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WalkPath: A wrapper for pathlib.Path – deeply search the specified path and return all files and dirs (using os.walk), mapped to WalkPath objects that maintain a hierarchical matrix of pathlib.Path objects.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Iterable
def is_sys_file(path: Union[str, 'Path', 'WalkPath']) -> bool:
"""Checks to see if the path provided is a system file.
path (str or Pathlike): Path to check
bool: True if it's a system file, otherwise False
# Try to coerce a Pathlike object to a string
x =
x = str(path)
return (x.lower().startswith('.')
or x.lower() in [sys.lower() for sys in ['Thumbs.db', '@eaDir']])
class WalkPath(Path):
_flavour = type(Path())._flavour
def __init__(self, *args, origin: 'Path' = None, dirs: [] = None, files: [] = None):
"""Initialize WalkPath object.
dirs (list): Dirs provided by os.walk(), defauls to []
files (list): Files provided by os.walk(), defaults to []
if origin:
self.origin = Path(origin)
elif len(args) > 0:
self.origin = Path(args[0].origin) or Path(args[0])
self.origin = Path(self)
if not self.origin:
raise AttributeError(f"Could not infer 'origin' when initializing 'WalkPath' for path '{args[0]}'")
self._dirs: [WalkPath] = list(map(WalkPath, dirs)) if dirs else None
self._files: [WalkPath] = list(map(WalkPath, files)) if files else None
# @overrides(__reduce__)
def __reduce__(self):
# From super()
# Using the parts tuple helps share internal path parts
# when pickling related paths.
# return (self.__class__, tuple(self._parts))
# This override passes its parts to a Path object (which
# natively pickles), then serializes and applies
# its remaining attributes.
args = {**{'_parts': self._parts}, **self.__dict__}
return (self.__class__._from_kwargs, tuple(args.items()))
# @overrides(_make_child)
def _make_child(self, args):
drv, root, parts = self._parse_args(args)
drv, root, parts = self._flavour.join_parsed_parts(
self._drv, self._root, self._parts, drv, root, parts)
new = self._from_parsed_parts(drv, root, parts)
new._origin = self._origin
return new
# @overrrides(iterdir)
def iterdir(self) -> Iterable['WalkPath']:
yield from [WalkPath(x, origin=self.origin) for x in super().iterdir()]
# @overrides(joinpath)
def joinpath(self, path) -> 'WalkPath':
joined = WalkPath(super().joinpath(path), origin=self.origin)
return joined
# @overrides(relative_to)
def relative_to(self, path) -> 'WalkPath':
rel = WalkPath(super().relative_to(path), origin=self.origin)
return rel
# @overrrides(parent)
def parent(self) -> 'WalkPath':
return WalkPath(super().parent, origin=self.origin)
# @overrrides(parents)
def parents(self) -> ['WalkPath']:
return [WalkPath(p, origin=self.origin) for p in super().parents]
def _from_kwargs(cls, *args):
kwargs = dict(args)
new = cls(super().__new__(cls,
new.__dict__ = {**new.__dict__, **kwargs}
return new
def dirs(self) -> ['Walkpath']:
self._dirs = (self._dirs or
[WalkPath(d) for d in self.iterdir() if d.is_dir()]
if self.is_absolute() and self.is_dir() else [])
return self._dirs
def files(self) -> ['Walkpath']:
self._files = (self._files or
[WalkPath(f) for f in self.iterdir() if f.is_file()]
if self.is_absolute() and self.is_dir() else [])
return self._files
def is_terminus(self) -> bool:
return self.is_file() or not self.dirs
class Find:
def deep(path: Union[str, Path, 'WalkPath'],
hide_sys_files=True) -> ['WalkPath']:
origin = WalkPath(path)
if origin.is_file():
return [origin]
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(path):
if hide_sys_files:
files = filter(lambda f: not is_sys_file(f), files)
this = WalkPath(root, origin=origin)
this._dirs = [this.joinpath(d) for d in dirs]
this._files = [this.joinpath(f) for f in files]
dirs = this.dirs
files = this.files
yield this
yield from files
def deep_sorted(path: Union[str, Path, 'WalkPath'],
sort_key=lambda p: str(p).lower(),
hide_sys_files=True) -> ['WalkPath']:
yield from sorted(Find.deep(path,
def shallow(path: Union[str, Path, 'WalkPath'],
sort_key=lambda p: str(p).lower(),
hide_sys_files=True) -> Iterable['WalkPath']:
origin = WalkPath(path)
if origin.is_file():
return [origin]
for p in sorted(origin.iterdir(), key=sort_key):
if hide_sys_files and is_sys_file(p):
yield WalkPath(p, origin=origin)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import pathlib
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
class WalkPath(Path):
_flavour = type(Path())._flavour
def __init__(self, *args, dirs: []=None, files: []=None):
"""Initialize WalkPath object.
dirs (list): Dirs provided by os.walk(), defauls to []
files (list): Files provided by os.walk(), defaults to []
self._dirs: [WalkPath] = list(map(WalkPath, dirs)) if dirs else None
self._files: [WalkPath] = list(map(WalkPath, files)) if files else None
# @overrides(joinpath)
def joinpath(self, path) -> 'WalkPath':
joined = WalkPath(super().joinpath(path))
return joined
# @overrides(relative_to)
def relative_to(self, path) -> 'WalkPath':
rel = WalkPath(super().relative_to(path))
return rel
# @overrrides(parent)
def parent(self) -> 'WalkPath':
return WalkPath(super().parent)
# @overrrides(parents)
def parents(self) -> ['WalkPath']:
return [WalkPath(p) for p in super().parents]
def dirs(self) -> ['Walkpath']:
self._dirs = (self._dirs or
[WalkPath(d) for d in self.iterdir() if d.is_dir()]
if self.is_absolute() and self.is_dir() else [])
return self._dirs
def files(self) -> ['Walkpath']:
self._files = (self._files or
[WalkPath(f) for f in self.iterdir() if f.is_file()]
if self.is_absolute() and self.is_dir() else [])
return self._files
def is_terminus(self) -> bool:
return self.is_file() or not self.dirs
class Find:
def deep(path: Union[str, Path, 'WalkPath'],
hide_sys_files=True) -> ['WalkPath']:
"""Deeply search the specified path and return all files and dirs
(using os.walk), mapped to WalkPath objects that maintain a
hierarchical matrix of pathlib.Path objects. Note: the original
path root will always be included in this list. If sorting
alphabetically, use [1:] to remove the first element (root).
If path provided is a single file, return a list with it.
path (str or Path): Root path to search for files.
sort_key (lambda, optional): Sort function, defaults
to alpha case-insensitive.
hide_sys_files (bool): Hide system files. Default is True.
A filtered list of files or an empty list.
if Path(path).is_file():
return [WalkPath(path)]
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(WalkPath(path)):
if hide_sys_files:
files = filter(lambda f:
not f.startswith('.')
and not f.lower() == 'thumbs.db', files)
this = WalkPath(root)
this._dirs = [this.joinpath(d) for d in dirs]
this._files = [this.joinpath(f) for f in files]
dirs = this.dirs
files = this.files
yield this
yield from files
def deep_sorted(path: Union[str, Path, 'WalkPath'],
sort_key=lambda p: str(p).lower(),
hide_sys_files=True) -> ['WalkPath']:
yield from sorted(Find.deep(root,
root = WalkPath('tests/files').resolve()
for p in Find.deep_sorted(root):
len(p.dirs) if len(p.dirs) > 10 else p.dirs,
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