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Last active February 14, 2019 02:20
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Backtracking solution to problem that locate the numbers from 1 to (n*n) in a board, Checking that the sum of all the rows, all the columns and the main diagonals are the same.
* @author brayan vasquez <>
* @version 0.1
* @date 13/02/2019
* Size of matrix n*n
const n = 3
* Magic constant
let sum = n * ((n**2 + 1) / 2);
* board where the numbers will be located
let matrix = [
* Method that call the checks functions and compares them
* @param {*} matrix board with all the numbers located
* @param {*} verified tell if a board is a solution
function verify(matrix,verified=false){
return verify_row_colums(matrix,false,verified) &&
verify_row_colums(matrix,true,verified) &&
verify_diagonal(matrix,0,1,verified) &&
* Method that check for the columns or the rows if the sum is equal to the magic constant
* @param {*} matrix board with all the numbers located
* @param {*} rows tell if is a verification for rows or columns
* @param {*} verified tell if a board is a solution
function verify_row_colums(matrix,rows=false,verified){
let new_sum = 0;
let message = "";
for(let i = 0; i < n;i++){ // Iterate the rows of the matrix
for(let j=0; j < n; j++){ // Iterate the columns of the matrix
message = "SUM ROW"
new_sum += matrix[i][j] // ROWS ---
message = "SUM COLUM"
new_sum += matrix[j][i] // COLUMS |
let resp = sum === new_sum? true: false;
if(!resp) return false
if(verified) console.log(message,i,new_sum)
new_sum = 0;
return true
* Method that check for a diagonals if the sum is equal to the magic constant
* @param {*} matrix board with all the numbers located
* @param {*} m tell the horizontal position to start
* @param {*} num_diagonal tell the diagonal to check
* @param {*} verified tell if a board is a solution
function verify_diagonal(matrix,m,diagonal,verified){
let k = 0; // vertical position
let new_sum = 0;
* x 0 0
* 0 x 0 x -> represent the positions to check
* 0 0 x
while(k < n && m < n){
new_sum += matrix[k][m];
* 0 0 x
* 0 x 0 x -> represent the positions to check
* x 0 0
while(k < n && m >= 0){
new_sum += matrix[k][m];
if(verified) console.log("SUM DIAGONAL "+diagonal,new_sum)
return new_sum === sum? true:false;
* Method that use backtracking to find a solution
* @param {*} matrix board where the numbers will be located
* @param {*} index node number on the recursion tree
* @param {*} num number to locate
function sum_matrix(matrix,index,num){
let resp = 0;
// If all the board was iterated
if(index >= n*n){
//> console.log(i))
// Verify if the board is a solution of the problem
* print the solution
return true
for(let i=0; i < n; i++){ // Iterate the rows of the matrix
for(let j=0; j < n; j++){ // Iterate the columns of the matrix
if(matrix[i][j] === 0){ // locate a number just if the position is empty
matrix[i][j] = num; // change the state of the matrix
resp = sum_matrix(matrix,index+1,num+1) // call the method for the new matrix
// and the next number to locate
if(resp) break; // If a solution exist, just break the loops
matrix[i][j] = 0; // remove the last change in the matrix
return resp;
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