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Last active March 12, 2018 14:58
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Slow fix for creating large sparse matrices with interactions
code = '
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppProgress, RcppArmadillo, RcppParallel)]]
#define ARMA_64BIT_WORD
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <RcppParallel.h>
#include <progress.hpp>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
struct SProd : public RcppParallel::Worker {
// source matrix
const arma::sp_mat& spA;
const arma::sp_mat& spB;
const std::set<int>& anrows;
const std::set<int>& bnrows;
const Progress& p;
//std::set<int>::iterator anrows_iter;
//std::set<int>::iterator bnrows_iter;
// destination matrix
arma::sp_mat& output;
// initialize with source and destination
SProd(const arma::sp_mat& spA,
const arma::sp_mat& spB,
const std::set<int>& anrows,
const std::set<int>& bnrows,
const Progress& p,
arma::sp_mat& output)
: spA(spA), spB(spB), anrows(anrows), bnrows(bnrows), p(p), output(output)
//, anrows_iter(std::unique(spA.row_indices, spA.row_indices + spA.n_nonzero))
//, bnrows_iter(std::unique(spB.row_indices, spB.row_indices + spB.n_nonzero))
// take the square root of the range of elements requested
void operator()(const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end) {
std::cout << "begin=" << begin << ", end=" << end << std::endl << std::flush;
std::set<int>::const_iterator b_start = bnrows.begin();
std::advance(b_start, begin);
std::set<int>::const_iterator b_end = bnrows.begin();
std::advance(b_end, end+1);
for (std::set<int>::const_iterator b_it = b_start; b_it != b_end; b_it++) {
//std::cout << "b_row=" << *b_it << std::endl << std::flush;
if (Progress::check_abort())
break; //return(R_NilValue);
for (std::set<int>::const_iterator a_it = anrows.begin(); a_it != anrows.end(); a_it++) {
if (Progress::check_abort())
break; //return(R_NilValue);
const int k = (*b_it) * spA.n_rows + (*a_it);
//std::cout << "k=" << k << std::endl << std::flush;
output.row(k) = spA.row(*a_it) % spB.row(*b_it);
// [[Rcpp::export("sparse.row.idx.mult")]]
SEXP sparse_row_idx_mult(arma::sp_mat spA, arma::sp_mat spB) {
Progress p(0, false);
std::set<int> anrows(spA.row_indices, spA.row_indices + spA.n_nonzero);
std::set<int> bnrows(spB.row_indices, spB.row_indices + spB.n_nonzero);
const int bnrows_len = bnrows.size();
const int res_rows = spB.n_rows * spA.n_rows;
arma::sp_mat C(res_rows, spA.n_cols);
std::cout << "B_nonzero_rows=" << bnrows_len << std::endl << std::flush;
std::cout << "res_rows=" << res_rows << std::endl << std::flush;
SProd prodWorker(spA, spB, anrows, bnrows, p, C);
RcppParallel::parallelFor(0, bnrows_len-1, prodWorker, 1000);
Rcpp::S4 Cout(Rcpp::wrap(C));
old.sparse2int = Matrix:::sparse2int
fixed.sparse2int = function (X, Y, do.names = TRUE, forceSparse = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
if (do.names) {
dnx <- dimnames(X)
dny <- dimnames(Y)
dimnames(Y) <- dimnames(X) <- list(NULL, NULL)
nx <- nrow(X)
ny <- nrow(Y)
r <- if ((nX <- is.numeric(X)) | (nY <- is.numeric(Y))) {
if (nX) {
if (nY || nx > 1) {
F <- if (forceSparse) function(m) .Call(dense_to_Csparse, m) else identity
F(sparse.row.idx.mult(X, Y))
} else {
r <- Y
dp <- Y@p[-1] - Y@p[-(Y@Dim[2] + 1L)]
r@x <- X[dp == 1L] * Y@x
} else {
if (ny == 1) {
r <- X
dp <- X@p[-1] - X@p[-(X@Dim[2] + 1L)]
r@x <- Y[dp == 1L] * X@x
} else {
sparse.row.idx.mult(X, Y)
} else {
sparse.row.idx.mult(X, Y)
if (verbose)
cat(sprintf(" sp..2int(%s[%d],%s[%d]) ", if (nX) "<N>" else "<sparse>", nx, if (nY) "<N>" else "<sparse>", ny))
if (do.names) {
if (!is.null(dim(r)) && !is.null(nX <- dnx[[1]]) && !is.null(nY <- dny[[1]]))
rownames(r) <- outer(nX, nY, paste, sep = ":")
reassignInPackage("sparse2int", pkgName="Matrix", fixed.sparse2int)
test_that("test sparse prod only", {
test.dat = data.frame(a=gl(2,4), b=gl(4,2))
X = drop0(t(model.matrix(~0+a, test.dat)))
Y = drop0(t(model.matrix(~0+b, test.dat)))
new.res = sparse.row.idx.mult(X,Y)
old.res = old.sparse2int(X,Y)
expect_true(all(new.res == old.res))
#test_that("large interaction, one term, no intercept", {
# test.dat = data.frame(a=gl(10,1e6), b=gl(1e6,10))
# x.fml = as.formula(~ 0 + a + a:b)
# fix.m.mat = sparse.model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat, verbose=TRUE)
# rm(test.dat)
# # just make sure it doesn't err out
# expect_true(!is.null(fix.m.mat))
# rm(fix.m.mat)
# gc()
test_that("interaction, one term, no intercept", {
test.dat = data.frame(a=gl(2,4), b=gl(4,2))
x.fml = as.formula(~ 0 + a + a:b)
m.mat = model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
fix.m.mat = sparse.model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
expect_true(all(m.mat == fix.m.mat))
test_that("all terms, no intercept", {
test.dat = data.frame(a=gl(2,4), b=gl(4,2))
x.fml = as.formula(~ 0 + a + b + a:b)
m.mat = model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
fix.m.mat = sparse.model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
expect_true(all(m.mat == fix.m.mat))
test_that("no interaction, no intercept", {
test.dat = data.frame(a=gl(2,4), b=gl(4,2))
x.fml = as.formula(~ 0 + a + b)
m.mat = model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
fix.m.mat = sparse.model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
expect_true(all(m.mat == fix.m.mat))
test_that("one term, interaction", {
test.dat = data.frame(a=gl(2,4), b=gl(4,2))
x.fml = as.formula(~ a + a:b)
m.mat = model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
fix.m.mat = sparse.model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
expect_true(all(m.mat == fix.m.mat))
test_that("all terms", {
test.dat = data.frame(a=gl(2,4), b=gl(4,2))
x.fml = as.formula(~ .*.)
m.mat = model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
fix.m.mat = sparse.model.matrix(x.fml, test.dat)
expect_true(all(m.mat == fix.m.mat))
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