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Last active June 13, 2020 20:29
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Unit tests for restore-dotnet-solution.js
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #region Imports
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const faker = require("faker");
const shell = require("shelljs");
const sut = require("./restore-dotnet-solution");
// #endregion Imports
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #region Tests
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
describe("restoreDotnetSolution", () => {
afterEach(() => {
// Clear out any mocked functions and restore their original implementations after each test
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #region getFirstFile
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
describe("getFirstFile", () => {
test("when more than 1 file is found, it returns the first one", () => {
// Arrange
jest.spyOn(shell, "ls").mockImplementation(() => [
// Act
const result = sut.getFirstFile("file"); // <- What we pass in here is arbitrary, since we're mocking the ls return anyway.
// Assert
// #endregion getFirstFile
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #region getSolutionPath
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
describe("getSolutionPath", () => {
test("when no solution file is found, it returns undefined", () => {
// Arrange & Act
const result = sut.getSolutionPath();
// Assert
test("when solution file is found, it returns that path", () => {
// Arrange
jest.spyOn(shell, "ls").mockImplementation(() => ["Example.sln"]);
// Act
const result = sut.getSolutionPath();
// Assert
// #endregion getSolutionPath
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #region solutionPathOrExit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
describe("solutionPathOrExit", () => {
test("when no solution file is found, it returns calls shell.exit with exit code 1", () => {
// Arrange
const shellExitSpy = jest
.spyOn(shell, "exit")
.mockImplementation((code) =>
console.log(`shell.exit was called with code: ${code}`)
// Act
// Assert
// #endregion solutionPathOrExit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #region restoreDotnetSolution
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
describe("restoreDotnetSolution", () => {
test("when solutionPathOrExit fails to find the path, it calls shell.exit with exit code 1", () => {
// Arrange
jest.spyOn(sut, "solutionPathOrExit").mockImplementation(() => {
const shellExitSpy = jest
.spyOn(shell, "exit")
.mockImplementation((code) =>
console.log(`shell.exit was called with code: ${code}`)
// Act
// Assert
test("when shell.exec returns non-zero exit code, it calls shell.exit with that code", () => {
// Arrange
const exitCode = faker.random.number({ min: 1, max: 50 });
jest.spyOn(shell, "exec").mockImplementation(() => {
return { code: exitCode };
const shellExitSpy = jest
.spyOn(shell, "exit")
.mockImplementation((code) =>
console.log(`shell.exit was called with code: ${code}`)
// Act
// Assert
// #endregion restoreDotnetSolution
// #endregion Tests
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