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Last active January 22, 2021 20:56
JavaScript Duck typing vs. Interfaces
// Factory
var encrypterFactory = function(config) {
var encrypter = eval('new Encrypt' + config.algorithm.toUpperCase());
if (typeof encrypter.encrypt !== 'function') {
throw new Error( + ' must implement the `encrypt` method!');
return encrypter;
// Implementations
class EncryptMD5 {
encrypt(str) { return str.toUpperCase(); }
class EncryptROT13 {
// offending: not implementing encrypt() method
// Consumer
var str = "imma be encrypted";
encrypterFactory({ algorithm: 'md5' }).encrypt(str); // => Success!
encrypterFactory({ algorithm: 'rot13' }).encrypt(str); // => TypeError: .encrypt is not a function
// Factory
var encrypterFactory = function(config) {
var encrypter = eval('new Encrypt' + config.algorithm.toUpperCase());
if (!(encrypter instanceof Encrypt)) {
throw new Error( + ' must implement `Encrypt` interface!');
return encrypter;
// Interface
class Encrypt {
encrypt(str) { throw new TypeError( + ' must implement the `encrypt` method!'); }
// Implementations
class EncryptMD5 extends Encrypt {
encrypt(str) { return str.toUpperCase(); }
class EncryptROT13 { // offending: not implementing interface
encrypt(str) { return str.split('').reverse().join(''); }
class EncryptSHA256 extends Encrypt {
// offending: not implementing encrypt() method
// Consumer
encrypterFactory({ algorithm: 'md5' }).encrypt("encrypt me"); // => Success!
encrypterFactory({ algorithm: 'rot13' }).encrypt("encrypt me"); // => Error: Implement Encrypt interface!
encrypterFactory({ algorithm: 'sha256' }).encrypt("encrypt me"); // => Error: Implement encrypt() function!
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cotnic commented Jun 5, 2018

Hello, can the check also be done on type of arguments to the functions/methods? So in case we want to input a new class as a parameter for encrypt function, how can we check that it's the type of that function?

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