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Created June 23, 2012 04:58
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Dart 2 Decimal Money
class Money {
bool _isNegative = false;
int _dollars = 0;
int _cents = 0;
Money(String money) {
if (money.contains("-")) {
_isNegative = true;
money = money.replaceFirst("-", "");
if (!money.contains(".")) {
_cents = 0;
} else {
List<String> split = money.split(".");
Money.create(bool isNegative, int dollars, int cents) :
_isNegative = isNegative, _dollars = dollars, _cents = cents;
_setDollars(String dollars) {
_dollars = Math.parseInt(dollars);
_setCents(String cents) {
_cents = Math.parseInt(cents);
bool get isNegative() => _isNegative;
int get dollars() {
int dollars = _dollars;
if (_isNegative == true && _dollars != 0) {
dollars = -_dollars;
return dollars;
int get cents() {
int cents = _cents;
if (_isNegative == true && _cents != 0) {
cents = -_cents;
return cents;
Money operator +(Money money) {
int dollarsTotal = this.dollars + money.dollars;
int centsTotal = this.cents + money.cents;
if (centsTotal <= -100) {
centsTotal += 100;
centsTotal *= -1;
} else if (centsTotal >= 100) {
centsTotal -= 100;
bool isNegative = false;
if (dollarsTotal < 0) {
isNegative = true;
dollarsTotal *= -1;
if (centsTotal < 0) {
centsTotal *= -1;
return new Money.create(isNegative, dollarsTotal, centsTotal);
bool operator ==(Money money) {
if (this !== null && money !== null &&
this.dollars == money.dollars &&
this.cents == money.cents) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
String toString() {
String sign = "";
if (_isNegative) {
sign = "-";
String s = "\$$sign$_dollars.$_cents";
return s;
main() {
test('get dollars -', () {
var money = new Money("-1.99");
expect(-1, money.dollars, "dollars compare");
test('get cents -', () {
var money = new Money("-1.99");
expect(-99, money.cents, "cents compare");
test('get dollars +', () {
var money = new Money("1.99");
expect(1, money.dollars, "dollars compare");
test('get cents +', () {
var money = new Money("1.99");
expect(99, money.cents, "cents compare");
test('adding negatives', () {
var left = new Money("-1.99");
var right = new Money("-1.99");
var total = left + right;
print("$left + $right = $total");
var expected = new Money("-3.98");
expect(expected, total);
test('adding positives', () {
var left = new Money("1.99");
var right = new Money("1.99");
var total = left + right;
print("$left + $right = $total");
var expected = new Money("3.98");
expect(expected, total);
test('adding positives', () {
var left = new Money("1.99");
var right = new Money("-1.99");
var total = left + right;
print("$left + $right = $total");
var expected = new Money("0.0");
expect(expected, total);
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