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Last active March 22, 2016 01:31
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Restricted access with elm-transit-router
module Main (..) where
import Effects exposing (Effects, Never, none)
import Json.Decode as Json
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import String
import StartApp
import Signal exposing (Address)
import Task
import TransitStyle
import TransitRouter exposing (WithRoute, getTransition)
import Routes exposing (..)
import HomePage exposing (..)
import LoginPage exposing (..)
import ContactsPage exposing (..)
import Maybe exposing (..)
-- Model
type Action
= NoOp
| RouterAction (TransitRouter.Action Route)
| HomePageAction HomePage.Action
| LoginPageAction LoginPage.Action
| ContactsPageAction ContactsPage.Action
type alias Model = WithRoute Route
{ authToken : Maybe String
, homePageModel : HomePage.Model
, loginPageModel : LoginPage.Model
, contactsPageModel : ContactsPage.Model
-- Update
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ authToken = Nothing
, transitRouter = TransitRouter.empty Routes.HomeRoute
, homePageModel = HomePage.initialModel
, loginPageModel = LoginPage.initialModel
, contactsPageModel = ContactsPage.initialModel
init : String -> ( Model, Effects Action )
init path =
TransitRouter.init routerConfig path initialModel
routerConfig : TransitRouter.Config Route Action Model
routerConfig =
{ mountRoute = mountRoute
, getDurations = \_ _ _ -> ( 50, 200 )
, actionWrapper = RouterAction
, routeDecoder = Routes.decode
mountRoute : Route -> Route -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action )
mountRoute prevRoute route model =
case model.authToken of
Nothing ->
case route of
HomeRoute ->
( model, Effects.none )
LoginRoute ->
( model, Effects.none )
ContactsRoute ->
( model
, Routes.redirect LoginRoute |> (\_ -> NoOp)
Just _ ->
case route of
HomeRoute ->
( model, Effects.none )
LoginRoute ->
( model, Effects.none )
ContactsRoute ->
( model, Effects.none )
actions : Signal Action
actions = RouterAction TransitRouter.actions
update : Action -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action )
update action model =
case action of
NoOp ->
noEffects model
HomePageAction pageAction ->
noEffects { model | homePageModel = HomePage.update pageAction model.homePageModel }
LoginPageAction pageAction ->
noEffects { model | loginPageModel = LoginPage.update pageAction model.loginPageModel }
ContactsPageAction pageAction ->
noEffects { model | contactsPageModel = ContactsPage.update pageAction model.contactsPageModel }
RouterAction routeAction ->
TransitRouter.update routerConfig routeAction model
noEffects : Model -> ( Model, Effects Action )
noEffects model =
( model, Effects.none )
module Routes (..) where
import Effects exposing (..)
import RouteParser exposing (..)
import TransitRouter
import Debug
type Route
= HomeRoute
| LoginRoute
| ContactsRoute
decode : String -> Route
decode path =
RouteParser.match routeParsers path
|> Maybe.withDefault HomeRoute
encode : Route -> String
encode route =
case route of
HomeRoute ->
LoginRoute ->
ContactsRoute ->
redirect : Route -> Effects ()
redirect route =
encode route
|> Signal.send TransitRouter.pushPathAddress
|> Effects.task
routeParsers : List (Matcher Route)
routeParsers =
[ static HomeRoute "/"
, static LoginRoute "/login"
, static ContactsRoute "/contacts"
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