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Last active July 29, 2023 23:17
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Cross-stage Cloudwatch dashboard
interface ApplicationStackProps extends StackProps {
dashboardStack: DashboardStack;
export class ApplicationStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ApplicationStackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const myFunction = new NodejsFunction(this, 'MyFunction', {
functionName: PhysicalName.GENERATE_IF_NEEDED,
// ... other attrs goes here
props.dashboardStack.createLambdaObservability('MyFunction', myFunction);
export class DashboardDeploymentStage extends Stage {
readonly dashboardStack;
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StageProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
this.dashboardStack = new DashboardStack(this, 'dashboard');
export class DashboardStack extends Stack {
readonly dashboard: Dashboard;
readonly widgets: Record<string, cloudwatch.GraphWidget> = {};
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: DashboardProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
this.dashboard = new cloudwatch.Dashboard(this, 'dashboard');
createLambdaObservability(name: string, lambdaToMonitor: IFunction) {
let errorsWidget = this.widgets[`${name} Errors`];
const widgetsToAdd: IWidget[] = [];
if (!errorsWidget) {
errorsWidget = new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
title: `${name} Errors`,
leftYAxis: {
showUnits: true,
height: 6,
width: 6,
this.widgets[`${name} Errors`] = errorsWidget;
widgetsToAdd.push(errorsWidget as IWidget);
label: lambdaToMonitor.env.region,
let throttlesWidget = this.widgets[`${name} Throttles`];
if (!throttlesWidget) {
throttlesWidget = new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
title: `${name} Throttles`,
leftYAxis: {
showUnits: true,
height: 6,
width: 6,
this.widgets[`${name} Throttles`] = throttlesWidget;
widgetsToAdd.push(throttlesWidget as IWidget);
label: lambdaToMonitor.env.region,
let invocationsWidget = this.widgets[`${name} Invocations`];
if (!invocationsWidget) {
invocationsWidget = new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
title: `${name} Invocations`,
leftYAxis: {
showUnits: true,
height: 6,
width: 6,
this.widgets[`${name} Invocations`] = invocationsWidget;
widgetsToAdd.push(invocationsWidget as IWidget);
label: lambdaToMonitor.env.region,
let durationsWidget = this.widgets[`${name} Durations`];
if (!durationsWidget) {
durationsWidget = new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({
title: `${name} Durations`,
leftYAxis: {
showUnits: true,
height: 6,
width: 6,
this.widgets[`${name} Durations`] = durationsWidget;
widgetsToAdd.push(durationsWidget as IWidget);
label: lambdaToMonitor.env.region,
if (widgetsToAdd.length > 0) {
interface DeploymentStageProps extends StageProps {
dashboardStack: DashboardStack;
export class DeploymentStage extends Stage {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: DeploymentStageProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
new ApplicationStack(this, "ApplicationStack", { dashboardStack: props.dashboardStack });
export class PipelineStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const source = CodePipelineSource.connection(`${GITHUB_ORGANIZATION}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}`, 'main', {
connectionArn: '...',
const pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, "Pipeline", {
crossAccountKeys: true,
synth: new CodeBuildStep(this, "SynthStep", {
input: source,
installCommands: ["n auto", "corepack enable", "pnpm install"],
commands: ['pnpm cdk synth'],
const dashboardDeploymentStage = new DashboardDeploymentStage(pipelineStack, "dashboard", {
env: { account: '123456789', region: "us-west-2" },
const caDeploymentStage = new DeploymentStage(pipelineStack, "ca", {
env: { account: '123456789', region: "ca-central-1" },
dashboardStack: dashboardDeploymentStage.dashboardStack,
const usDeploymentStage = new DeploymentStage(pipelineStack, "ca", {
env: { account: '123456789', region: "us-east-1" },
dashboardStack: dashboardDeploymentStage.dashboardStack,
const production = pipeline.addWave("production");
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