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Created May 3, 2021 20:32
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Azure Name Generator
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
param (
[Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Position = 3, mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Position = 4, mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Position = 5, mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Position = 6, mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Position = 7, mandatory = $false)]
# We want to stop if *any* error occurs
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Set-PSDebug -Trace 0 -Strict
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'
# Sanitize inputs
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($format)) {
# Based on:
$format = "{type}-{workload}-{environment}-{region}{number}"
$resourceType = ($resourceType -replace '[^A-z]').ToLowerInvariant()
$workload = ($workload -replace '[^A-z0-9]').ToLowerInvariant()
$region = ($region -replace '[^A-z]').ToLowerInvariant()
$environment = ($environment -replace '[^A-z0-9]').ToLowerInvariant()
$number = ($number -replace '[^0-9]')
# If a number is specified, prefix with a hyphen and pad it to three digits
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($number)) {
$number = '-' + $number.PadLeft(3, '0')
$removeHyphens = $false
# Token Values
$tokenType = ''
$tokenWorkload = ''
$tokenRegion = ''
$tokenEnvironment = ''
$tokenNumber = ''
# Determine Resource Type Short Code
# Based on:
$tokenType = switch ($resourceType) {
'akscluster' { 'aks' }
'analysisservices' { 'a' }
'analysisservicesserver' { 'a' }
'apimanagementserviceinstance' { 'apim' }
'appconfiguration' { 'appcs' }
'appconfigurationstore' { 'appcs' }
'appgateway' { 'agw' }
'appinsights' { 'appi' }
'applicationgateway' { 'agw' }
'applicationinsights' { 'appi' }
'applicationsecuritygroup' { 'asg' }
'appservice' { 'app' }
'appserviceenvironment' { 'ase' }
'appserviceplan' { 'plan' }
'automationaccount' { 'aa' }
'availabilityset' { 'avail' }
'azureanalysisservicesserver' { 'a' }
'azurearcenabledkubernetescluster' { 'arc' }
'azurearcenabledserver' { 'arcs' }
'azurecacheforredisinstance' { 'redis' }
'azurecognitivesearch' { 'srch' }
'azurecognitiveservices' { 'cog' }
'azurecontainerregistry' { 'acr' }
'azurecosmosdb' { 'cosmos' }
'azurecosmosdbdatabase' { 'cosmos' }
'azuredatabricksworkspace' { 'dbw' }
'azuredataexplorer' { 'de' }
'azuredataexplorercluster' { 'de' }
'azuredatafactory' { 'adf' }
'azurekeyvault' { 'kv' }
'azuremachinelearningworkspace' { 'mlw' }
'azuremigrateproject' { 'migr' }
'azuremonitoractiongroup' { 'ag' }
'azurepurviewinstance' { 'pview' }
'azuresqldatabase' { 'sqldb' }
'azuresqldatabaseserver' { 'sql' }
'azuresqldatawarehouse' { 'sqldw' }
'azurestaticwebapps' { 'stap' }
'azurestorsimple' { 'ssim' }
'azurestreamanalytics' { 'asa' }
'azuresynapseanalytics' { 'syn' }
'blueprint' { 'bp' }
'blueprintassignment' { 'bpa' }
'cdnendpoint' { 'cdne' }
'cdnprofile' { 'cdnp' }
'cloudservice' { 'cld' }
'cognitivesearch' { 'srch' }
'cognitiveservices' { 'cog' }
'containerinstance' { 'ci' }
'containerregistry' { 'acr' }
'cosmosdb' { 'cosmos' }
'cosmosdbdatabase' { 'cosmos' }
'databasemigrationservice' { 'dms' }
'databasemigrationserviceinstance' { 'dms' }
'databricks' { 'dbw' }
'databricksworkspace' { 'dbw' }
'dataexplorer' { 'de' }
'dataexplorercluster' { 'de' }
'datafactory' { 'adf' }
'datalake' { 'dl' }
'datalakeanalytics' { 'dl' }
'datalakeanalyticsaccount' { 'dl' }
'datalakestore' { 'dl' }
'datalakestoreaccount' { 'dl' }
'datamanageddisk' { 'dis' }
'eventgriddomain' { 'evgd' }
'eventgridtopic' { 'evgt' }
'eventhub' { 'evh' }
'eventhubs' { 'evhns' }
'eventhubsnamespace' { 'evhns' }
'expressroutecircuit' { 'erc' }
'externalloadbalancer' { 'lbe' }
'frontdoor' { 'fd' }
'function' { 'func' }
'functionapp' { 'func' }
'hadoopcluster' { 'hadoop' }
'hbasecluster' { 'hbase' }
'hdinsighthadoopcluster' { 'hadoop' }
'hdinsighthbasecluster' { 'hbase' }
'hdinsightkafkacluster' { 'kafka' }
'hdinsightmlservicescluster' { 'mls' }
'hdinsightsparkcluster' { 'spark' }
'hdinsightstormcluster' { 'storm' }
'integrationaccount' { 'ia' }
'internalloadbalancer' { 'lbi' }
'iothub' { 'iot' }
'kafkacluster' { 'kafka' }
'keyvault' { 'kv' }
'loadbalancer(external)' { 'lbe' }
'loadbalancer(internal)' { 'lbi' }
'localnetworkgateway' { 'lgw' }
'loganalyticsworkspace' { 'log' }
'logicapp' { 'logic' }
'logicapps' { 'logic' }
'machinelearningworkspace' { 'mlw' }
'manageddisk' { 'dis' }
'manageddisk(data)' { 'dis' }
'manageddisk(os)' { 'osdis' }
'managedidentity' { 'id' }
'managementgroup' { 'mg' }
'migrateproject' { 'migr' }
'mlservicescluster' { 'mls' }
'monitoractiongroup' { 'ag' }
'mysqldatabase' { 'mysql' }
'networkinterface' { 'nic' }
'networksecuritygroup' { 'nsg' }
'notificationhubs' { 'ntf' }
'notificationhubsnamespace' { 'ntfns' }
'osmanageddisk' { 'osdis' }
'policydefinition' { 'policy' }
'postgresql' { 'psql' }
'postgresqldatabase' { 'psql' }
'powerbiembedded' { 'pbi' }
'publicip' { 'pip' }
'publicipaddress' { 'pip' }
'purview' { 'pview' }
'purviewinstance' { 'pview' }
'recoveryservicesvault' { 'rsv' }
'resourcegroup' { 'rg' }
'routetable' { 'route' }
'servicebus' { 'sb' }
'servicebusqueue' { 'sbq' }
'servicebustopic' { 'sbt' }
'servicefabriccluster' { 'sf' }
'sparkcluster' { 'spark' }
'sqldatabase' { 'sqldb' }
'sqldatabaseserver' { 'sql' }
'sqldatawarehouse' { 'sqldw' }
'sqlmanagedinstance' { 'sqlmi' }
'sqlserverstretchdatabase' { 'sqlstrdb' }
'staticwebapp' { 'stap' }
'storage' { 's' }
'storageaccount' { 's' }
'stormcluster' { 'storm' }
'storsimple' { 'ssim' }
'streamanalytics' { 'asa' }
'subnet' { 'snet' }
'synapse' { 'syn' }
'synapseanalytics' { 'syn' }
'timeseriesinsights' { 'tsi' }
'timeseriesinsightsenvironment' { 'tsi' }
'trafficmanager' { 'traf' }
'trafficmanagerprofile' { 'traf' }
'userdefinedroute' { 'udr' }
'virtualmachine' { 'v' }
'virtualmachinescaleset' { 'vmss' }
'virtualmachinestorage' { 'stv' }
'virtualmachinestorageaccount' { 'stv' }
'virtualnetwork' { 'vnet' }
'virtualnetworkgateway' { 'vgw' }
'virtualnetworkpeering' { 'peer' }
'vm' { 'v' }
'vmscaleset' { 'vmss' }
'vmstorage' { 'stv' }
'vmstorageaccount' { 'stv' }
'vpnconnection' { 'cn' }
'waf' { 'wa' }
'webapp' { 'app' }
'webapplicationfirewall' { 'wa' }
'webapplicationfirewallpolicy' { 'wa' }
Default { $resourceType }
# Determine Workload
$tokenWorkload = $workload
# Determine Region
if ($shortRegion) {
# regions retrieved with the following query, shortcodes are custom:
# az account list-locations --query "sort_by([].{DisplayName:displayName, Name:name}, &DisplayName)" --output table
$tokenRegion = switch ($region) {
'asia' { 'as' }
'asiapacific' { 'apac' }
'australia' { 'aus' }
'australiacentral' { 'ausc' }
'australiacentral2' { 'ausc2' }
'australiaeast' { 'ause' }
'australiasoutheast' { 'ausse' }
'brazil' { 'bra' }
'brazilsouth' { 'bras' }
'brazilsoutheast' { 'brase' }
'canada' { 'can' }
'canadacentral' { 'canc' }
'canadaeast' { 'cane' }
'centralindia' { 'cin' }
'centralus' { 'cus' }
'centralusstage' { 'cuss' }
'centraluseuap' { 'cusu' }
'eastasia' { 'eas' }
'eastasiastage' { 'eass' }
'eastus' { 'eus' }
'eastusstage' { 'euss' }
'eastus2' { 'eus2' }
'eastus2stage' { 'eus2s' }
'eastus2euap' { 'eus2su' }
'europe' { 'eur' }
'francecentral' { 'frc' }
'francesouth' { 'frs' }
'germanynorth' { 'grn' }
'germanywestcentral' { 'grwc' }
'global' { 'global' }
'india' { 'in' }
'japan' { 'jp' }
'japaneast' { 'jpe' }
'japanwest' { 'jpw' }
'koreacentral' { 'krc' }
'koreasouth' { 'krs' }
'northcentralus' { 'ncus' }
'northcentralusstage' { 'ncuss' }
'northeurope' { 'neur' }
'norwayeast' { 'nwe' }
'norwaywest' { 'nww' }
'southafricanorth' { 'safn' }
'southafricawest' { 'safw' }
'southcentralus' { 'scus' }
'southcentralusstage' { 'scuss' }
'southindia' { 'sin' }
'southeastasia' { 'seas' }
'southeastasiastage' { 'seass' }
'switzerlandnorth' { 'swn' }
'switzerlandwest' { 'sww' }
'uaecentral' { 'uaec' }
'uaenorth' { 'uaen' }
'uksouth' { 'uks' }
'ukwest' { 'ukw' }
'unitedkingdom' { 'uk' }
'unitedstates' { 'us' }
'westcentralus' { 'wcus' }
'westeurope' { 'weur' }
'westindia' { 'win' }
'westus' { 'wus' }
'westusstage' { 'wuss' }
'westus2' { 'wus2' }
'westus2stage' { 'wus2s' }
'westus3' { 'wus3' }
Default { $region }
else {
$tokenRegion = $region
# Determine Name
$tokenEnvironment = $environment
# Determine Number
$tokenNumber = $number
$replacedString = $format.Replace('{type}', $tokenType).Replace('{workload}', $tokenWorkload).Replace('{region}', $tokenRegion).Replace('{environment}', $tokenEnvironment).Replace('{number}', $tokenNumber)
# Check if we violate any naming restrictionslengths, characters, etc)
# Based on:
# Common Errors
$NameTooLong = "The generated resource name {replacedString} is longer than the max length of {maxLength}. Consider modifying the name manually to meet that restriction."
# using token type since it would be consolidated from naming possiblities
switch ($tokenType) {
's' {
$replacedString = $replacedString -replace '[^a-z0-9]'
$maxLength = 24
if ($replacedString.Length -gt $maxLength) {
$warning = $NameTooLong.Replace('{replacedString}', $replacedString).Replace('{maxLength}', $maxLength)
Write-Warning $warning
'acr' {
$replacedString = $replacedString -replace '[^a-z0-9]'
$maxLength = 50
if ($replacedString.Length -gt $maxLength) {
$warning = $NameTooLong.Replace('{replacedString}', $replacedString).Replace('{maxLength}', $maxLength)
Write-Warning $warning
if ($removeHyphens) {
$replacedString = $replacedString.Replace('-', '')
# TODO: check if we are past any azure name limits and adjust accordingly (most likely shorten the name)
Write-Host "Generated name is:"
Write-Host $replacedString
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