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Created May 24, 2012 12:56
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Save brankoajzele/2781404 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Programatically create Magento order with tablerate shipping
require_once 'app/Mage.php';
$quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(6); /* 6 => Some product ID */
$buyInfo = array('qty' => 1);
$quote->addProduct($product, new Varien_Object($buyInfo));
$billingAddress = array(
'firstname' => 'Branko',
'lastname' => 'Ajzele',
'company' => 'Inchoo',
'email' => '',
'street' => array(
'Sample Street Line_1',
'Sample Street Line_2'
'city' => 'City',
'region_id' => '',
'region' => 'State/Province',
'postcode' => '12345',
'country_id' => 'NL',
'telephone' => '1234567890',
'fax' => '123456987',
'customer_password' => '',
'confirm_password' => '',
'save_in_address_book' => '0',
'use_for_shipping' => '1',
$quote->getPayment()->importData( array('method' => 'checkmo'));
$service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $quote);
//$order = $service->getOrder();
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when we set the ->setPaymentMethod('paypal_express') ..this code doest work. It throws exceptions

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Mage_Core_Exception' with message 'Unable to communicate with the PayPal gateway.' ....

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class IWD_Opc_Order2Controller extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action {
const XML_PATH_DEFAULT_PAYMENT = 'opc/default/payment';

 * Checkout page
 * One page checkout consists of following steps
 * (1) Customer login method aka Checkout method
 * (2) Billing information (address)
 * (3) Shipping information (address)
 * (4) Shipping method
 * (5) Payment information
 * (6) Order review, in short: DO THE ORDER
 * // STEP(1)
 * $checkout->saveCheckoutMethod('guest');
 * // STEP(2)
 * $checkout->saveBilling($billingAddress, false);
 * // STEP(3)
 * $checkout->saveShipping($shippingAddress, false);
 * // STEP(4)
 * $checkout->saveShippingMethod('flatrate_flatrate');
 * // STEP(5)
 * $checkout->savePayment(array('method'=>'checkmo'));
 * // STEP(6)
 * $checkout->saveOrder() returns array holding empty object of type Mage_Checkout_Model_Type_Onepage
 * $checkout->saveOrder();
public function indexAction() {
	echo "<br>" . date ( 'l jS \of F Y h:i:s A' );
	$customerObject = Mage::getModel ( 'customer/customer' )->load ( $cus_id );
	$billing = $customerObject->getDefaultBillingAddress ();
	$dob = new DateTime ( $customerObject->getDob () );
	$data ['address_id'] = $customerObject->getDefaultBilling (); // Please specify a shipping method.
	$data ['firstname'] = $customerObject->getFirstname (); // 'Mohammad Tarikul',
	$data ['middlename'] = $customerObject->getMiddlename (); // 'Islam',
	$data ['lastname'] = $customerObject->getLastname (); // 'Jewel',
	$data ['company'] = $customerObject->getFirstname () . ' ' . $customerObject->getLastname (); // 'ERP System',
	$data ['email'] = $customerObject->getEmail (); // '',
	$data ['month'] = $dob->format ( 'm' ); // '01',
	$data ['day'] = $dob->format ( 'd' ); // '01',
	$data ['year'] = $dob->format ( 'Y' ); // '1978',
	$data ['dob'] = $dob->format ( 'm/d/Y' ); // '01/01/1978',
	$data ['ssn_number'] = $customerObject->getSocialSecurityNumber (); // '111-11-1111',
	$data ['street'] = $billing->getStreet ();
	$data ['city'] = $billing->getCity (); // 'Elmhurst',
	$data ['region_id'] = $billing->getRegionId (); // 43,
	$data ['region'] = $billing->getRegion (); // null,
	$data ['postcode'] = $billing->getPostcode (); // 11373,
	$data ['country_id'] = $billing->getCountryId (); // 'US',
	$data ['telephone'] = $billing->getTelephone (); // '9179071711',
	$data ['fax'] = $customerObject->getAddressId (); // 0,
	$data ['save_in_address_book'] = 1; // 1,
	$data ['create_account'] = 0; // 1,
	$data ['customer_password'] = $customerObject->getPasswordHash (); // 'ta4rikuli',
	$data ['confirm_password'] = $customerObject->getPasswordHash (); // 'Unable to store RP credit card',
	$data ['use_for_shipping'] = 1; // 1,
	$data ['cus_id'] = Mage::app ()->getRequest ()->cus_id;
	$savePayment = Array (
			'method' => 'transarmor',
			'cc_type' => 'VI',
			'cc_number' => '4246000000000000',
			'cc_exp_month' => '9',
			'cc_exp_year' => '2019',
			'cc_cid' => '000' 
	$this->cartProductAction ( $customerObject, $data , $savePayment);
	echo "<br>" . date ( 'l jS \of F Y h:i:s A' );
	exit ();
public function cartProductAction($customerObject, $data, $savePayment) {
	Mage::getSingleton ( 'checkout/cart' )->truncate ()->save ();
	Mage::getSingleton ( 'checkout/session' )->setCartWasUpdated ( true );
	$store = $customerObject->getStoreId();
	echo "<br>1. store_id =".$store;		
	$website = $customerObject->getWebsiteId();
	echo "<br>2. website_id =".$website;
	$firstName = $data ['firstname'];
	$lastName = $data ['lastname'];
	$email = $data ['email'];
	$logFileName = 'system.log';
	$billingAddress = array (
			'customer_address_id' => '',
			'prefix' => '',
			'firstname' => $firstName,
			'middlename' => '',
			'lastname' => $lastName,
			'suffix' => '',
			'company' => '',
			'street' => array (
					'0' => '575 Underhill Blvd', // compulsory
					'1' => 'suite 216' 
			), // optional
			'city' => $data ['city'],
			'country_id' => 'US', // two letters country code
			'region' => $data ['region'], // can be empty '' if no region
			'region_id' => $data ['region_id'], // can be empty '' if no region_id
			'postcode' => $data ['postcode'],
			'telephone' => $data ['telephone'],
			'fax' => '',
			'save_in_address_book' => 1 
	echo "<br>3. billingAddress = "; echo "<pre>"; print_r($billingAddress); echo "</pre>";

	$shippingAddress = array (
			'customer_address_id' => '',
			'prefix' => '',
			'firstname' => $firstName,
			'middlename' => '',
			'lastname' => $lastName,
			'suffix' => '',
			'company' => '',
			'street' => array (
					'0' => '575 Underhill Blvd', // compulsory
					'1' => 'suite 216' 
			), // optional

			'city' => $data ['city'],
			'country_id' => 'US', // two letters country code
			'region' => $data ['region'], // can be empty '' if no region
			'region_id' => $data ['region_id'], // can be empty '' if no region_id
			'postcode' => $data ['postcode'],
			'telephone' => $data ['telephone'],
			'fax' => '',
			'save_in_address_book' => 1 
	echo "<br>3. shippingAddress = "; echo "<pre>"; print_r($shippingAddress); echo "</pre>";
	 * You need to enable this method from Magento admin
	 * Other methods: tablerate_tablerate, freeshipping_freeshipping, flatrate_flatrate, tablerate_bestway, etc.
	$shippingMethod = 'flatrate_flatrate';
	 * You need to enable this method from Magento admin
	 * Other methods: checkmo, free, banktransfer, ccsave, purchaseorder, etc.
	#$paymentMethod = 'cashondelivery';
	$paymentMethod = $savePayment['method'];
	 * Array of your product ids and quantity
	 * array($productId => $qty)
	 * In the array below, the product ids are 374 and 375 with quantity 3 and 1 respectively
	$productIds = array (
			1744 => 1 
	// Initialize sales quote object
	$quote = Mage::getModel ( 'sales/quote' )->setStoreId ( $store );
	// Set currency for the quote
	$quote->setCurrency ( Mage::app ()->getStore ()->getBaseCurrencyCode () );
	$customer = Mage::getModel ( 'customer/customer' )->setWebsiteId ( $website )->loadByEmail ( $email );
	echo "<br>4. customer/customer = "; echo "<pre>"; print_r($customer->toArray()); echo "</pre>";
	 * Setting up customer for the quote
	 * if the customer is not already registered
	if (! $customer->getId ()) {
		$customer = Mage::getModel ( 'customer/customer' );
		$customer->setWebsiteId ( $website )->setStore ( $store )->setFirstname ( $firstName )->setLastname ( $lastName )->setEmail ( $email );
		 * Creating new customer
		 * This is optional.
		 * You may or may not create/save new customer.
		 * If you don't need to create new customer, you may skip/remove the below try-catch blocks.
		try {
			// you can write your custom password here instead of magento generated password
			$password = $customer->generatePassword ();
			$customer->setPassword ( $password );
			// set the customer as confirmed
			$customer->setForceConfirmed ( true );
			// save customer
			$customer->save ();
			$customer->setConfirmation ( null );
			$customer->save ();
			// set customer address
			$customerId = $customer->getId ();
			$customAddress = Mage::getModel ( 'customer/address' );
			$customAddress->setData ( $billingAddress )->setCustomerId ( $customerId )->setIsDefaultBilling ( '1' )->setIsDefaultShipping ( '1' )->setSaveInAddressBook ( '1' );
			// save customer address
			$customAddress->save ();
			// send new account email to customer
			// $customer->sendNewAccountEmail();
			$storeId = $customer->getSendemailStoreId ();
			$customer->sendNewAccountEmail ( 'registered', '', $storeId );
			// set password remainder email if the password is auto generated by magento
			$customer->sendPasswordReminderEmail ();
			// auto login customer
			// Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->loginById($customer->getId());
			Mage::log ( 'Customer with email ' . $email . ' is successfully created.', null, $logFileName );
		} catch ( Mage_Core_Exception $e ) {
			if (Mage::getSingleton ( 'customer/session' )->getUseNotice ( true )) {
				Mage::getSingleton ( 'customer/session' )->addNotice ( Mage::helper ( 'core' )->escapeHtml ( $e->getMessage () ) );
			} else {
				$messages = array_unique ( explode ( "\n", $e->getMessage () ) );
				foreach ( $messages as $message ) {
					Mage::getSingleton ( 'customer/session' )->addError ( Mage::helper ( 'core' )->escapeHtml ( $message ) );
		} catch ( Exception $e ) {
			// Zend_Debug::dump($e->getMessage());
			Mage::getSingleton ( 'customer/session' )->addException ( $e, $this->__ ( 'Cannot add customer' ) );
			Mage::logException ( $e );
			// $this->_goBack();
	// Assign customer to quote
	$quote->assignCustomer ( $customer );
	// Add products to quote
	foreach ( $productIds as $productId => $qty ) {
		$product = Mage::getModel ( 'catalog/product' )->load ( $productId );
		$quote->addProduct ( $product, $qty );
	 * Varien_Object can also be passed as the second parameter in addProduct() function like below:
	 * $quote->addProduct($product, new Varien_Object(array('qty' => $qty)));
	echo "<br>5. Product added done";
	// Add billing address to quote
	$billingAddressData = $quote->getBillingAddress ()->addData ( $billingAddress );
	echo "<br>6. Add billing address to quote";
	// Add shipping address to quote
	$shippingAddressData = $quote->getShippingAddress ()->addData ( $shippingAddress );
	echo "<br>7.Add shipping address to quote";
	 * Billing or Shipping address for already registered customers can be fetched like below
	 * $customerBillingAddress = $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress();
	 * $customerShippingAddress = $customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress();
	 * Instead of the custom address, you can add these customer address to quote as well
	 * $billingAddressData = $quote->getBillingAddress()->addData($customerBillingAddress);
	 * $shippingAddressData = $quote->getShippingAddress()->addData($customerShippingAddress);
	// Collect shipping rates on quote shipping address data
	$shippingAddressData->setCollectShippingRates ( true )->collectShippingRates ();
	echo "<br>8. Collect shipping rates on quote shipping address data";
	// Set shipping and payment method on quote shipping address data
	$shippingAddressData->setShippingMethod ( $shippingMethod )->setPaymentMethod ( $paymentMethod );
	echo "<br>9. Set shipping and payment method on quote shipping address data";
	// Set payment method for the quote

// $quote->getPayment ()->importData ( array (
// 'method' => $paymentMethod
// ) );

	$quote->getPayment ()->importData ($savePayment);
	echo "<br>10. Set payment method for the quote";
	try {
		// Collect totals of the quote
		$quote->collectTotals ();
		// Save quote
		$quote->save ();
		// Create Order From Quote
		$service = Mage::getModel ( 'sales/service_quote', $quote );
		$service->submitAll ();
		$incrementId = $service->getOrder ()->getRealOrderId ();
		echo "<br>11. incrementId = ". $incrementId;
		Mage::getSingleton ( 'checkout/session' )->setLastQuoteId ( $quote->getId () )->setLastSuccessQuoteId ( $quote->getId () )->clearHelperData ();
		 * For more details about saving order
		 * See saveOrder() function of app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Onepage.php
		// Log order created message
		Mage::log ( 'Order created with increment id: ' . $incrementId, null, $logFileName );
		$result ['success'] = true;
		$result ['error'] = false;

		echo "<br>12. sales/service_quote = "; echo "<pre>"; print_r($result); echo "</pre>";
	} catch ( Mage_Core_Exception $e ) {
		$result ['success'] = false;
		$result ['error'] = true;
		$result ['error_messages'] = $e->getMessage ();
		Mage::app ()->getResponse ()->setBody ( Mage::helper ( 'core' )->jsonEncode ( $result ) );
		if (Mage::getSingleton ( 'checkout/session' )->getUseNotice ( true )) {
			Mage::getSingleton ( 'checkout/session' )->addNotice ( Mage::helper ( 'core' )->escapeHtml ( $e->getMessage () ) );
		} else {
			$messages = array_unique ( explode ( "\n", $e->getMessage () ) );
			foreach ( $messages as $message ) {
				Mage::getSingleton ( 'checkout/session' )->addError ( Mage::helper ( 'core' )->escapeHtml ( $message ) );
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		$result ['success'] = false;
		$result ['error'] = true;
		$result ['error_messages'] = $this->__ ( 'There was an error processing your order. Please contact us or try again later.' );
		Mage::app ()->getResponse ()->setBody ( Mage::helper ( 'core' )->jsonEncode ( $result ) );
		Mage::logException ( $e );



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This is tested code and it should work. Only in payment gateway, you need to confirm your credit card information receiving properly. Because of Merchant payment gateway and PayPal payment gateway credit card information receiving technic not same.
Debug here
` /**
* Fetch current customer's payment profiles and masked
* card number if available.
public function getPaymentInfo( $customer_id=0 ) {
if( $this->_debug ) Mage::log('getPaymentInfo('.$customer_id.')', null, 'firstdata.log');

	if( $customer_id < 1 ) {
		$customer = $this->getCustomer();
		if( $customer ) {
			$customer_id = $customer->getId();
	if( $customer_id ) {
		$cards = Mage::helper('transarmor')->getCustomerCards( $customer_id );
		return $cards;
	return false;

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Not working for me. Facing error {"status":false,"data":"Please specify a shipping method.","msg":"Request unsuccessfull"} for table rate shipping method.

setWebsiteId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getWebsiteId())->load($customerId); // echo '
'; print_r($customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress()->getData());
			// die;
			$customerQuote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId())->loadByCustomer($customerId);
					 // Set Sales Order Billing Address
 $billstreet = $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress()->getStreet();
 $billingAddress = $customerQuote->getBillingAddress()->addData(array(
     'customer_address_id' => $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress()->getId(),
     'prefix' => '',
     'firstname' => $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress()->getFirstname(),
     'middlename' => '',
     'lastname' =>$customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress()->getLastname(),
     'suffix' => '',
     'company' =>'', 
     'street' => array(
             '0' => $billstreet[0],
             '1' => ''
     'city' => $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress()->getCity(),
     'country_id' => 'IN',
     'region' => $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress()->getRegion(),
     'postcode' => $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress()->getPostcode(),
     'telephone' => $customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress()->getTelephone(),
     'fax' => '',
     'vat_id' => '',
     'save_in_address_book' => 1
 // Set Sales Order Shipping Address
 $Shippstreet = $customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress()->getStreet();
$shippingAddress = $customerQuote->getShippingAddress()->addData(array(
     'customer_address_id' => $customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress()->getId(),
     'prefix' => '',
     'firstname' => $customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress()->getFirstname(),
     'middlename' => '',
     'lastname' =>$customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress()->getLastname(),
     'suffix' => '',
     'company' =>'', 
     'street' => array(
             '0' => $Shippstreet[0],
             '1' => ''
     'city' => $customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress()->getCity(),
     'country_id' => 'IN',
     'region' => $customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress()->getRegion(),
     'postcode' => $customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress()->getPostcode(),
     'telephone' => $customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress()->getTelephone(),
     'fax' => '',
     'vat_id' => '',
     'save_in_address_book' => 1


     $shipmethod= "tablerate_bestway";

				$customerQuote->getPayment()->importData(array('method' => $paymethod));
				$service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $customerQuote);
				$order = $service->getOrder();
                $iddd = $order->getIncrementId();

				$Data = array('order_id' => $order->getIncrementId(),'subtotal'=> $order->getSubtotal(),'grandtotal' => $order->getGrandTotal(), 'itmecount'=> count($order->getData()) ,'paymentmethod'=> $paymethod);
				echo json_encode(array("status" => true,  "data" => $Data, "msg"=> "Request successfull"));
				 if($paymethod =='cashondelivery'){
		} catch (Exception $e) {

				echo json_encode(array("status" => false,  "data" => $e->getMessage(), "msg"=> "Request unsuccessfull"));

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