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Last active February 25, 2018 00:45
Building cloakcoin-qt v2.1.0 on Ubuntu 16.04

These are some loose instructions for building the CloakCoin QT GUI (v2.1.0) on Ubuntu 16.04. I have informally tested this process once myself when building the application from source. You're mileage may vary.

# install git if you don't already have it
sudo apt install git

# clone the CloakCoin repository from GitHub
git clone
cd CloakCoin

# install the dependencies
sudo apt install -y \
  build-essential \
  qt5-default \
  qt5-qmake \
  libleveldb-dev \
  libboost1.58-dev \
  libcurl4-openssl-dev \
  openssl \
  libssl-dev \
  libdb++-dev \
  libevent-dev \
  libboost-dev \
  libboost-system-dev \
  libboost-filesystem-dev \
  libboost-program-options-dev \
  libboost-thread-dev \
# build from source
qmake && make

# if all went well you cloakcoin-qt should now
# have been created in the root of the repository folder

# the first time you launch the wallet, it will have to sync 
# with the network. This takes forever if you don't already have
# a lot of the blockchain downloaded. You can download it before hand
# like this:
mkdir ~/.CloakCoin && cd ~/.CloakCoin
# download ~1.1 GB of blockchain data

# now you are ready to launch the wallet

# you can optionally copy cloakcoin-qt to a directory in your $PATH
# so that you can open it from anywhere like
sudo cp ./cloakcoin-qt /usr/local/bin

That's it! Again, these instructions have undergone limited testing, but they should be enough to get you started. Outdated linux instructions are on the wiki here.

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