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Created June 7, 2020 22:14
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Test how to make a Theano op that call Numba.
import numba
import numpy
#The filter2d with the same signature as Theano
#but not a class method.
def filter2d_theano(node, inputs, outputs):
image, filt = inputs
M, N = image.shape
Mf, Nf = filt.shape
Mf2 = Mf // 2
Nf2 = Nf // 2
result = numpy.zeros_like(image)
for i in range(Mf2, M - Mf2):
for j in range(Nf2, N - Nf2):
num = 0.0
for ii in range(Mf):
for jj in range(Nf):
num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii, j-Nf2+jj])
result[i, j] = num
outputs[0][0] = result
return numpy.zeros(0)
fastfilter_2d_theano_auto = numba.autojit(filter2d_theano)
image = numpy.random.random((100, 100))
filt = numpy.random.random((10, 10))
i = [image, filt]
o = [[None]]
fastfilter_2d_theano_auto(None, i, o)
t2 = timeit(fastfilter_2d_theano_auto, None, i, o)
print 'fastfilter_2d_theano_auto', t2
import time
import numba
from numba import double, jit
import numpy
import numpy as np
import theano
def timeit(f, *args):
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
return t1 - t0
def filter2d(image, filt):
M, N = image.shape
Mf, Nf = filt.shape
Mf2 = Mf // 2
Nf2 = Nf // 2
result = numpy.zeros_like(image)
for i in range(Mf2, M - Mf2):
for j in range(Nf2, N - Nf2):
num = 0.0
for ii in range(Mf):
for jj in range(Nf):
num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii, j-Nf2+jj])
result[i, j] = num
return result
#The filter2d with the same signature as Theano
#but not a class method.
def filter2d_theano(node, inputs, outputs):
image, filt = inputs
M, N = image.shape
Mf, Nf = filt.shape
Mf2 = Mf // 2
Nf2 = Nf // 2
result = numpy.zeros_like(image)
for i in range(Mf2, M - Mf2):
for j in range(Nf2, N - Nf2):
num = 0.0
for ii in range(Mf):
for jj in range(Nf):
num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii, j-Nf2+jj])
result[i, j] = num
outputs[0][0] = result
return numpy.zeros(0)
fastfilter_2d = jit(double[:,:](double[:,:], double[:,:]))(filter2d)
image = numpy.random.random((100, 100))
filt = numpy.random.random((10, 10))
t0 = time.time()
t0 = timeit(filter2d, image, filt)
t1 = timeit(fastfilter_2d, image, filt)
print "python", t0
print "numba", t1
i = [image, filt]
o = [[None]]
in1_type = numba.typeof([image, filt])
#in1_type = numba.typedlist(numba.double)
#in1_type = numba.map_dtype()
out_type = numba.f8[:]
#fastfilter_2d_theano = numba.jit(out_type(numba.object_,
# in1_type,
# numba.object_))(filter2d_theano)
class Filter2d(theano.Op):
def make_node(self, image, filt):
image = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(image)
filt = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(filt)
assert image.ndim == 2
assert filt.ndim == 2
return theano.Apply(self, [image, filt], [image.type()])
def make_thunk(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling):
in1_type = getattr(numba, node.inputs[0].dtype)
in2_type = getattr(numba, node.inputs[1].dtype)
out_type = getattr(numba, node.outputs[0].dtype)
self.numba_fct = numba.jit(out_type[:, :](in1_type[:, :],
in2_type[:, :]))(filter2d)
#Assert that Numba infered the same output as our make_node
assert isinstance(self.numba_fct.signature.return_type,
assert (str(self.numba_fct.signature.return_type.dtype) ==
assert (self.numba_fct.signature.return_type.ndim ==
return super(Filter2d, self).make_thunk(
node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling)
def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
image, filt = inputs
out = self.numba_fct(image, filt)
outputs[0][0] = out
m1, m2 = theano.tensor.matrices('ab')
out = Filter2d()(m1, m2)
f = theano.function([m1, m2], out)
assert numpy.allclose(f(image, filt), filter2d(image, filt))
t3 = timeit(f, image, filt)
print "theano+numba manual", t3
# The following show a Numba bug
print "Show Numba Bug!"
fastfilter_2d_theano_auto = numba.autojit(filter2d_theano)
fastfilter_2d_theano_auto(None, i, o)
t2 = timeit(fastfilter_2d_theano_auto, None, i, o)
print 'fastfilter_2d_theano_auto', t2
#res2 = fastfilter_2d_theano(None, i, o)
#res2 = o[0][0]
class Filter2d_v2(theano.Op):
def make_node(self, image, filt):
image = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(image)
filt = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(filt)
assert image.ndim == 2
assert filt.ndim == 2
return theano.Apply(self, [image, filt], [image.type()])
def make_thunk(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling):
self.perform = numba.autojit(filter2d_theano)
in1_type = numba.typeof([np.arange(10, dtype=np.double).reshape(2, 5)])
in2_type = getattr(numba, node.inputs[1].dtype)
out_type = numba.f8[:]
self.perform = numba.jit(out_type(numba.object_,
return super(Filter2d_v2, self).make_thunk(
node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling)
def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
image, filt = inputs
M, N = image.shape
Mf, Nf = filt.shape
Mf2 = Mf // 2
Nf2 = Nf // 2
result = numpy.zeros_like(image)
for i in range(Mf2, M - Mf2):
for j in range(Nf2, N - Nf2):
num = 0.0
for ii in range(Mf):
for jj in range(Nf):
num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii, j-Nf2+jj])
result[i, j] = num
outputs[0][0] = result
out = Filter2d_v2()(m1, m2)
f = theano.function([m1, m2], out)
print f(image, filt)
assert numpy.allclose(f(image, filt), filter2d(image, filt))
"""This file provide an example of using Numba with Theano.
It show how to make a Theano op that use a numba to
accelerate its python code.
This could be done further. The "loop" that interate on all the
operation that a Theano function do is in C. So we end up with having
c code that call python code that call numba compiled code. We could
modify Theano to make it reuse directly the Numba executable from C,
bypassing the python overhead.
import time
import numba
from numba import double, jit
import numpy
import numpy as np
import theano
def timeit(f, *args):
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
return t1 - t0
def filter2d(image, filt):
M, N = image.shape
Mf, Nf = filt.shape
Mf2 = Mf // 2
Nf2 = Nf // 2
result = numpy.zeros_like(image)
for i in range(Mf2, M - Mf2):
for j in range(Nf2, N - Nf2):
num = 0.0
for ii in range(Mf):
for jj in range(Nf):
num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii, j-Nf2+jj])
result[i, j] = num
return result
#The filter2d with the same signature as Theano
#but not a class method.
def filter2d_theano(node, inputs, outputs):
image, filt = inputs
M, N = image.shape
Mf, Nf = filt.shape
Mf2 = Mf // 2
Nf2 = Nf // 2
result = numpy.zeros_like(image)
for i in range(Mf2, M - Mf2):
for j in range(Nf2, N - Nf2):
num = 0.0
for ii in range(Mf):
for jj in range(Nf):
num += (filt[Mf-1-ii, Nf-1-jj] * image[i-Mf2+ii, j-Nf2+jj])
result[i, j] = num
outputs[0][0] = result
return numpy.zeros(0)
class Filter2d(theano.Op):
def make_node(self, image, filt):
image = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(image)
filt = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(filt)
assert image.ndim == 2
assert filt.ndim == 2
return theano.Apply(self, [image, filt], [image.type()])
def make_thunk(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling):
in1_type = getattr(numba, node.inputs[0].dtype)
in2_type = getattr(numba, node.inputs[1].dtype)
out_type = getattr(numba, node.outputs[0].dtype)
self.numba_fct = numba.jit(out_type[:, :](in1_type[:, :],
in2_type[:, :]))(filter2d)
#Assert that Numba infered the same output as our make_node
assert isinstance(self.numba_fct.signature.return_type,
assert (str(self.numba_fct.signature.return_type.dtype) ==
assert (self.numba_fct.signature.return_type.ndim ==
return super(Filter2d, self).make_thunk(
node, storage_map, compute_map, no_recycling)
def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
image, filt = inputs
out = self.numba_fct(image, filt)
outputs[0][0] = out
fastfilter_2d = jit(double[:, :](double[:, :], double[:, :]))(filter2d)
image = numpy.random.random((100, 100))
filt = numpy.random.random((10, 10))
# time python version
t0 = timeit(filter2d, image, filt)
print "python", t0
# time numba version
t1 = timeit(fastfilter_2d, image, filt)
print "numba", t1
# time/test theano version
m1, m2 = theano.tensor.matrices('ab')
out = Filter2d()(m1, m2)
f = theano.function([m1, m2], out)
assert numpy.allclose(f(image, filt), filter2d(image, filt))
t2 = timeit(f, image, filt)
print "theano+numba manual", t2
print "Theano speed up vs Numba (slowdown caused by extra overhead)", t1/t2
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