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Created March 6, 2014 07:05
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Chat Bots and NLP in Videogames

Eliza and other Chat Bots

Joseph Weizenbaum created the first Chat Bot, Eliza, in 1966.


Natural Langauge Processing is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages.

Uses algorithms and machine learning to 1) correctly interpret (or process) and 2) accurately respond to human language.

Think Furby, Siri, or IBM Watson

IBM Watson

Video Games

To be such an AI reliant medium, Video Games have been slow to adapt to the use of Natural Language Processing or the creation of unique language models for in-game characters. No video games use machine learning or deep user input to generate dynamic responses.

Mass Effect

Mass Effect Dialogue Very limited, preset user speech options that have an influence on the game's story.

Text Adventures

Text Adventure Textual representation of a human language input and output, but little artificial intelligence. Uses very basic hard-coded rules to interpret language.


Facade One of the first games where a user types in natural language to control the flow and direction of the game's story.

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