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Last active September 8, 2023 10:03
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`main.swift` Update From Apple's `Creating a Photogrammetry Command-Line App`
See LICENSE folder for this sample’s licensing information.
RealityKit Object Creation command line tools.
import ArgumentParser // Available from Apple:
import Combine
import Foundation
import os
import RealityKit
private typealias Configuration = PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration
private typealias Request = PhotogrammetrySession.Request
/// Implements the main command structure, defines the command-line arguments,
/// and specifies the main run loop.
struct HelloPhotogrammetry: ParsableCommand {
public static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
abstract: "Reconstructs 3D USDZ model from a folder of images.")
@Argument(help: "The local input file folder of images.")
private var inputFolder: String
@Argument(help: "Full path to the USDZ output file.")
private var outputFilename: String
@Option(name: .shortAndLong,
parsing: .next,
help: "detail {preview, reduced, medium, full, raw} Detail of output model in terms of mesh size and texture size .",
transform: Request.Detail.init)
private var detail: Request.Detail? = nil
// NOTE: Xcode 13 Beta 2 (13A5155e) removed the `sampleOverlap` property from the Photogrammetry.Configuration type.
@Option(name: [.customShort("o"), .long],
parsing: .next,
help: "sampleOrdering {unordered, sequential} Setting to sequential may speed up computation if images are captured in a spatially sequential pattern.",
transform: Configuration.SampleOrdering.init)
private var sampleOrdering: Configuration.SampleOrdering?
@Option(name: .shortAndLong,
parsing: .next,
help: "featureSensitivity {normal, high} Set to high if the scanned object does not contain a lot of discernible structures, edges or textures.",
transform: Configuration.FeatureSensitivity.init)
private var featureSensitivity: Configuration.FeatureSensitivity?
/// The main run loop entered at the end of the file.
func run() {
let inputFolderUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: inputFolder, isDirectory: true)
let configuration = makeConfigurationFromArguments()
print("Using configuration: \(String(describing: configuration))")
// Try to create the session, or else exit.
var maybeSession: PhotogrammetrySession? = nil
do {
maybeSession = try PhotogrammetrySession(input: inputFolderUrl,
configuration: configuration)
print("Successfully created session.")
} catch {
print("Error creating session: \(String(describing: error))")
guard let session = maybeSession else {
// NOTE: Xcode 13 Beta 2 (13A5155e) removes the `PhotogrammetrySession.Output`
// property. This has been replaced with the `PhotogrammetrySession.Outputs`
// property, allowing for use of the AsyncIterator to await session outputs.
// Iterate over the session outputs to handle the progress and status.
Task.init(priority: .default) {
do {
for try await output in session.outputs {
switch output {
case .requestProgress(let request, fractionComplete: let fraction):
handleRequestProgress(request: request, fractionComplete: fraction)
case .requestComplete(let request, let result):
handleRequestComplete(request: request, result: result)
case .requestError(let request, let error):
print("Request \(String(describing: request)) had an error: \(String(describing: error))")
case .processingComplete:
// All requests are done so you can safely exit.
print("Processing is complete!")
case .inputComplete: // Data ingestion has finished.
print("Data ingestion is complete. Beginning processing...")
case .invalidSample(let id, let reason):
print("Invalid Sample! id=\(id) reason=\"\(reason)\"")
case .skippedSample(let id):
print("Sample id=\(id) was skipped by processing.")
case .automaticDownsampling:
print("Automatic downsampling was applied!")
print("Output: unhandled message: \(output.localizedDescription)")
// Compiler may deinitialize these objects since they may appear to be
// unused. This keeps them from being deallocated until they exit.
// NOTE: Xcode 13 Beta 2 (13A5155e) removes the need for a Combine publisher,
// and the Combine `subscriptions` Set has been removed from `withExtendedLifetime`.
withExtendedLifetime(session) {
// Run the main process call on the request, then enter the main run
// loop until you get the published completion event or error.
do {
let request = makeRequestFromArguments()
print("Using request: \(String(describing: request))")
try session.process(requests: [ request ])
// Enter the infinite loop dispatcher used to process asynchronous
// blocks on the main queue. You explicitly exit above to stop the loop.
} catch {
print("Process got error: \(String(describing: error))")
/// Creates the session configuration by overriding any defaults with arguments specified.
private func makeConfigurationFromArguments() -> PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration {
var configuration = PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration()
// NOTE: Xcode 13 Beta 2 (13A5155e) removes the `sampleOverlap` property.
// It has been removed from this method. { configuration.sampleOrdering = $0 } { configuration.featureSensitivity = $0 }
return configuration
/// Creates a request to use based on the command-line arguments.
private func makeRequestFromArguments() -> PhotogrammetrySession.Request {
let outputUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: outputFilename)
if let detailSetting = detail {
return PhotogrammetrySession.Request.modelFile(url: outputUrl, detail: detailSetting)
} else {
return PhotogrammetrySession.Request.modelFile(url: outputUrl)
// MARK: - Helper Functions / Extensions
/// Called when the the session sends a request completed message.
private func handleRequestComplete(request: PhotogrammetrySession.Request,
result: PhotogrammetrySession.Result) {
print("Request complete: \(String(describing: request)) with result...")
switch result {
case .modelFile(let url):
print("\tmodelFile available at url=\(url)")
print("\tUnexpected result: \(String(describing: result))")
/// Called when the sessions sends a progress update message.
private func handleRequestProgress(request: PhotogrammetrySession.Request,
fractionComplete: Double) {
print("Progress(request = \(String(describing: request)) = \(fractionComplete)")
/// Error thrown when an illegal option is specified.
private enum IllegalOption: Swift.Error {
case invalidDetail(String)
case invalidSampleOverlap(String)
case invalidSampleOrdering(String)
case invalidFeatureSensitivity(String)
/// Extension to add a throwing initializer used as an option transform to verify the user-supplied arguments.
extension PhotogrammetrySession.Request.Detail {
init(_ detail: String) throws {
switch detail {
case "preview": self = .preview
case "reduced": self = .reduced
case "medium": self = .medium
case "full": self = .full
case "raw": self = .raw
default: throw IllegalOption.invalidDetail(detail)
// NOTE: Xcode 13 Beta 2 (13A5155e) removes the `PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.SampleOverlap`
// property. Its extension has been removed as it is no longer a member of PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.
extension PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.SampleOrdering {
init(sampleOrdering: String) throws {
if sampleOrdering == "unordered" {
self = .unordered
} else if sampleOrdering == "sequential" {
self = .sequential
} else {
throw IllegalOption.invalidSampleOrdering(sampleOrdering)
extension PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.FeatureSensitivity {
init(featureSensitivity: String) throws {
if featureSensitivity == "normal" {
self = .normal
} else if featureSensitivity == "high" {
self = .high
} else {
throw IllegalOption.invalidFeatureSensitivity(featureSensitivity)
// MARK: - Main
// Run the program until completion.
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