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Created July 12, 2018 15:09
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markdeep suggestions
By adding the following small snippet at the top of markdeepToHTML markdeep can sortof support local file insertion when being run in node.js.
function markdeepToHTML(str, elementMode, local_file_handler = undefined) {
// If a local file handler is specified, resolve '(insert src here)' directly when possible'
// Only expected to be used when run as script via node.js
if (local_file_handler !== undefined) {
str = str.rp(/(?:^|\s)\(insert[ \t]+(\S+\.\S*)[ \t]+here\)\s/g, function(match, filename) {
var content = local_file_handler(filename);
if (content === undefined) {
// Leave unchanged!
return match;
} else {
return content;
Using it looks like this:
fs = require('fs'); // file system
function local_file_handler(filename) {
var fn = 'docs/' + filename;
try {
var content = fs.readFileSync('docs/' + filename, 'utf8');
console.log(' Successfully inserted ' + fn);
return content;
} catch (err) {
console.log(' Failed to insert ' + fn + ', error ' + err);
return undefined;
content = window.markdeep.format(data, false, local_file_handler);
Caveat 1 - Assumes utf8 source documents
I'm not sure how to detect encoding of source document in node.js and it is not specified in the insert statement.
I should probably open it in ascii and see if there is a meta-tag first.
Caveat 2 - Assumption no markdeep script tag
Currently assumes that there is no markdeep-loading script in the file being inserted.
That is no markdeep-script-tag.
I think it would be nice to solve that here but not sure how to exactly.
If the use case is to support server-side execution from node.js then maybe it is ok to not have it in the source files.
I already assume 2 in the main document for the [offline processor]( but I think it would be nice to lift it here.
Caveat 3 - Security etc
The link is not verified so this should only be run on on documents you trust or in a sand-box.
I would probably move the validation to the local_file_handler-function so markdeep itself doesn't have to grow.
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breakin commented Jul 12, 2018

Here is a commit to markdeep-offline breakin/markdeep-offline@5012aeb
It also "fixes" (in a very naive way) caveat 2 by removing any line starting with .

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