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Created July 31, 2016 03:29
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Warframe's Acolytes appearances Slack notifier
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Search for FIXME and change the webhook to a valid Slack one.
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<body style="background-color: #f0f0f0;">
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<h2>Persistent Enemies</h2>
<div class="card-deck-wrapper">
<div class="card-deck persistentenemies-container text-left">
No enemies have been discovered.
<div id="confirmation">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Notify on disappearance:</span>
<div class="list-group segmented-control" style="display: inline-block;">
<a href="#" class="list-group-item affirmative">
<input type="radio" name="confirmed" value="1"/>
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<input type="radio" checked="" name="confirmed" value="0"/>
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<script id="alert-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<li class="list-group-item">
<p class="alert-badge"><span class="badge time alert2" data-starttime="{{starttime}}" data-endtime="{{endtime}}"></span>
{{{badges}}}<span class="alert-node">{{node}} ({{region}})</span> | <span class="alert-type">{{type}}</span> (<span class="alert-fc">{{faction}}</span>) | {{description}} | Level: {{minlevel}}-{{maxlevel}}
<script id="sale-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<li class="list-group-item flashsale"><span class="badge time" data-starttime="{{starttime}}" data-endtime="{{endtime}}"></span><span class="sale-name">{{name}}</span> | <span class="sale-discount">{{discount}}% off</span> | <span class="sale-amount">{{{amount}}}</span>
<script id="peaceful_ds-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class="armistice_node">
<a class="toggler list-group-item" id="{{id}}">
<span class="pull-left"><strong>{{node}} ({{region}})</strong><i><span class="small-footer"> {{type}} </span>
<span class="hidden-xs"> Tax: {{pub_cred}}%/{{pub_resource}}%</span> </span>
<span class="pull-right"><span class="header-time hidden-xs" data-time="{{time}}"></span> <strong>{{status}} </strong>
<span class="caret"></span></span>
<br style="clear: both;">
<div class="blpanel collapse">
<div class="well">
<p><a target="_blank" href="/wf/clan_bl_history.html#{{def_id}}">{{name}}</a>
<p>Deployed by: {{deployed}}</p>
<p>Authored by: {{author}}</p>
<ul class="nobullets">
<li>Public Credits/Resource Tribute: {{pub_cred}}%/{{pub_resource}}%</li>
<li>Member Credits/Resource Tribute: {{member_cred}}%/{{member_resource}}%</li>
<p>Tribute changed by: {{def_taxchange}} ({{def_taxchange_clan}})
<h5>Rail Health</h5>
<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{health}}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {{health}}%;">{{health}}%</div>
<h5>Tribute Change Allowed</h5>
<p class="taxtime" data-time="{{taxtime}}"></p>
{{{timer}}} {{{history}}}
<script id="deploying_ds-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class="deploying_node">
<a class="toggler list-group-item list-group-item-warning" id="{{id}}">
<span class="pull-left"><strong>{{node}} ({{region}})</strong> <i><span class="small-footer">{{type}} </span>
<span class="hidden-xs"> Tax: {{def_pub_cred}}%/{{def_pub_resource}}%</span> </span>
<span class="pull-right"><span class="header-time hidden-xs" data-time="{{time}}"></span> <strong><font color="#E34234">ATTACK DEPLOYING </font></strong>
<span class="caret"></span></span>
<br style="clear: both;">
<div class="blpanel collapse">
<div class="well">
<div class="col-md-6">
<h5>Defending {{def_is_alliance}}</h5>
<p><a target="_blank" href="/wf/clan_bl_history.html#{{def_id}}">{{def_name}}</a>
<p>Deployed by: {{def_deployer}}</p>
<p>Authored by: {{def_author}}</p>
<ul class="nobullets">
<li>Credits/Resource Tribute: {{def_pub_cred}}%/{{def_pub_resource}}%</li>
<li>Member Credits/Resources Tribute: {{def_member_cred}}%/{{def_member_resource}}%</li>
<p>Tribute changed by: {{def_taxchange}} ({{def_taxchange_clan}})
<h5>Rail Health</h5>
<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{def_health}}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {{def_health}}%;">{{def_health}}%</div>
<h5>Battle Pay</h5>
<h5>Tribute Change Allowed</h5>
<p class="taxtime" data-time="{{def_taxtime}}"></p>
<hr class="hidden-lg hidden-md">
<div class="col-md-6">
<h5>Attacking {{atk_is_alliance}}</h5>
<p><a target="_blank" href="/wf/clan_bl_history.html#{{atk_id}}">{{atk_name}}</a>
<p>Deployed by: {{atk_deployer}}</p>
<p>Authored by: {{atk_author}}</p>
<ul class="nobullets">
<li>Credits/Resource Tribute: {{atk_pub_cred}}%/{{atk_pub_resource}}%</li>
<li>Member Credits/Resources Tribute: {{atk_member_cred}}%/{{atk_member_resource}}%</li>
<p>Tribute changed by: {{atk_taxchange}} ({{atk_taxchange_clan}})
<h5>Rail Health</h5>
<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{atk_health}}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {{atk_health}}%;">{{atk_health}}%</div>
<h5>Battle Pay</h5>
<h5>Tribute Change Allowed</h5>
<p class="taxtime" data-time="{{atk_taxtime}}"></p>
<p><span class="bldeploytime" data-time="{{time}}"></span>
<script id="conflict_ds-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class="conflict_node">
<a class="toggler list-group-item list-group-item-danger" id="{{id}}">
<span class="pull-left"><strong>{{node}} ({{region}})</strong> <i><span class="small-footer">{{type}} </span>
<span> <span class="hidden-xs">{{def_name}} (</span><b>{{def_health}}</b>%<span class="hidden-xs">) vs {{atk_name}}</span> </span>
<span class="pull-right"><span class="header-time hidden-xs" data-time="{{time}}"></span> <strong><font color="red">CONFLICT</font></strong>
<span class="caret"></span></span>
<br style="clear: both;">
<div class="blpanel collapse">
<div class="well">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<h5>Defending {{def_is_alliance}}</h5>
<p><a target="_blank" href="/wf/clan_bl_history.html#{{def_id}}">{{def_name}}</a>
<p>Deployed by: {{def_deployer}}</p>
<p>Authored by: {{def_author}}</p>
<ul class="nobullets">
<li>Credits/Resource Tribute: {{def_pub_cred}}%/{{def_pub_resource}}%</li>
<li>Member Credits/Resources Tribute: {{def_member_cred}}%/{{def_member_resource}}%</li>
<p>Tribute changed by: {{def_taxchange}} ({{def_taxchange_clan}})
<h5>Rail Health</h5>
<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{def_health}}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {{def_health}}%;">{{def_health}}%</div>
<h5>Battle Pay</h5>
<p>Battle Pay set by: {{def_bpchange}} ({{def_bpchange_clan}})
<h5>Tribute Change Allowed</h5>
<p class="taxtime" data-time="{{def_taxtime}}"></p>
<hr class="hidden-lg hidden-md">
<div class="col-md-6">
<h5>Attacking {{atk_is_alliance}}</h5>
<p><a target="_blank" href="/wf/clan_bl_history.html#{{atk_id}}">{{atk_name}}</a>
<p>Deployed by: {{atk_deployer}}</p>
<p>Authored by: {{atk_author}}</p>
<ul class="nobullets">
<li>Credits/Resource Tribute: {{atk_pub_cred}}%/{{atk_pub_resource}}%</li>
<li>Member Credits/Resources Tribute: {{atk_member_cred}}%/{{atk_member_resource}}%</li>
<p>Tribute changed by: {{atk_taxchange}} ({{atk_taxchange_clan}})
<h5>Rail Health</h5>
<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{atk_health}}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {{atk_health}}%;">Attacking</div>
<h5>Battle Pay</h5>
<p>Battle Pay set by: {{atk_bpchange}} ({{atk_bpchange_clan}})
<h5>Tribute Change Allowed</h5>
<p class="taxtime" data-time="{{atk_taxtime}}"></p>
<div class="row"><span class="bltime" data-endtime="{{time}}"></span>
<script id="voidtrader-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class="void-trader">
<a class="toggler-vt list-group-item">
<span style="text-align:left;"><span><strong>{{name}}</strong> - {{node}}</span>
<span class="pull-right"><span class="vttime" data-starttime="{{activation}}" data-endtime="{{expiry}}"></span> <span class="caret"></span></span>
<br style="clear: both;">
<div class="vtpanel collapse">
<div class="well">
<!--<p>Next Rotation: {{rotation}} (Period (days): {{rotation_period}})--></p>
<!--<p>Node List: {{node_list}}</p>-->
<p>Active Manifest</p>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover table-striped">
{{#each active_manifest}}
<!--<p>Full Manifest List</p>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover table-striped">
{{#each this}}
<script id="darvo-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<li class="list-group-item darvodaily"><span class="badge time" data-starttime="{{starttime}}" data-endtime="{{endtime}}"></span><span class="deal-name bold">{{name}}</span> | <span class="deal-discount">{{discount}}% off</span> | <span class="deal-amount bold"><img src="img/plat.png" style="height:16px" title="platinum" alt="platinum"> {{{amount}}}</span> | <span class="deal-inventory"><strong>{{remaining}}</strong>/{{total}} left</span>
<script id="library-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<li class="list-group-item librarytarget">
<span class="badge target-time" data-starttime="{{time}}"></span>
<span class="target-name bold">{{name}}</span> | Scans required: <strong>{{scans}}</strong>
<div class="progress" style="background-color: #555555">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{progress}}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {{progress}}%;">{{progress}}</div>
<script id="persist-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{#if discovered}}
<div class="card card-success">
<div class="card card-danger">
<img class="card-img-top img-responsive" src="{{image}}" alt="#{{name}} card image">
<div class="card-block">
<h4 class="card-title">{{name}}</h4>
<div class="card-text">
<p>Health : {{parsePercentage heatlh}}</p>
<p class="located">Visible: {{{localizeBool discovered}}}</p>
<div class="card-footer text-muted">
Last Discovered: <span class="badge target-time" data-starttime="{{time}}"></span> at {{node}}, <strong>{{region}}</strong>
<!-- End templates -->
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (10000000 - 1 + 1)) + 1;
window.config = {
dataUrl: "",
platformDataUrl: "",
platform: "pc"
<!--<script src=""></script>-->
window.firstRun = true;
window.persistentStatus = new Map();
window.alertIds = [];
window.invasionIds = [];
window.existingConflicts = [];
String.prototype.toTitleCase = function() {
var str = this;
if(!str.length) {
return "";
str = str.split(" ");
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
str[i] = str[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + (str[i].substr(1).length ? str[i].substr(1).toLowerCase() : '');
return (str.length ? str.join(" ") : str);
function shouldNotifyDisappearances() {
return $('[name="confirmed"]:checked').val() === "1";
$(document).ready(function() {
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$('div.segmented-control a').each(function(i, e) {
$(this).find('input').prop('checked', true);
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function getAlertBadges(rewards) {
var rewards = rewards.split(" - ");
var badgestr = "";
for (i = 0; i < rewards.length; i++) {
var reward = rewards[i];
var style = "";
if (!reward.endsWith("cr"))
style = " style=\"background-color:blue;\"";
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$(this).html("<span title=\"Start: " + starttime.format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a") + " End: " + endtime.format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a") + "\">" + timetext + "</span>");
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var starttime = moment.unix($(this).data("starttime"));
var endtime = moment.unix($(this).data("endtime"));
var timetext = "";
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var duration = moment.duration(starttime.diff(moment(), 'seconds'), 'seconds');
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$(".bltime").each(function(index) {
var endtime = moment.unix($(this).data("endtime"));
var timetext = "Time remaining: ";
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var duration = moment.duration(endtime.diff(moment(), 'seconds'), 'seconds');
timetext += pad2(duration.hours() + duration.days() * 24) + "h " + pad2(duration.minutes()) + "m " + pad2(duration.seconds()) + "s";
} else if (endtime < moment()) {
var duration = moment.duration(endtime.diff(moment(), 'seconds'), 'seconds');
timetext += "-" + pad2(duration.hours() + duration.days() * -24) + "h " + pad2(duration.minutes() * -1) + "m " + pad2(duration.seconds() * -1) + "s";
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var timetext = "";
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$(this).html("<span title=\"End: " + endtime.format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a") + "\">" + timetext + "</span>");
$(".bldeploytime").each(function(index) {
var endtime = moment.unix($(this).data("time"));
var timetext = "Time to deployment: ";
if (endtime > moment()) {
var duration = moment.duration(endtime.diff(moment(), 'seconds'), 'seconds');
timetext += pad2(duration.hours() + duration.days() * 24) + "h " + pad2(duration.minutes()) + "m " + pad2(duration.seconds()) + "s";
} else if (endtime < moment()) {
var duration = moment.duration(endtime.diff(moment(), 'seconds'), 'seconds');
timetext += "-" + pad2(duration.hours() + duration.days() * -24) + "h " + pad2(duration.minutes() * -1) + "m " + pad2(duration.seconds() * -1) + "s";
$(this).html("<span title=\"Deployment: " + endtime.format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a") + "\">" + timetext + "</span>");
$(".taxtime").each(function(index) {
var endtime = moment.unix($(this).data("time"));
var timetext = "Allowed in: ";
if (endtime > moment()) {
var duration = moment.duration(endtime.diff(moment(), 'seconds'), 'seconds');
timetext += pad2(duration.hours() + duration.days() * 24) + "h " + pad2(duration.minutes()) + "m " + pad2(duration.seconds()) + "s";
} else if (endtime < moment()) {
timetext = "Tribute change allowed.";
$(this).html("<span title=\"Allowed: " + endtime.format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a") + "\">" + timetext + "</span>");
$(".header-time").each(function(index) {
if ($(this).data("time") == '0')
var endtime = moment.unix($(this).data("time"));
var timetext = "";
if (endtime > moment()) {
var duration = moment.duration(endtime.diff(moment(), 'seconds'), 'seconds');
timetext += pad2(duration.hours() + duration.days() * 24) + ":" + pad2(duration.minutes()) + ":" + pad2(duration.seconds()) + ' |';
} else if (endtime < moment()) {
timetext = "Completed.";
$(this).html("<span title=\"" + endtime.format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a") + "\">" + timetext + "</span>");
$(".target-time").each(function(index) {
var starttime = moment.unix($(this).data("starttime"));
var timetext = "";
var duration = '';
if (moment() < starttime) {
var duration = moment.duration(starttime.diff(moment(), 'seconds'), 'seconds');
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timetext = "Start: " + pad2(duration.days()) + "d " + pad2(duration.hours()) + "h " + pad2(duration.minutes()) + "m " + pad2(duration.seconds()) + "s";
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timetext = "Start: " + pad2(duration.hours()) + "h " + pad2(duration.minutes()) + "m " + pad2(duration.seconds()) + "s";
timetext = "Start: " + pad2(duration.minutes()) + "m " + pad2(duration.seconds()) + "s";
} else if (starttime < moment()) {
var duration = moment.duration(moment().diff(starttime, 'seconds'), 'seconds');
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timetext = pad2(duration.hours()) + "h " + pad2(duration.minutes()) + "m " + pad2(duration.seconds()) + "s";
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$(this).html("<span title=\"" + starttime.format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a") + "\">" + timetext + "</span>");
var hour = Math.floor(moment().valueOf() / 3600000) % 24;
var cycle = 'Night';
var colour = 'darkblue';
if ((hour >= 0 && hour < 4) || (hour >= 8 && hour < 12) || (hour >= 16 && hour < 20)) {
cycle = 'Day';
colour = 'orange';
var hourleft = 3 - (hour % 4);
minutes = 59 - moment().minutes();
seconds = 59 - moment().seconds();
$('#daynight').text(cycle).css('color', colour);
$('#daynight-timeleft').text("Time left: " + pad2(hourleft) + "h " + pad2(minutes) + "m " + pad2(seconds) + "s");
function updateInvasionSound(first) {
$.get(window.config.platformDataUrl + "invasion_raw.txt", function(data) {
var lines = data.split('\n');
var soundqueue = false;
var notify_invasion = [];
for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].length < 20)
var parts = lines[i].split('|');
var id = parts[0];
if ($.inArray(id, window.invasionIds) == -1) {
soundqueue = true;
node: parts[1],
region: parts[2],
desc: parts[18],
atk: parts[8],
atkreward: parts[10],
def: parts[3],
defreward: parts[5]
if (soundqueue && !first) {
$.each(notify_invasion, function(index, invasion) {
displayNotification('Warframe Invasion', '{0} ({1}) - {2} - {3} ({4}) - {5} ({6})'.f(invasion.node, invasion.region, invasion.desc, invasion.atk, invasion.atkreward, invasion.def, invasion.defreward));
function updateBadlands() {
var soundQueue = false;
var newList = [];
$.getJSON(window.config.platformDataUrl + "currentbadlands_2.json", function(data) {
var html = "";
function compare(a, b) {
var region2 = a.NodeRegionName.split('/');
var region = region2[region2.length - 1] + a.NodeDisplayName;
region2 = b.NodeRegionName.split('/');
var region1 = region2[region2.length - 1] + b.NodeDisplayName;
if (region < region1)
return -1;
if (region > region1)
return 1;
return 0;
$("#ds_pay_body tr").remove();
$.each(data, function(index, node) {
var name = node.NodeDisplayName;
var region2 = node.NodeRegionName.split('/');
var region = region2[region2.length - 1];
if (node.AttackerInfo == null || (node.ConflictExpiration != null && node.ConflictExpiration.sec < moment().unix())) {
var templateSource = $('#peaceful_ds-template').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(templateSource);
var def = node.DefenderInfo;
var defname = def.Name;
var message = def.MOTD;
var defhealth = ((def.StrengthRemaining / def.MaxStrength) * 100).toFixed(2);
var deployment = moment.unix(def.DeploymentActivationTime.sec);
var cooldown = moment.unix((node.PostConflictCooldown == null ? -1 : node.PostConflictCooldown.sec));
var oncooldown = node.PostConflictCooldown != null && cooldown > moment();
var data = {
node: name,
region: region,
type: node.NodeGameType,
time: oncooldown ? node.PostConflictCooldown.sec : (deployment > moment() ? def.DeploymentActivationTime.sec : 0),
status: deployment > moment() ? ' DEPLOYING' : (oncooldown ? ' ARMISTICE' : ''),
is_alliance: def.IsAlliance ? "Alliance" : "Clan",
name: defname,
deployed: def.DeployerName,
message: message,
author: def.MOTDAuthor,
pub_cred: def.CreditsTaxRate,
pub_resource: def.ItemsTaxRate,
member_cred: def.MemberCreditsTaxRate,
member_resource: def.MemberItemsTaxRate,
health: defhealth,
taxtime: def.TaxChangeAllowedTime.sec,
timer: deployment < moment() ? (oncooldown ? '<p class="bltime" data-endtime="{0}"></p>'.f(node.PostConflictCooldown.sec) : '') : '<p class="bldeploytime" data-time="{0}"></p>'.f(def.DeploymentActivationTime.seconds),
history: generateHistoryHtml(node.History, node, false),
def_taxchange: def.TaxLastChangedBy,
def_taxchange_clan: def.IsAlliance ? def.TaxLastChangedByClan : def.Name
html += template(data);
} else {
var atkname = node.AttackerInfo.Name;
var atkmessage = node.AttackerInfo.MOTD;
var message = node.DefenderInfo.MOTD;
var def = node.DefenderInfo;
var atk = node.AttackerInfo;
var defhealth = ((def.StrengthRemaining / def.MaxStrength) * 100).toFixed(2);
var atkhealth = ((atk.StrengthRemaining / atk.MaxStrength) * 100).toFixed(2);
var defpay = "No Battle Pay";
if (def.MissionBattlePay != null) {
defpay = commafy(def.MissionBattlePay) + "cr" + " (For {0} missions)".f(commafy(def.BattlePayReserve / def.MissionBattlePay));
if (def.BattlePayReserve != 0) {
$('#ds_pay_body').append('<tr><td><a href="#{5}">{0} ({1})</a></td><td>{2}</td><td>{3}</td><td>{4}</td><td>Defender</td></tr>'.f(name, region, commafy(def.MissionBattlePay), commafy(def.BattlePayReserve / def.MissionBattlePay), def.Name,;
action: 'defend',
pay: def.MissionBattlePay
var atkpay = "No Battle Pay";
if (atk.MissionBattlePay != null) {
atkpay = commafy(atk.MissionBattlePay) + "cr" + " (For {0} missions)".f(commafy(atk.BattlePayReserve / atk.MissionBattlePay));
if (atk.BattlePayReserve != 0) {
$('#ds_pay_body').append('<tr><td><a href="#{5}">{0} ({1})</a></td><td>{2}</td><td>{3}</td><td>{4}</td><td>Attacker</td></tr>'.f(name, region, commafy(atk.MissionBattlePay), commafy(atk.BattlePayReserve / atk.MissionBattlePay), atk.Name,;
action: 'attack',
pay: atk.MissionBattlePay
var atkdeploy = moment.unix(atk.DeploymentActivationTime.sec);
if (atkdeploy > moment()) {
var templateSource = $('#deploying_ds-template').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(templateSource);
var data = {
node: name,
region: region,
type: node.NodeGameType,
time: atk.DeploymentActivationTime.sec,
def_is_alliance: def.IsAlliance ? "Alliance" : "Clan",
def_name: def.Name,
def_deployer: def.DeployerName,
def_message: message,
def_author: def.MOTDAuthor,
def_pub_cred: def.CreditsTaxRate,
def_pub_resource: def.ItemsTaxRate,
def_member_cred: def.MemberCreditsTaxRate,
def_member_resource: def.MemberItemsTaxRate,
def_health: defhealth,
def_pay: defpay,
def_taxtime: def.TaxChangeAllowedTime.sec,
def_taxchange: def.TaxLastChangedBy,
def_taxchange_clan: def.IsAlliance ? def.TaxLastChangedByClan : def.Name,
atk_is_alliance: atk.IsAlliance ? "Alliance" : "Clan",
atk_name: atk.Name,
atk_deployer: atk.DeployerName,
atk_message: atkmessage,
atk_author: atk.MOTDAuthor,
atk_pub_cred: atk.CreditsTaxRate,
atk_pub_resource: atk.ItemsTaxRate,
atk_member_cred: atk.MemberCreditsTaxRate,
atk_member_resource: atk.MemberItemsTaxRate,
atk_health: atkhealth,
atk_pay: atkpay,
atk_taxtime: atk.TaxChangeAllowedTime.sec,
atk_taxchange: atk.TaxLastChangedBy,
atk_taxchange_clan: atk.IsAlliance ? atk.TaxLastChangedByClan : atk.Name,
history: generateHistoryHtml(node.History, node, false)
html += template(data);
} else {
var conflictend = node.ConflictExpiration.sec;
var templateSource = $('#conflict_ds-template').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(templateSource);
var data = {
node: name,
region: region,
type: node.NodeGameType,
time: node.ConflictExpiration.sec,
def_is_alliance: def.IsAlliance ? "Alliance" : "Clan",
def_name: def.Name,
def_deployer: def.DeployerName,
def_message: message,
def_author: def.MOTDAuthor,
def_pub_cred: def.CreditsTaxRate,
def_pub_resource: def.ItemsTaxRate,
def_member_cred: def.MemberCreditsTaxRate,
def_member_resource: def.MemberItemsTaxRate,
def_health: defhealth,
def_pay: defpay,
def_taxtime: def.TaxChangeAllowedTime.sec,
def_health_count: def.StrengthRemaining,
def_max_health: def.MaxStrength,
def_dmg: def.DamagePerMission,
def_taxchange: def.TaxLastChangedBy,
def_taxchange_clan: def.IsAlliance ? def.TaxLastChangedByClan : def.Name,
def_bpchange: def.BattlePaySetBy,
def_bpchange_clan: def.IsAlliance ? def.BattlePaySetByClan : def.Name,
atk_is_alliance: atk.IsAlliance ? "Alliance" : "Clan",
atk_name: atk.Name,
atk_deployer: atk.DeployerName,
atk_message: atkmessage,
atk_author: atk.MOTDAuthor,
atk_pub_cred: atk.CreditsTaxRate,
atk_pub_resource: atk.ItemsTaxRate,
atk_member_cred: atk.MemberCreditsTaxRate,
atk_member_resource: atk.MemberItemsTaxRate,
atk_health: atkhealth,
atk_pay: atkpay,
atk_taxtime: atk.TaxChangeAllowedTime.sec,
atk_health_count: atk.StrengthRemaining,
atk_max_health: atk.MaxStrength,
atk_dmg: atk.DamagePerMission,
atk_taxchange: atk.TaxLastChangedBy,
atk_taxchange_clan: atk.IsAlliance ? atk.TaxLastChangedByClan : atk.Name,
atk_bpchange: atk.BattlePaySetBy,
atk_bpchange_clan: atk.IsAlliance ? atk.BattlePaySetByClan : atk.Name,
history: generateHistoryHtml(node.History, node, true)
html += template(data);
window.existingConflicts = newList;
$(".toggler").click(function() {
$(".toggler2").click(function() {
var toggler = $(this);
headerTemplate: '{content} {icon}',
widgets: ['uitheme'],
sortList: [
[1, 1]
function generateHistoryHtml(history_list, node, add) {
var html = '';
if (add) {
html += '<p><a target="_blank" href="/wf/bl_history.html#{0}_{1}|ongoing">Current Health/Pay History</a></p>'.f(, node.AttackerInfo.DeploymentActivationTime.sec);
html += '<h5><a class="toggler2" data-id="{0}">Conflict History</a></h5><div class="blpanel2 collapse" id="{0}_history">Loading...</div>'.f(;
return html;
function getHistory(toggler) {
var nodeid ='id');
$.getJSON(window.config.dataUrl + 'bl_logs/history/' + nodeid + '_' + window.config.platform + '.json', function(history_list) {
if (history_list == null || typeof(history_list) == 'undefined')
return '';
function compare(a, b) {
return (b.End.sec - a.End.sec);
var html = '<ul class="nobullets" id="' + nodeid + '_pagination' + '">';
$.each(history_list, function(index, history) {
var temp = '<li>';
temp += (( == ? '<b>' : '') + '<a target="_blank" href="/wf/clan_bl_history.html#{0}">'.f( +
history.Def + ((( == ? ' (Winner)</b>' : '') + '</a>');
temp += ' vs ';
temp += (( == ? '<b>' : '') + '<a target="_blank" href="/wf/clan_bl_history.html#{0}">'.f( +
history.Att + ((( == ? ' (Winner)</b>' : '') + '</a>');
temp += " || ";
var start = moment.unix(history.Start.sec);
var end = moment.unix(history.End.sec);
temp += start.format("MMMM Do, h:mm:ss a");
temp += ' - ';
temp += end.format("MMMM Do, h:mm:ss a");
temp += ' || <a target="_blank" href="/wf/bl_history.html#{0}_{1}">Health/Pay History</a>'.f(nodeid, history.Start.sec);
temp += '</li>'
html += temp;
html += '</ul>';
$('#' + nodeid + '_history').html(html);
$('#' + nodeid + '_pagination').quickPager();
function getRegion(id) {
switch (id) {
case 0:
return "Mercury";
case 1:
return "Venus";
case 2:
return "Earth";
case 3:
return "Mars";
case 4:
return "Jupiter";
case 5:
return "Saturn";
case 6:
return "Uranus";
case 7:
return "Neptune";
case 8:
return "Pluto";
case 9:
return "Ceres";
case 10:
return "Eris";
case 11:
return "Sedna";
case 12:
return "Europa";
case 15:
return "Phobos";
return "-";
function updatePersistent() {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (10000000 - 1 + 1)) + 1;
$.getJSON(window.config.platformDataUrl + "persistenemies.json?v=" + rnd, function(data) {
var templateSource = $('#persist-template').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(templateSource);
var enemiesData = []
$.each(data, function(index, enemy) {
enemy.LocTag = enemy.LocTag.toLowerCase();
name: enemy.LocTag.toTitleCase(),
image: enemy.Icon,
node: enemy.LastDiscoveredLocation,
time: enemy.LastDiscoveredTime.sec,
heatlh: enemy.HealthPercent * 100,
flee_dmg: enemy.FleeDamage,
discovered: enemy.Discovered,
rank: enemy.Rank,
region: getRegion(enemy.Region),
if ( enemy.Discovered ) {
if ( /*window.firstRun === false && */
( window.persistentStatus.has(enemy.LocTag) === false ||
window.persistentStatus.get(enemy.LocTag).discovered !== enemy.Discovered )
) {
sendPersistentEnemyNotification(enemy.LocTag, enemy.LastDiscoveredLocation, getRegion(enemy.Region), enemy.HealthPercent * 100);
window.persistentStatus.set(enemy.LocTag, { discovered: enemy.Discovered, location: enemy.LastDiscoveredLocation });
} else {
if ( shouldNotifyDisappearances() &&
window.persistentStatus.has(enemy.LocTag) === true &&
window.persistentStatus.get(enemy.LocTag).discovered !== enemy.Discovered ) {
sendPersistentEnemyDisappearedNotification(enemy.LocTag, enemy.HealthPercent * 100);
window.persistentStatus.set(enemy.LocTag, { discovered: enemy.Discovered })
enemies: enemiesData
}).done(function() {
if ( window.firstRun === true ) {
window.firstRun = false;
function isSoundPay(id, action, pay) {
function displayNotification(title, msg) {
if (!("Notification" in window)) {
console.log("This browser does not support desktop notification");
Notification.requestPermission(function(permission) {});
var options = {
body: msg,
icon: ''
var n = new Notification(title, options);
function sendPersistentEnemyNotification(enemyName, enemyLoc, enemyLocPlanet, enemyHPLeft) {
var payload = JSON.stringify({
icon_url: "",
username: "warframe-notifications",
attachments: [
text: "Tenno, a new Acolyte (" + enemyName.toTitleCase() + ") has been detected :crossed_swords::crossed_swords::crossed_swords:",
color: "good",
fields: [
"title": "Name",
"value": enemyName.toTitleCase(),
"short": true
"title": "HP remaining",
"value": parseFloat(Math.round(enemyHPLeft * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + "%",
"short": true
"title": "Location",
"value": enemyLoc.toTitleCase() + ", " + enemyLocPlanet.toTitleCase(),
"short": true
var url = ''; // FIXME
$.post( url, payload, function() {
console.log( "success" );
}, "json").fail(function() {
console.error( "error sending notification" );
function sendPersistentEnemyDisappearedNotification(enemyName, enemyHPLeft) {
var payload = JSON.stringify({
icon_url: "",
username: "warframe-notifications",
attachments: [
text: "Tenno, an Acolyte (" + enemyName.toTitleCase() + ") has just disappeared :ghost:",
color: "danger",
fields: [
"title": "Name",
"value": enemyName.toTitleCase(),
"short": true
"title": "HP remaining",
"value": parseFloat(Math.round(enemyHPLeft * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + "%",
"short": true
var url = ''; // FIXME
$.post( url, payload, function() {
console.log( "success" );
}, "json").fail(function() {
console.error( "error sending notification" );
function playSound(check) {
if (!window.HTMLAudioElement) {
alert("New event! Your browser does not support HTML5 audio, so no sound for you.")
var s = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];;
function update() {
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case 'checkbox':
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if (v1 === v2) {
return options.fn(this);
return options.inverse(this);
Handlebars.registerHelper('parsePercentage', function(number) {
return parseFloat(Math.round(number * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + "%";
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Copy link

louiej commented Feb 11, 2017

Hey, would this still work on the current acolyte hunt?

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