link_to "Back to List", jobs_path
= debug session[:listing_params]
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