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Last active August 22, 2019 14:35
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Simple Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) implementing fantasy-land: Identity, Const, Maybe, Either, IO
const fl = require('fantasy-land')
const inspect = require('util').inspect.custom
// Fantasy Land
// of :: Applicative f => a -> f a
// map :: Functor f => f a ~> (a -> b) -> f b
// ap :: Apply f => f a ~> f (a -> b) -> f b
// chain :: Chain m => m a ~> (a -> m b) -> m b
* Identity
class Identity {
constructor(x) {
this.x = x
static of(x) {
return new Identity(x)
[](f) {
return Identity.of(f(this.x))
[fl.ap](m) {
return this[](m.x)
[fl.chain](f) {
return f(this.x)
[inspect]() {
return `Identity ${this.x[inspect] ? this.x[inspect]() : this.x}`
* Const
class Const {
constructor(x) {
this.x = x
static of(x) {
return new Const(x)
[](f) {
return Const.of(this.x)
[fl.ap](m) {
return Const.of(this.x)
[fl.chain](f) {
return Const.of(this.x)
[inspect]() {
return `Const ${this.x[inspect] ? this.x[inspect]() : this.x}`
* Maybe
class Maybe {
static of(x) {
return x == null ? Nothing.of() : Just.of(x)
class Nothing {
static of() {
return new Nothing()
[](f) {
return Nothing.of()
[fl.ap](m) {
return Nothing.of()
[fl.chain](f) {
return Nothing.of()
[inspect]() {
return 'Nothing'
class Just {
constructor(x) {
this.x = x
static of(x) {
return new Just(x)
[](f) {
return Just.of(f(this.x))
[fl.ap](m) {
return this[](m.x)
[fl.chain](f) {
return f(this.x)
[inspect]() {
return `Just ${this.x[inspect] ? this.x[inspect]() : this.x}`
* Either
class Either {
static of(l, r) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
const _Either = r => Either.of(l, r)
_Either[inspect] = () => `x → Either ${l[inspect] ? l[inspect]() : l} x`
return _Either
return r == null ? Left.of(l) : Right.of(r)
class Left {
constructor(x) {
this.x = x
static of(x) {
return new Left(x)
[](f) {
return Left.of(this.x)
[fl.ap](m) {
return Left.of(this.x)
[fl.chain](f) {
return Left.of(this.x)
[inspect]() {
return `Left ${this.x[inspect] ? this.x[inspect]() : this.x}`
class Right {
constructor(x) {
this.x = x
static of(x) {
return new Right(x)
[](f) {
return Right.of(f(this.x))
[fl.ap](m) {
return this[](m.x)
[fl.chain](f) {
return f(this.x)
[inspect]() {
return `Right ${this.x[inspect] ? this.x[inspect]() : this.x}`
* IO
class IO {
constructor(x) {
this.x = x
static of(x) {
return new IO(x)
run(...args) {
return this.x(...args)
[](f) {
return IO.of(h => f(this.x(h)))
[fl.ap](m) {
return this[](
[fl.chain](f) {
return IO.of(h => f(this.x(h)).run())
[inspect]() {
return `IO${this.x[inspect] ? ' ' + this.x[inspect]() : ''}`
const { map, ap, chain, add } = require('ramda')
// Identity
const fn1 = x => Identity.of(add(1, x))
Identity.of(2) //=> Identity 2
map(add(1), Identity.of(2)) //=> Identity 3
ap(Identity.of(add(4)), Identity.of(1)) //=> Identity 5
chain(fn1, Identity.of(6)) //=> Identity 7
// Const
const fn2 = x => Const.of(add(2, x))
Const.of(11) //=> Const 11
map(add(4), Const.of(13)) //=> Const 13
ap(Const.of(add(5)), Const.of(17)) //=> Const 17
chain(fn2, Const.of(19)) //=> Const 19
// Maybe
const fn3 = x => Maybe.of(add(1, x))
Maybe.of(23) //=> Just 23
map(add(1), Maybe.of(28)) //=> Just 29
map(add(1), Maybe.of(null)) //=> Nothing
ap(Maybe.of(add(5)), Maybe.of(26)) //=> Just 31
ap(Maybe.of(add(5)), Maybe.of(null)) //=> Nothing
chain(fn3, Maybe.of(36)) //=> Just 37
chain(fn3, Maybe.of(null)) //=> Nothing
// Maybe: Nothing
const fn4 = x => Maybe.of(add(1, x))
Nothing.of() //=> Nothing
map(add(1), Nothing.of()) //=> Nothing
ap(Maybe.of(add(4)), Nothing.of()) //=> Nothing
chain(fn4, Nothing.of()) //=> Nothing
// Maybe: Just
const fn5 = x => Just.of(add(1, x))
Just.of(41) //=> Just 41
map(add(1), Just.of(42)) //=> Just 43
ap(Just.of(add(40)), Just.of(7)) //=> Just 47
chain(fn5, Just.of(48)) //=> Just 49
// Either
Either.of('err', 59) //=> Right 59
Either.of('err', null) //=> Left err
map(add(1), Either.of('err', 60)) //=> Right 61
map(add(1), Either.of('err', null)) //=> Left err
// Either: Left
const fn6 = x => Right.of(add(2, x))
Left.of(67) //=> Left 67
map(add(4), Left.of(71)) //=> Left 71
ap(Left.of(add(5)), Left.of(73)) //=> Left 73
chain(fn6, Left.of(79)) //=> Left 79
// Either: Right
const fn7 = x => Right.of(add(1, x))
Right.of(83) //=> Right 83
map(add(1), Right.of(88)) //=> Right 89
ap(Right.of(add(90)), Right.of(7)) //=> Right 97
chain(fn7, Right.of(100)) //=> Right 101
// IO
const fn8 = IO.of(() => add(2))
const fn9 = x => IO.of(() => add(100, x))
IO.of(() => 83) //=> IO
IO.of(() => 103).run() //=> 103
map(add(3), IO.of(() => 104)) //=> IO
map(add(3), IO.of(() => 104)).run() //=> 107
ap(fn8, IO.of(() => 107)) //=> IO
ap(fn8, IO.of(() => 107)).run() //=> 109
chain(fn9, IO.of(() => 13)) //=> IO
chain(fn9, IO.of(() => 13)).run() //=> 113
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i added a wrinkle to Either, which is to make the "constructor" curried. See:

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