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Brandon Locke brandontlocke

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# script created by Devin Higgins, adapted by Brandon Locke
import csv
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
raise ValueError('Please provide a batchner file')
batchner = sys.argv[1]
with open(batchner, "rU") as csvfile:
10_adams_john_quincy_1825,Executive Magistrate,organization,1
10_adams_john_quincy_1825,General Government of the Union,organization,1
10_adams_john_quincy_1825,John Quincy Adams,person,1
brandontlocke /
Created April 30, 2019 01:31
this adds a fake page header to every 25th line and a slightly different header to the first line. make sure you have a 'salt' subfolder
for file in *.txt
cat $file | awk '{print; if (FNR % 25 == 0 ) printf "NORTH CAROLINA WRITERS PROJECT 2\n";}' > salt/$file
for file in salt/*.txt
echo "NORTH CAROLINA WRITERS PROJECT 1\n$(cat $file)" > $file
brandontlocke / filerename
Last active May 7, 2019 05:30
renames files from csv - csv has to have a newline after the last line, so this adds one to the end if it isn't already there
sed -i -e '$'\n'' test.csv | cat test.csv | while IFS=, read -r orig new trash; do mv "$orig".txt "$new".txt; done
brandontlocke /
Created December 2, 2018 14:54
takes a list (list.txt) of links to pdfs, downloads them and renames them the link text, sans spaces, commas, periods. needs a very clean list to work
cat list.txt | while read line
pdflink=$(echo $line | grep -o 'https://.*pdf')
name=$(echo $line | grep -o '\">.*</a>' | sed 's/\">//' | sed 's/<\/a>//' | sed "s/[^[:alnum:]-]//g")
curl $pdflink -o $fname
sleep 15s
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms import bipartite
fullset=pd.read_csv('', low_memory=False)
Delta_Opportunities_Corporation_DOC_Series=fullset.loc[fullset.doc_title_full.str.contains('Delta Opportunities Corporation (D', regex=False)]
Freedom_Farms_Corporation_FFC_Series=fullset.loc[fullset.doc_title_full.str.contains('Freedom Farms Corporation (FFC) Series', regex=False)]
Other_Organization_Series_I=fullset.loc[fullset.doc_title_full.str.contains('Other Organization Series I:|Other Organization Series I,|Other Organization Series I ', regex=True)]
Other_Organization_Series_II=fullset.loc[fullset.doc_title_full.str.contains('Other Organization Series II:', regex=False)]
1. run batchner on a directory
2. (OPTIONAL) clean in openrefine
3. (REQUIRED ONLY IF 2 COMPLETED) run batchner-collapse script to merge duplicates
4. (OPTIONAL) run metadata merge
5. (OPTIONAL) run script NER-derivatives to generate derivatives by entityType
6. batchner to network
1. run batchner on a directory
2. (OPTIONAL) clean in openrefine
3. (REQUIRED ONLY IF 2 COMPLETED) run batchner-collapse script to merge duplicates
4. (OPTIONAL) run metadata merge
5. (OPTIONAL) run script [NOT YET CREATED] to generate derivatives by entityType
6. batchner to network
create node lists from the network that looks up metadata
brandontlocke /
Created November 1, 2018 02:23
not totally happy with this, but it does the job
import pandas as pd
#read in data
entities = pd.read_csv('')
metadata = pd.read_csv('flhmetadata.csv')
#cut '.txt' from the doc names
entities.doc = entities.doc.str[:16]
#join dataframes; select only some