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Last active February 11, 2019 14:45
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Google Analytics Color Fixer
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Google Analytics color fixer
@version 1.0.0
@description Swaps the default blue-based palette with a proper one. Thanks to for the idea & color selection
@author You
@preprocessor stylus
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/\\/analytics\\/web\\/.+embed\\/report-home\\/.+\\/"), url-prefix("")
colors = (#003f5c #2f4b7c #665191 #a05195 #d45087 #f95d6a #ff7c43 #ffa600)
fill: colors[0] !important;
.ga-card-list-container .realtime
background-color: colors[3] !important
.ga-data-table .ga-viz-table-row-background
fill: colors[3] !important
for i in range(0,(length(colors) - 1))
posFromStart = colors[i]
//posFromEnd = colors[(length(colors)-(i+1))]
stacked-bar-chart > svg g.layer:nth-child({i+1})
fill: posFromStart !important
ga-tabbed-chart .metric-table-container:nth-child({i+1}) > div
background-color: posFromStart !important
pie-chart > svg > g.pie > path:nth-child({i+1})
fill: posFromStart !important
fill: posFromStart !important
.blue-{i+1} rect
fill: posFromStart !important
ga-d3-cohort-table .blue-{i+1} rect
fill: posFromStart !important
line-chart > svg > g.chart-root > g.chart-group > path:nth-child({i+1})
stroke: posFromStart !important
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